FamilyLife Today®

Dave and Ann Wilson

A Time to Rebuild

April 5, 2013
Could you forgive your husband if he was caught in a sexual indiscretion?  You might think you wouldn't be able to, but with Christ's help, you can.  Meg Wilson talks about the state of her marriage eight years after her husband confessed to a sexual affair.  Meg reveals how they rebuilt trust and tells how forgiveness has helped them heal.

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Unseen - A Devotional Series with Nana Dolce
Author and women’s Bible teacher Nana Dolce believes you’re truly, deeply seen and cared for beyond your wildest imagination.  Don’t miss her free, five-week video series exploring the lives of four historical characters who faced devastating, alienating, and even life-threatening situations—and their astonishing triumphs.  


After forgiving her husband for his sexual addiction and working hard to keep her marriage together, Meg's husband later confessed to having an affair.  Author Meg Wilson talks about the hurt and anger she felt after her husband's betrayal and tells where she found encouragement and strength to walk through this trial.Download Transcript
April 4, 2013
She thought she had the perfect life - a solid marriage, two wonderful daughters, a middle class lifestyle.  But what she would later find out would rock her world like never before.  Meg Wilson remembers the day when her husband called to tell her that he was stepping down from his job because of his addiction to internet porn.  Hear how Meg responded to this devastating news and how they put their marriage back together step by step.Download Transcript
April 3, 2013
Last November, FamilyLife passed a milestone. Hear a very special 20th anniversary message as Dennis Rainey & Bob Lepine join colleagues to reflect on the triumphs, failures, outtakes, and heart piercing moments from the last 20 years.Download Transcript
April 2, 2013
Recently, FamilyLife Today had a party - and we invited all our friends to celebrate with us...and that includes YOU! Be our honored guest as we reflect on twenty years of laughter, tears and God's goodness.Download Transcript
April 1, 2013
Money can't buy happiness.  Hear the compelling story of Barry and Pam Abell, an upscale couple who seemingly had it all, until they gave it all up for a rich relationship with Christ and each other.Download Transcript
March 29, 2013
To those who knew them, they had it all - wealth, beauty, and a model family.  But what others didn't know is that they were miserable.  Barry and Pam Abell, directors of Campus Crusade's Executive Ministries, tell how raising children and the pace of a busy career almost split them apart.Download Transcript
March 28, 2013
Arriving home from Bible study, Angela got the call every parent dreads. Her son, Christopher, was in jail, busted for selling drugs. Could this be the answer to her prayers? Christopher  and his mother, Angela, talk about his time in prison, the shock of finding out he was HIV positive, and the way God slowly and patiently drew Christopher to the only one who could rescue him now, Jesus Christ.  Hear what Christopher is doing now, and what his plans are for the future.Download Transcript 
March 27, 2013
While Christopher Yuan turned to his gay friends and, eventually, drugs for happiness, Angela, his mother, turned to God. Praying in earnest for her son’s salvation, Angela tells how her heart and attitude began to change toward Christopher. Standing on God’s promises, she and her husband prayed that God would do whatever it took to bring Christopher to Himself.  Expelled from dental school and furious at his parents, Christopher tells how he became more involved with selling and using drugs, only to find himself in prison facing 10 years to life.Download Transcript 
March 26, 2013
Sometimes getting from here to there isn’t a direct shot. Often the road God takes us on has unexpected twists and turns. Christopher Yuan, a professor at Moody Bible Institute, reflects back to the day when he finally “came out” to his parents and drove resolutely away, ready to fully embrace the gay lifestyle he knew back at University of Kentucky where he was a dental student. In despair, his mother, Angela, tells how she turned to a God she’d only heard about to find peace, joy, and hope for her family.Download Transcript 
March 25, 2013
Parenting a prodigal isn’t easy. Dennis Mansfield knows. His son, Nate, started experimenting with marijuana as a teen and eventually became addicted to heroin in his twenties. Dennis talks about his hopes and love for his son, despite his rebellion and eventual incarceration.  Praying jail time would turn him around, Dennis continued to encourage his son after his release, and is thankful for the time he spent with Nate before he was found dead from an adverse drug reaction that killed him in his sleep at the age of 27.Download Transcript
March 22, 2013
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Unseen - A Devotional Series with Nana Dolce
Author and women’s Bible teacher Nana Dolce believes you’re truly, deeply seen and cared for beyond your wildest imagination.  Don’t miss her free, five-week video series exploring the lives of four historical characters who faced devastating, alienating, and even life-threatening situations—and their astonishing triumphs.  

About FamilyLife Today®

FamilyLife Today® is a weekday podcast featuring fun, engaging conversations that help families grow together with Jesus while pursuing the relationships that matter most.

About Dave and Ann Wilson

Dave and Ann Wilson are co-hosts of FamilyLife Today©, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program.

Dave and Ann have been married for more than 40 years and have spent the last 35 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® since 1993, and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country.

Dave and Ann helped plant Kensington Community Church in Detroit, Michigan where they served together in ministry for more than three decades, wrapping up their time at Kensington in 2020.

The Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released books Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019) and No Perfect Parents (Zondervan, 2021).

Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame Quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as Chaplain for thirty-three years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active with Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small group leader, and mentor to countless women.

The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

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