Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast

Jim Daly

Saying the Right Thing When Your Child Misbehaves, Part 4

April 25, 2019

John and Danny talking about the root issues of sibling rivalry and how to avoid letting it make you feel like a bad parent. Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.

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So the Next Generation Will Know
Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World


Sometimes our kids say hurtful things but how we respond shows them how much we really love them. Featuring Amber Lia and Wendy Speake.
April 24, 2019
John and Danny talking about the root issues of sibling rivalry and how to avoid letting it make you feel like a bad parent. Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.
April 23, 2019
Being self-conscious may be preventing your child from developing empathy. Danny and John give advice on helping your children see outside their own experience.
April 19, 2019
Teaching your son to articulate his feelings may be one of the best gifts you give him. Featuring David Thomas and Sissy Goff.
April 18, 2019
You may have noticed that your child struggles with anxiety but did they learn it from you? Featuring Sissy Goff and David Thomas.
April 17, 2019
Teaching your son to articulate his feelings may be one of the best gifts you give him. Featuring David Thomas and Sissy Goff.
April 16, 2019
Some days it might feel really hard to find a way to affirm your child so maybe you need to find less things to criticize? Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.
April 12, 2019
John and Danny talking about the root issues of sibling rivalry and how to avoid letting it make you feel like a bad parent. Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.
April 11, 2019
John and Danny talking about the root issues of sibling rivalry and how to avoid letting it make you feel like a bad parent. Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.
April 10, 2019
John and Danny talking about the root issues of sibling rivalry and how to avoid letting it make you feel like a bad parent. Featuring Wendy Speake and Amber Lia.
April 9, 2019
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So the Next Generation Will Know
Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World

About Focus on the Family Parenting Podcast

Need help raising your kids? The Focus on Parenting Podcast provides tried and true parenting advice to help your children thrive.

About Jim Daly

Jim Daly is President of Focus on the Family. His personal story from orphan to head of an international Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive demonstrates — as he says — "that no matter how torn up the road has already been, or how pothole-infested it may look ahead, nothing — nothing — is impossible for God."

Daly is author of two books, Finding Home and Stronger. He is also a regular panelist for The Washington Post/Newsweekblog “On Faith.”

Keep up with Daly at

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Colorado Springs, CO 
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