God's Work in Evangelism, Part 1a
Featured Offer
As a Christian, does your leadership approach look any different from that of those who don't follow Christ? Do you desire to understand what true leadership looks like and how to apply it?
God has a lot to say about leadership and much of it is counterintuitive to the world's view. Learn how to lead using biblical principles for powerful, long-lasting change.
Be sure to request the book Lead Like Christ by A.W. Tozer with your generous donation this month.
Past Episodes
- A Closer Relationship with God
- A Controversial Baby
- A Lesson for Losers
- A Life of Thanksgiving
- A Sharp Sword
- A Thankful Thanksgiving
- A Time for Severity
- A Unified Church
- A Unique Child
- Adding to Your Faith
- All You Need
- Almost a Christian
- Am I Really a Christian
- Amazing Conversions
- Ambassadors
- Ambitious Faith
- Ask Pastor Mike
- Call for Help
- Christ Changed Everything
- Christian Friendships
- Christian Love
- Christianity in Real Life
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- Christmas 2021
- Christmas 2023
- Christmas and Worldly "Heroes"
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- Christmas Controversy
- Christmas Courage
- Christmas Eve Service
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- Christ's Resurrection
- Christ's School of Prayer
- Christ's Triumphal Entry
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- Complete Redemption
- Confrontation
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- Convenient Christianity
- Count Your Spiritual Blessings
- Countercultural Christians
- Couriers for Christ
- Dark Days
- David and Goliath
- Dear Abby
- Decisions, Decisions
- Defeat of Death
- Desert Instructions
- Designed to Grow
- Detours
- Did it Really Happen?
- Discernment
- Don't Forget
- Don't Miss It
- Don't Quit
- Drink Your Milk
- Easter
- Easter 2018
- Encouraged
- Enemies of Grace and Revenge
- Enemies, Grace and Revenge
- Enlisted
- Envy
- Evangelism 101
- Evangelism and the End of the World
- Expanding Your Ministry
- Faith, Stress and Money
- Faithful to God
- FEAR & Fears
- Fear of God
- Finish Well
- First Corinthians
- First Quarter Review
- Friends? Who Needs 'Em
- From What I Believe to How I Think
- Generosity
- Get Ready
- Gifts For Jesus
- Give It Up
- God as Father
- Godly Confidence
- God's Big Plan
- God's Church
- God's Expatriates
- God's Investment in You
- God's Plan for You
- God's Work in Evangelism
- Good Friday Message
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- Gospel Crazy
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- Gospel Lessons from the OT
- Grow Up
- Growing Up
- Guarding the Gospel
- Happiness & Christianity
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- Hebrews
- Hell, Fire and Floods
- Hitting God's Target for Your Life
- Holiness
- How the Truth Sets Us Free
- How to Argue
- How to Forgive
- How to Get Eternal Life
- Hyperopic Christianity
- In Search of God's Will
- Incredible Love
- Infant from Bethlehem
- Instructions for Sinners
- Internal Warfare
- Israel's Greatest Hits- Study in Psalms
- Israel's Greatest Hits Vol II
- It's a Big Decision
- Lap #2005
- Learning to Lead
- Lessons on Grace
- Life as a Target
- Life With A Purpose
- Life's Defining Moments
- Life's Last Enemy
- Living a Lie
- Luke
- Made Right with God
- Make a Difference
- Marriage
- Money Madness
- Money Matters
- Moody Bible Institute Founder's Week
- More than a Creed
- More Than Friends
- Moving Forward
- Obstacles on the Road to Christ
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- Old School Christmas
- Old Testament School of Marriage
- One Plus God
- Our Fight with Sin
- Our Need for Representation
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- People Who Make a Difference
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- Set Free to Live Right
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- Sin is REALLY Bad
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- Special Easter Message
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- Spiritually Prepared
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- Strained Relations
- Summer Fruit
- Taking Christ to Work
- Temptation
- Thanks God
- Thanksgiving
- The Ancestry of Christ
- The Balance of Biblical Love
- The Bible and Your Salvation
- The Big Assignment
- The Big Questions
- The Black and White on Gray Areas
- The Common Good
- The Costs and Benefits of the Incarnation
- The Door
- The Entry of a King
- The Experience of Every Christian
- The First Christmas Gifts
- The Gap
- The Gospel
- The Gospel According to Abraham
- The Harsh But Good News
- The Hazards of Prosperity
- The Hazards of the Church
- The Infant from Bethlehem
- The Joy of Salvation
- The Next World Order
- The Non-Negotiables
- The Old Testament School of Marriage
- The Reliability of the Bible
- The Resurrection Response
- The Royal Task
- The Same Ol' Stuff
- The Sins Christians Tolerate
- The Supremacy of Christ
- The Torn Curtain
- The Truth About Christmas
- Those Words at the Altar
- Tips for Zealots
- Transformed
- War Zones & Peace Treaties
- Warning
- Water from the Rock
- Weirdos?!
- What's Your Problem
- When Feelings are King
- When Frogs Become Princes
- When God Makes a Promise
- When God Seems Weird
- When Life Hurts
- When Life is Tough
- When Life Takes A Left Turn
- When People are to Blame
- When the World Gets In the Way
- Where You're Planted
- Why the Son Became One of Us
- Wisdom & Maturity
- Wisdom From Proverbs
- Wisdom's Toolbox
- Wise Decisions
- Working the Plan
- Salvation
- Science and the Gospel
- Sharing the Gospel
- Sin
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Growth for Men
- Spiritual Growth for Women
- Spiritual Warfare

Featured Offer
As a Christian, does your leadership approach look any different from that of those who don't follow Christ? Do you desire to understand what true leadership looks like and how to apply it?
God has a lot to say about leadership and much of it is counterintuitive to the world's view. Learn how to lead using biblical principles for powerful, long-lasting change.
Be sure to request the book Lead Like Christ by A.W. Tozer with your generous donation this month.
About Focal Point
About Pastor Mike Fabarez
Pastor Mike is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Talbot School of Theology (M.A.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in California (D.Min.).
Mike is heard on hundreds of radio programs across the country on the Focal Point radio program and has authored several books, including Raising Men Not Boys, Lifelines for Tough Times, Preaching That Changes Lives, Getting It Right, Praying for Sunday, and Why the Bible?
Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California and they have three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.
Contact Focal Point with Pastor Mike Fabarez
Focal Point
P.O. Box 2850