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Orchids and Bees


Psalms 103:15-16

“As forman, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.  For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.”

When I was a science teacher, in government schools in England, I used to like to show a particular video to my classes. This video featured some unusual plants that had strange reproductive methods. The most unusual of all was the bucket orchid.

This orchid grows in Central and South America. The flower forms a bucket, which fills with a sticky secretion from the plant. The flower then has to sit and wait for a bee. But it is not just any bee that can pollinate this plant. It has to be the special, beautiful, green orchid bee. The bee is attracted by the sweet liquid, but slips and falls into it. The exhausted bee eventually climbs out, through a passage way of Goldilocks proportions—not to big, not too small, just right.

As the bee tries to escape through this passage, the flower holds it tight, and glues two pollen sacks on its back. After holding the bee long enough for the glue to dry, the flower releases the bee.

If a bee arrives at the orchid, with pollen sacks already on its back, the flower lets it quickly through the system, and takes away the pollen sacks, before the bee can finally escape.

Evolutionists maintain that this is an example of co-evolution—two organisms evolving so that they cannot do without each other. Which evolved first? It is difficult to see how one could have evolved before the other. It is far more sensible to take the biblical presupposition, that both were the work of our Creator.

Prayer: Father, like the bucket orchid and orchid bee, you have designed us to work together in teams, families and churches. We pray that, as we do so, we will realize that we are part of the same body, all valuable, and will work for You accordingly. Amen.

Ref: Encyclopædia Britannica, < >

Image: License: GNU Free Document License, 1.2


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