
Skip Heitzig

Heaven on Earth Part 1

May 4, 2020

Skip continues his series What's Next? Humanity has given up on the idea of a future utopia. The thought of perpetual peace and harmony is just a fairy tale now. But that is precisely what God promised to bring about one day.

References: Revelation 20:1-6

Featured Offer

The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle
Gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit with this month's Connect with Skip Heitzig resource, The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle. You'll receive Chuck Smith's books, The Book of Acts Commentary and Power: A Biblical Balance on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.


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May 1, 2020
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April 28, 2020
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Skip continues his series What's Next? Dynamic and persuasive, the Antichrist's diplomatic skills will be off the charts. In the message "The Most Interesting Man in the World," Skip shares about how this ruler will give the world what it wants, but he will also be its biggest nightmare.
April 24, 2020
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Skip continues the series What's Next? Revelation 12 captures how the war in the spiritual realm culminates in wrath on earth. In the message "Satan's Global Conflict," Skip explains how this ongoing battle will reach a new level in the end times.
April 22, 2020
Skip continues his series What's Next? Without the lens provided by the book of Revelation, our vision of the future is obscured. In the message "Cosmic Conflict," Skip helps you comprehend some of the events of Revelation, allowing you to grasp the plan of God.
April 21, 2020
Skip continues the series What's Next? Since the beginning of time, there has been an invisible war between satanic forces and God's purpose and people. In the message "Cosmic Conflict," Skip shares why you must study this conflict to understand both history and prophecy.
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Featured Offer

The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle
Gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit with this month's Connect with Skip Heitzig resource, The Holy Spirit: Then and Now bundle. You'll receive Chuck Smith's books, The Book of Acts Commentary and Power: A Biblical Balance on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.

About Connect

Study through the Bible verse by verse. Host Skip Heitzig is senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

About Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry. He is the author of several books including The Bible from 30,000 Feet, Defying Normal, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan's Purse and Harvest.

Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.


Contact Connect with Skip Heitzig

Mailing Address
PO Box 95707
Albuquerque, NM 87199-5707

