God's Great Outdoors

Dean Hulce

Bass Master Classic winner Hank Parker

February 22, 2010
Two time Bass Master Classic winner Hank Parker shares with Gerry about what is going on in professional fishing and how it has changed since he was on the fishing circuit. They also discuss Hank’s deer hunting adventures with his sons who have a TV show called Hank Parker 3D and how important relationships with our children are.

Featured Offer

Gerry Caillouet 2 - True Stories
God's Great Outdoors Friends, Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!


Treestand safety is the topic of this weeks program as statistically 1 in 3 of those who hunt from an elevated platform will have an accident sometime in their hunting career. Keith Jones from Summit Treestands explains how to avoid becoming one of those statistics, the use of safety harnesses and a new discovery that is important for every hunter who uses a treestand to be aware of.
February 15, 2010
Pastor Phil Schmunk shares about the Fishers of Men Retreats in Ontario, Canada and how bringing unsaved friends or relatives can see them come to Christ during their time in God's creation. Phil also shares about how he lost his 21 year old son to unknown causes and the reality that had to be put to the test of his faith and those things he preached about for many years.
February 8, 2010
This weeks program is an interview with Burt Harris from Table in the Wilderness Ministries. Gerry and Burt talk about their Wyoming evangelistic antelope hunts and all the other types of ministries that are conducted by TWM. They also discuss how building relationships with others allows the sharing of Jesus Christ after of a period of two years, statistically, those friends pray to receive the Lord.
February 1, 2010
This week’s program is an interview with Pastor Craig Mickey from a church in Pennsylvania. With over 1 million whitetail deer hunters in the Keystone State their annual game dinner really draws a crowd. Craig and Gerry discuss how the dinner got its start and the impact that it is having throughout the year in the community as those who attend, some with no church background whatsoever, are being impacted.
January 25, 2010
The opportunity to take a friend to Wyoming for an antelope hunt may be the very thing that will have him sit and listen to a speaker share about the Creator God and his need for a personal relationship. This week’s program is about Table in the Wilderness in Casper, WY and the interview is with the founder Dan Wahlgren. A year round outdoor outreach facility that does hiking, backpacking, whitewater rafting, canoeing, fly fishing, and many other types of events with both youth and men's groups. Dan Wahlgren is an excellent speaker, call (307) 399-0906.
January 18, 2010
This weeks guest is Toni Mattson from the Trinity Equestrian Center in Eau Clair, WI. Toni relates how the staff at this facility uses horses and the power of the Holy Spirit working through the situations to reveal the Creator God. From the normal types of equestrian events, to those with severe disabilities, mental handicaps, and incarcerated juveniles there is a broad spectrum of opportunities that God is sending their way. Toni is an excellent speaker, call (715) 835-4530.
January 11, 2010
In a previous program listeners heard how Dan Ryks from South St. Paul, MN shared his amazing testimony of coming to Christ while in prison. In this program Dan shares the miraculous story of how he survives being thrown out of a boat into the St. Croix River a hundred yards from shore with the only a degree above turning to ice. This is a testimony of God answering prayer in the middle of what should have been a tragedy. Dan Ryks is an excellent speaker, call (651) 503-6624.
January 4, 2010
A small town in Louisiana winds up doing a game dinner that brings in far more people each year then live in this little rural community. Gerry’s guest is Rodney Johnson who heads up the outdoor ministry team that puts on this evangelistic outdoor outreach each year, where many men have prayed to receive Christ as Lord and savior.
December 28, 2009
The editor of Bowhunter Magazine Dwight Schuh shares about some of his recent adventures in the field including a charge attack by a huge bull moose. Dwight relates the story of how he became an outdoor writer/editor and gives God the glory. This is the testimony listeners could read and give away in the tract The Greatest Hunt of All written by Dwight Schuh.
December 21, 2009
Half of the Christian singing duet of Steve & Annie Chapman is the guest on this weeks program. Steve Chapman shares about memories he has made in the field with his two children and now with his son-in-law who has become an avid outdoorsman. Steve's stories are related in a number of his books such as A Look at Life From a Deer Stand.
December 14, 2009
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Gerry Caillouet 2 - True Stories
God's Great Outdoors Friends, Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!

About God's Great Outdoors

Join us on The Trail to Adventure a weekly 25-minute radio program that takes you on the journey to meet with well-known Christians who enjoy the outdoors.

About Dean Hulce

Dean Hulce was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where he spent every weekend in the woods or on the water with family and friends.  After graduation he married his highschool sweetheart Linda.  They have two boys and 5 grandchildren. 

Dean has written for several hunting and fishing magazines over the last 25 years. He has guided  hunters and fisherman as well as run hunting fishing camps from South Texas to Alaska and many states and provinces in between.  In the last 10 years Dean has written a daily devotional that goes out to thousands each day. He had published 5 devotional books, using hunting stories to bring a message to people.  He has traveled across the USA speaking to groups, spreading the gospel through outdoor experiences.

Dean has no doubt that God has prepared him his entire life for his position with God's Great Outdoors Ministry 

Contact God's Great Outdoors with Dean Hulce

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God's Great Outdoors
1351 Larrel Lane
West Milton,OH 45383
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1-877-TALKGGO (1-877-825-5446)
(937) 698-3656
9 am TO 6 pm EST