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A Little Bit of Cheese

Job 10:10

“Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?” 


I love cheese if I am a little hungry. I am from a land of great cheeses – from light but sharp Wensleydale, to my favorite, the rich, salty tang of Blue Stilton, with its noble cheese mold.


Most of these cheeses actually improve with age. So a five-year-old Cheddar is likely to be richer in flavor than one that was only made last year. So perhaps I would have enjoyed the discovery made recently at an archaeological site at Pokrovnik, on Croatia's Dalmatian coast.


I have brought up teenagers, so I know the difficulty involved in getting them to wash the pots. But archaeologists discovered some ceramic bowls at Pokrovnik that neither the original owners nor modern discoverers had washed. To their surprise, when they examined the residue, there were traces of lipids, which strongly suggests that the bowl may once have contained cheese.


The exciting find is tarnished somewhat by archaeologists insisting on an evolutionary date. They conclude that the bowls were used by farmers 7,200 years ago. However, this is impossible by a biblical timescale. Besides, if these were early farmers settling in the Balkans, then they would have been post-Flood – so we would suggest a date of 2,200 years ago. Either way, the cheese has probably passed its best-before date. Now I'm just waiting for the discovery of a 2,000 year old Ritz Cracker.


A serious point is to see how early civilizations had advanced technology, probably passed down from their ancestors who were on the Ark.


Thank You, Lord, for people of science and study who discover new things from the past. Thank You for their skills. We pray for humility to submit all such evidence to the truth of Your word. Amen.


Ref: For Ancient Farmers, the Road to Europe Was Paved with … Cheese, < >, accessed 9/30/2018. Image: Adobe Stock Images, licensed to author.



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