FamilyLife Today®

Dave and Ann Wilson

Teen Years—Finding Your Purpose

January 26, 2015
Like a book, each life is made up of chapters. All this week Barbara Rainey allows us a peek into chapters of her life and tells us how she adjusted and kept her priorities in place in each season. Beginning with her early years, Barbara recalls her first steps of faith, and then walks us through her teen years when she began to feel the first inkling that God had a bigger purpose for her life.

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Unseen - A Devotional Series with Nana Dolce
Author and women’s Bible teacher Nana Dolce believes you’re truly, deeply seen and cared for beyond your wildest imagination.  Don’t miss her free, five-week video series exploring the lives of four historical characters who faced devastating, alienating, and even life-threatening situations—and their astonishing triumphs.  


Marriage was created to be more than a mere social construct. The covenantal relationship of marriage was created to reflect our covenant relationship with Christ. Dr. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, emphasizes the deep spiritual purposes God created for marriage.
January 23, 2015
The culture is frequently undermining the importance of an intact family—mom, dad, and all the kids living together. But even secular sociologists acknowledge the fact that the stability of an intact family has a far-reaching ripple effect on the surrounding community. Dr. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary shares a message on the scriptural support for a healthy family.
January 22, 2015
God has a divine purpose in mind when He calls us to be parents. Dennis Rainey says when he and his wife, Barbara, were first planning their family, he wrongly assumed God was giving them children to raise. But after years of parenting, he realized that the children were to help him finish growing up. Dennis Rainey shares the final installment of lessons learned in 40 years of marriage from a talk he gave to students at Southern Seminary.
January 21, 2015
It is impossible to experience marriage as God designed it without being liberal and lavish in forgiveness. In today's second installment of lessons he's learned throughout his 40 years of marriage, Dennis Rainey shares this and other principles with students at Southern Seminary.
January 20, 2015
In the first few years of his marriage to Barbara, Dennis Rainey made a lot of what he calls "rookie errors." After celebrating 40 years of marriage, Dennis passes along the first 10 of 40 lessons he learned to students at Southern Theological Seminary to help them avoid making the same errors.
January 19, 2015
What are some of the greatest gifts a wife can give her husband? Crawford Loritts shares some of the most important things a husband needs from his wife.
January 16, 2015
What are some of the greatest gifts a husband can give his wife? Karen Loritts shares some very important things a husband can do for his wife that will make her feel cherished, and will ultimately strengthen their relationship.
January 15, 2015
Are you controlling? Are you married to a controlling man? If so, there is help for you. Ron Welch, an associate professor of counseling at Denver Seminary, and his wife, Jan, talk about the challenges their marriage faced before Ron found help for his controlling behavior.
January 14, 2015
What is the underlying reason for controlling behavior? Fundamentally, it’s insecurity. Ron Welch describes the psychological profiles of a controlling husband and his wife. Ron and his wife, Jan, explain how the truth of the gospel is healing their marriage.
January 13, 2015
Sometimes life gives you a wake up call. Ron and Jan Welch recall their first anniversary when Jan told him that his controlling behavior was making her feel like a bird in a golden cage. Even though she passionately loved him, Jan got tired of having to “clock in” with him each time she left the house, and Ron's insecurities made him constantly fear that Jan would leave him. Find out how God finally got Ron's attention through the behavior of his sons.
January 12, 2015
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Unseen - A Devotional Series with Nana Dolce
Author and women’s Bible teacher Nana Dolce believes you’re truly, deeply seen and cared for beyond your wildest imagination.  Don’t miss her free, five-week video series exploring the lives of four historical characters who faced devastating, alienating, and even life-threatening situations—and their astonishing triumphs.  

About FamilyLife Today®

FamilyLife Today® is a weekday podcast featuring fun, engaging conversations that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.

About Dave and Ann Wilson

Dave and Ann Wilson are co-hosts of FamilyLife Today©, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program.

Dave and Ann have been married for more than 40 years and have spent the last 35 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® since 1993, and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country.

Dave and Ann helped plant Kensington Community Church in Detroit, Michigan where they served together in ministry for more than three decades, wrapping up their time at Kensington in 2020.

The Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released books Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019) and No Perfect Parents (Zondervan, 2021).

Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame Quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as Chaplain for thirty-three years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active with Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small group leader, and mentor to countless women.

The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

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