Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

4 Ways To Solve Disagreements About Money!

May 7, 2019

There are only three things you can do with it: spend it, save it, or give it away. Only three choices. Yet when it comes to the bottom line of disagreements, you'll probably find it, almost every time.  It's money!  No matter how much they have, or how little they have, people don't agree on how it's spent.  Playing a prominent part in at least 85% of all broken homes, the handling of money is one of the most explosive issues that confront people today, especially in times of recession and inflation.

Featured Offer

In this booklet, you will find devotional readings from each of Guidelines' daily and weekly devotionals: Reset with Bonnie Sala, Guidelines for Living with Harold Sala, and Encouraging Words with Darlene Sala. Let God's Word shine in your life every day!


When the level begins to sink in the honeycomb of life, it does not merely affect one aspect of your life‑‑say the physical or the emotional. It affects everything‑‑your body, your emotions, and your spiritual nature all at once. There has been a blind spot in our thinking that compartmentalizes life. You have aches or pains. "That is physical!" you think. You are sure that aspirin or an antibiotic will be enough to cure it, but it does not work that way. The physical may merely be the cause of tension, and aspirin or antibiotics would merely be treating the symptom‑‑not the cause.
May 6, 2019
Have you ever had the experience of having to drive a considerable distance with an empty gas tank? You knew that you were running low on fuel, but you were late for an appointment, in a hurry to get somewhere, and you kept thinking, "Yeah, I've got enough to get there," but you were unconvinced. You kept glancing at the fuel gauge, then your watch. The fuel gauge was slightly above empty, then the red warning light came on, then your fuel gauge rested solidly on the empty mark.  Your stomach grew tighter and tighter.
May 3, 2019
“He received the call to the ministry at age 16.” “She was called to work with disabled children in Africa.” For most of us, the Call of God is associated with ministers and missionaries. Not the sort of thing that touches the life of the “ordinary” Christian. 
May 2, 2019
Following their fiftieth anniversary, an old farmer began reminiscing.  “Wife,” he began, “right after we first got married, and the great flood wiped out our farm, you stood by my side.”  “Yes, dear,” she replied. “Then, years ago when I was struck by lightning, you stood by my side as well.” “Yes, dear,” she dutifully intoned.  “Then last year when we had the fire and burned down our place, you stood by my side, didn’t you?” “Yes, dear,” she says for the third time. “I’ve been thinking,” drawled the old farmer, “it’s rather dangerous when you stand by my side!”  
May 1, 2019
Is there anything too hard for the Lord?" Some three times, that question is asked in Scripture. But how would you answer it? Today we are faced with a quandary. Either we nod our heads and say, "Yes! God can do anything," unsure of whether we really believe this, or else we are confronted with empty hands and hearts, wondering why God didn't step in and reverse some troublesome situations confronting us.
April 30, 2019
If only. Two little words in the English language that convey so much meaning, so much angst and despair.  If only I had listened. If only I hadn’t done that. If only I hadn’t said that or said something else. If only that hadn’t happened to me… If only I could do that over again. Regret, like bitterness, is a prison that we put ourselves in.
April 29, 2019
Walking away from your nets when Jesus calls you is never easy! Vast numbers of people hear his voice. They know the voice of the Shepherd and would like to be counted among the fortunate who sit at his feet, but their hands seem to be frozen to their nets. Yes, they will gladly follow provided they can bring their nets with them, but to turn loose is more than they can handle.
April 26, 2019
Jack and his wife Sue should have more than enough to be satisfied!  He’s an attorney with an income in six figures and a growing practice. She’s an interior decorator. Ten years before, Jack had married his childhood sweetheart. In the early years of their marriage, they often talked hours at a time, and when words were exhausted, they held hands and their hearts communicated with each other.  
April 25, 2019
A certain woman wanting to join her church group going to Israel wondered if she should spend the money. “God,” she prayed, “please give me a sign and show me what I should do.”  Placing the glossy brochure on her table beside the bed, she drifted off to sleep. Waking the next morning, she noticed the digital clock read 7:47 AM.  “Didn’t the brochure say we were traveling on a Boeing 747?” she asked herself as she picked up the brochure for another look.
April 24, 2019
Once you have seen the hand of God that reaches out towards His created subjects, you will never forget it.  I’m thinking of the tremendous work done by Michelangelo in the Sistine chapel.  In that simple depiction is the story of the entire Bible--God reaching out to touch us at the point of our needs.  All theology only puts meaning to that truth. All history only demonstrates it. Unlike angry deities who must be satisfied with blood sacrifice--sometimes even the life of your firstborn--the God of the Bible is a loving God who reaches out to touch you at the point of your need, where you hurt.  
April 23, 2019
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In this booklet, you will find devotional readings from each of Guidelines' daily and weekly devotionals: Reset with Bonnie Sala, Guidelines for Living with Harold Sala, and Encouraging Words with Darlene Sala. Let God's Word shine in your life every day!

About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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Mission Viejo, CA 92692