
Skip Heitzig

Is Anyone Up There? Looking For Clues Part 1

September 25, 2020

Skip continues our series The Biography of God. Do you ever wonder what clues there are that there's a God? Simply put, if there is a God, where is the evidence that He exists? Skip answers that question in the message "Is Anyone Up There? Looking for Clues."

Featured Offer

The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle
Gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit with this month's Connect with Skip Heitzig resource, The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle. You'll receive Chuck Smith's books, The Book of Acts Commentary and Power: A Biblical Balance on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.


Skip continues the series The Biography of God. As we learn about God, we must go beyond only gathering information about Him. We must believe and act in the light of that information. Skip shares how you can do that in the message "Can God Be Known?"
September 24, 2020
Skip begins a series called The Biography of God. The subject matter of God is the loftiest of all subjects and the pinnacle of all pursuits. As Skip shares the message "Can God Be Known?" he helps you discover who God is and how you can know Him personally.
September 23, 2020
Skip wraps up his series From the Edge of Eternity. In Philippians 1:21, the apostle Paul said, "To live is Christ, and to die is gain." As we wait for heaven, we must continue in the work of the gospel. Skip shares how you can do that as he wraps up the message "Living Between Two Worlds."
September 22, 2020
Skip continues our series From the Edge of Eternity. Christians live in this world, but they are actually citizens of another. How do we stay responsible on earth while moving toward heaven? Skip gives you the answers as he begins the message "Living Between Two Worlds."
September 21, 2020
Skip continues the series From the Edge of Eternity. A lot of people think heaven will be boring, but that isn't what the Bible teaches. In the message "Future Town, Part 2," Skip shares about the fascinating things we'll be doing in heaven and what kind of people will be there.
September 18, 2020
Skip continues the series From the Edge of Eternity. In heaven, there will be no temple because we will have direct access to God. What else can we expect from our future home? Skip looks into that topic as he shares the message "Future Town, Part 2."
September 17, 2020
Skip continues our series From the Edge of Eternity. Revelation 21 describes the New Jerusalem as being made from gold and precious stones and all its gates as being made of pearl. In the message "Future Town, Part 1," Skip takes a closer look at this holy city.
September 16, 2020
Skip continues our series From the Edge of Eternity. In the book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is called a great and holy city and the bride of the Lamb. Skip unravels the meaning behind these metaphors as he begins the message "Future Town, Part 1."
September 15, 2020
Skip continues his series From the Edge of Eternity. Revelation 21 mentions a new earth where there will be no more broken hearts, disease, aging, or death. Discover more about that future reality as Skip shares the message "Six Things That Will Surprise You about Heaven."
September 14, 2020
Skip continues our series called From the Edge of Eternity. After the millennium, the earth will be destroyed and a new one will be created—a real, physical world. In the message "Six Things That Will Surprise You about Heaven," Skip shares more with you about this new earth.
September 11, 2020
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Featured Offer

The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle
Gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit with this month's Connect with Skip Heitzig resource, The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle. You'll receive Chuck Smith's books, The Book of Acts Commentary and Power: A Biblical Balance on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.

About Connect

Study through the Bible verse by verse. Host Skip Heitzig is senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

About Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry. He is the author of several books including The Bible from 30,000 Feet, Defying Normal, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan's Purse and Harvest.

Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Contact Connect with Skip Heitzig

Mailing Address
PO Box 95707
Albuquerque, NM 87199-5707

