Discovering The Jewish Jesus

Rabbi K.A. Schneider

A Baptism of Love: The Jesus of Gethsemane

May 10, 2024

Why do Christians have to suffer if God is so powerful? Learn to walk by faith in love as God strengthens you through your worst trials. Rabbi Schneider shares how partnering with God, being in relationship with God, and turning yourself fully over to allowing God to work in your life will create joy, strength, and happiness. If you're going through a difficult season in your life, you may be experiencing a test to walk in faith. The Shulamite bride is an example of searching for God's love and staying faithful in spite of circumstances. Come learn the depth and meaning in Song of Songs and how it applies to your life today.


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What happens when we put God first in our lives? Rabbi Schneider shares how God looks at us as beautiful, as those who bring Him pleasure, and that he desires a reciprocal relationship with us. God wants you as a partner who will love Him back with the same love that He has for you. Learn today what the ancient garden symbolism means in Song of Songs and how that applies to our lives today.   Visit our website at
May 9, 2024
How is it possible to be holy and blameless? God made you in His image. Rabbi Schneider shares how you can become holy, blameless, and beautiful. He'll help you learn how to get free of shame and condemnation through Jesus' love for you. A relationship with Jesus will help you deal with and conquer those deep, dark things that have been holding you down. But what happens when you say no to Jesus? Come and learn how to build and keep a relationship with God as Discovering the Jewish Jesus shares deep, helpful, uplifting answers to your questions.
May 8, 2024
How do we experience a perfect God if we're not perfect? What do we do when the original emotions we felt for God fade? Sometimes God feels far away. Rabbi Schneider shares that God wants us to always pursue him, walk by faith, and do it even when we don't feel emotional. Learn 3 things to do to recapture your faith. You are deeply loved regardless of imperfections. Discovering the Jewish Jesus invites imperfect people to find out how perfectly loved you are today, just as you are. Come and see!   Visit our website at
May 7, 2024
How does the Shulamite bride reveal an example of a healthy relationship with Jesus? The symbolism of being the bride of Christ is a mysterious and difficult concept, but Rabbi Schneider reveals how that symbolism means God wants to be in an intimate relationship with us. Learn today how these examples show us how God draws us to Himself, creates desire for relationship with Him, and partners with us through our life. God loves us right where we are regardless of anything we think is in the way. You are beautiful to God.   Visit our website at
May 6, 2024
“But a voice from heaven answered a second time, ‘What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.’" – Acts 11:9
May 4, 2024
In today’s episode, we join Rabbi Schneider as he examines how the Pharisees' rigid adherence to the law ultimately led to their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Visit our website at
May 3, 2024
In today’s episode, Rabbi Schneider speaks about God’s divine plan, emphasizing how His will is intricately woven into every aspect of our lives.   Visit our website at
May 2, 2024
In this episode, Rabbi Schneider breaks down the crucial distinction between being a believer in Christ and truly following Him.   Visit our website at
May 1, 2024
Join Rabbi Schneider as he leads us deeper into the Mysteries in the Gospel of John. With insightful guidance, he illuminates the path to discovering profound truths and attaining authentic freedom.   Visit our website at
April 30, 2024
We all have wondered if we are really hearing God or hearing the voice of our own desires. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider teaches about quieting the noise of our own impulses and learning to recognize and faithfully follow the path paved by God's leading. Visit our website at
April 29, 2024
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About Discovering The Jewish Jesus

Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of God, are answered with exceptional clarity. Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature (with Yeshua as its fulfillment) your faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. This is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).

About Rabbi K.A. Schneider

Messianic Rabbi K.A. Schneider, a Jewish believer in Jesus and end-times messenger of the LORD, delivers the Word of the LORD with  true passion of the Holy Spirit.  At the age of 20 years old, the LORD appeared to him, supernaturally, as Jesus, the Messiah.  He has since pastored, traveled as an evangelist, and more recently, served as rabbi of a messianic synagogue.

Rabbi K.A. Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus’ Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of  messianic prophecy.  Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh, are answered with exceptional clarity.

Central to the LORD’s plan is Israel and the Jewish people.  Romans 11:11 explains that the Gentile believer has been chosen by God to bring the witness of the LORD to the Jewish people.  As this message of Yeshua is brought back to, and received by, the Jewish people, they will say, “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai” – “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD!” and in so doing, usher in Yeshua’s return (Matthew 23:39).

Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature, with Yeshua as its fulfillment, the viewer’s faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized.  “Discovering The Jewish Jesus” is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).

Contact Discovering The Jewish Jesus with Rabbi K.A. Schneider

Mailing Address
Discovering The Jewish Jesus
P.O. Box 777
Blissfield, MI 49228