Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

Tyranny – Part 469 - Attacks on Home Economies

July 25, 2011
Kevin Swanson revisits the problem of government tyranny, this time on home economies. A family is fined $90,000 for raising 200 rabbits in Missouri. Another woman faces 93 days in jail for cultivating a garden in her yard. Should Christians participate in bureaucracies like the FDA or the BATF, that would fine or imprison the innocent citizenry when they have done nothing to harm the person or property of someone else? Kevin points out that controls of families and family economies could be worse here than in communist Vietnam!

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Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


When a man embraces the homosexual lifestyle, the teeth of the bear trap settle deep into the skin of the homosexual. A few make it out. If the blood of Christ is sufficient to cut through anything, it can cut through the power and guilt of captivating and corrosive sins like homosexuality. Brian is married to Pam, and God has blessed them with two sweet children. But in the 1990s, Brian lived the lifestyle of a promiscuous homosexual. Now as a brand plucked from the fire, Brian tells his story of deliverance. He describes the loneliness, the emptiness, the destructiveness, and the guilt constituting the homosexual lifestyle. He talks about the life of repentance in vivid detail. Pam also joins us for the interview, painting the picture of what God has done in restoration, forgiveness, and blessing. In a day, where preachers shrink away from using the R-word ("Repentance"), there are still a few out there who hold that such a change of life is possible, by the power of God. Note: This interview may not be appropriate for young children.
July 22, 2011
When a man embraces the homosexual lifestyle, the teeth of the bear trap settle deep into the skin of the homosexual. A few make it out. If the blood of Christ is sufficient to cut through anything, it can cut through the power and guilt of captivating and corrosive sins like homosexuality. Brian is married to Pam, and God has blessed them with two sweet children. But in the 1990s, Brian lived the lifestyle of a promiscuous homosexual. Now as a brand plucked from the fire, Brian tells his story of deliverance. He describes the loneliness, the emptiness, the destructiveness, and the guilt constituting the homosexual lifestyle. He talks about the life of repentance in vivid detail. Pam also joins us for the interview, painting the picture of what God has done in restoration, forgiveness, and blessing. In a day, where preachers shrink away from using the R-word ("Repentance"), there are still a few out there who hold that such a change of life is possible, by the power of God. Note: This interview may not be appropriate for young children.
July 21, 2011
The gradual breakdown of fatherhood over 7 generations has done unimaginable damage to the family and to all social institutions throughout most developed nations around the world. A few churches and ministries are beginning to re-address the importance of fatherhood, and this marks the beginning of a reformation of faith and family in this country. Todd Kangas from provides some helpful advice and resources on fathering in this interview.
July 20, 2011
When would you introduce the great books that counter a biblical worldview - or a biblical categorization of reality, truth, and ethics? How might you prepare your children for the great battle of ideas? This is a controversial question even among Christians who are passionate about the eduation of their children. Kevin Swanson interviews Jeff Baldwin from Worldview Academy on this very question. Jeff is the mastermind behind Worldview Academy's Great Books program.
July 19, 2011
When the government pays for the food, the education, and the medical care of our children, do they have a vested interest in controlling their diet at home? Now we are seeing parents lose custody of their severely obese children. Even daycares are the subject of more government regulation, as more nations move towards total government control of families and child development. Do parents forfeit their rights as they send their children off to daycare or even to the public schools? The industrial revolution introduced the breakdown of the family and the modern orphanage movement. But what about day care? Is these part time orphanages? Kevin Swanson addresses these important questions as he continues to struggle to salvage the family as an institution in the present day.
July 18, 2011
A well-known PCA pastor waffles on homosexuality and jumbles the Gospel in an interview at Columbia University. The mass confusion over "the gospel" is weakening the evangelical church in this country and all over the world. If there was ever a time when Christians need to take a clear-cut stand on the social sins of the day (that are rotting out our entire civilization), it would right about now! We certainly don't need any more post-modern, non-committal, cool preachers who can't give a straight answer to a straight question.
July 15, 2011
The Republicans voted to increase the debt from $4 trillion to $9 trillion under President George W. Bush, while he increased the non-defense spending more than any president since LBJ. Now, they're playing the political game with President Obama. Maybe a President Michelle Bachmann can save us from our troubles. Or. . . maybe not. Kevin Swanson discusses the debt crisis, and contemplates who might be the one to kick the can a little further down the road in 2012. Our studio audience asks about the Tea Party, voting for women presidents, and the 2012 elections.
July 14, 2011
After 200 years of secular education sweeping through most of the world via boarding schools, compulsory attendance laws, etc., a new paradigm for education is coming through the home education movement. It will have international repurcussions. Kevin Swanson interviews Kay Hiramine, who serves as the International Liaison for the Alliance for Christian Home Education Leadership. Kay is a homeschooling father of five children, and travels the world with his family and a team of interns. Here, we discuss the paradigm for re-integrating the family into education, ministry, and business; as well as the powerful mode of education called “mentorship.”
July 13, 2011
The breakdown of the faith seems to attend the breakdown of family relationships. But what is the real problem with church ministries? Is it the toxicity of the adolescent peer group and its corruption of the youth? Is it the lack of meaningful integration of the older and the younger in the same social setting? Is the church aiding and abetting the disintegration of the family in the present age? Are Sunday Schools the real problem, or do we have deeper problems? Are the current systems just watering down the doctrine of the church, the discipleship methodologies, and the relationships necessary to disciple the next generation? Is all of this "ministry" just too shallow, too insipid to meet the relentless series of tidal waves of apostasy that are rolling over the church in the west?
July 12, 2011
Socialist, Family-fragmenting, Birth-Imploding Dystopias vs. A Heart-warming Homeschool Family with a Bakery Nick Stam is a Dutch Baker in New Brunswick, Canada. He has 12 children, "a Baker's Dozen," and a family business that beats all family businesses. Their children have helped to operate the bakery for years, while they were homeschooled. In sharp contrast with the socialist, family-fragmenting, birth-imploding dystopia around them, here is a life-filled story of a family-integrated business filled with 12 children, sweet breads, a homeschooling mom, and a "papa" who is engaged everyday with his children. Families all over the world will find this story very inspiring! It is a story about fatherhood, families working together, debt-free living, faith, generational vision, and hope for the future.
July 11, 2011
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Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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