Speaking Hope to Your Soul, Part 1
The psalmist who wrote Psalm 42 is far from home—he feels far from the people and the Lord he loves—and he is facing opposition in a hostile land. He is homesick in every way—socially, geographically, spiritually. If we have our sights set on our heavenly home—if we are longing for the day when we will see the Lord face-to-face—if we are a people who know the pressures of this world and the opposition of the Lord’s enemies—each one of us will know a feeling of spiritual homesickness—a longing for heaven.
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In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.
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In this FREE PDF from Encounter the Truth Ministries, discover TRUE stability and hope that's found in God and how you can face the storms of life with confidence.
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About Jonathan Griffiths
Contact Encounter the Truth with Jonathan Griffiths
2176 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON Canada K2E 0A1
833-99-TRUTH (833-998-7884)