Changing Worldviews

Sharon Hughes

Money, Greed & God

August 26, 2019

Guest: Dr. Jay Richards, Discovery Institute & Author - So which is more 'greedy' - Capitalism or Socialism? This is the curent argument, not only in the Democrat candidates' bid for President in the 2020 election, but also among Millenials. Is wanting to prosper and gain wealth or grow your company's profits greedy? Or is feeling entitled to, or promised by politicians, other people's mondy greedy? If 'the love of money is the root of all evil,' as the Bible states, then what does that look like in today's environment? Summer Classics #3.

References: Colossians 3:5


Summer Classic #2 while Sharon is recuperating from surgery -- Guest: Terry James, Author and expert on the issue of extra-terrestial phenomena - Reports of sitings, abductions, government records and more, what can we know for sure about UFOs? This is the most listened to show we've done, so here it is again for those who missed it, or those who want to hear it again. Information you won't hear anywhere else.
August 21, 2019
Summer Classic #1 while Sharon is recuperating from surgery -- Guest: Edwin Black, 11 time Pulitzer Prize Nominee, Author of "IBM & the Holocaust" - while there are some in Congress who are against Israel (the 'Squad' specifically), this isn't the first time that some Americans have worked against the Jews, as our guest documents. 
August 19, 2019
Guest: Wesley J. Smith of the Discovery Institute, Author and Film Producer - "War on Humans" - unbelievable mindsets, 'worldviews' if you will, regarding humans, animals, such as pigs getting constitutional rights in Florida. That's only one example of the issues that only make sense if you are in the..."Twilight Zone."
July 17, 2019
*Careful…you are now entering the Twilight Zone! While A New Incident In The Persian Gulf Has Once Again Brought Us To The Brink Of War With Iran -Ireland is Set to Ban Private Cars b/c of a New ‘Climate Emergency’ & Pope Francis has a new Amazonian Policy. -The American Psychological Association's next task force, for what they call “consensual non-monogamy.” -Church Members in Atlanta Walked Out as their gay Pastor announced his husband Is pregnant. -The building caretaker at Mount Auburn Presbyterian church in Cincinnati dressed up as a drag queen to read a book to children during Sunday worship service. And there's more issues that only make sense...if you're in the Twilight Zone!
July 15, 2019
Guest: Ron Rhodes, Author of over 60 books including on the coalition that is building in the Middle East against Israel, and ultimately the U.S. and his latest, Israel on High Alert. The United States is taking a tough position against their threats, which could include armed and nuclear war and EMP strikes. How real are these threats? Information you won't hear from the mainstream media.
July 10, 2019
The U.S. Central Command ordered a fleet of F-22 Fighters to the Middle East and threat from continues to build. Iran is increasing their threats against the U.S. because of sanctions, but that's not the real issue. The spirit behind Iran, that is not only anti-America but anti-Israel, is far more entrenched around the world, including here in America...even in pulpits. 
July 8, 2019
Part 2 of our 4th of July Special - If our Founders were alive today how different would things be? For one thing, God would not just be acknowledged, but depended upon for the freedoms He gave us. Liberty is His idea, but we have to 'keep it' or steward it, under Him. It's a gift. Our government, as designed by the Founders, will only work for 'a religious people.' We need to pray. And we need to be grateful.
July 3, 2019
As we head into the annual celebration of the 4th of July we are as divided as we've ever been as a nation, and it is true 'a house divided against itself shall not stand.If our Founders were alive today how different would things be?' More than ever we need to humbly get back on our knees and pray (Chronicles 7:14); and return to an attitude of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy as a nation. It's a gift. This is how we can 'make America great again.'
July 1, 2019
Guest: Dr. Alveda King - If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today which side would he be on in the NEW Civil War, as some are calling it, the killing of innocents - Abortion? Niece of the Civil Rights Leader answers the question and more.
June 24, 2019
Guest: Myles Weiss, Author, Pastor, Therapist & co-Host Duane Hughes - Is Israel the cause for unrest in the Middle East as some promote? Or is there a 'credo' within Islam to not only take all land, but wipe Israel off the map, literally? Former co-host of Zola Levitt TV as a Messianic Jew, our guest travels back and forth from the U.S. to Israel several times a year and is connected with those who have 'boots on the ground' of what is really happening.
June 19, 2019
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About Changing Worldviews

Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

About Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes is the Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and 15+ year Investigative Journalist and Talk Radio Host. Saying it like it is on the most critical issues of our day to conferences, on television, and on the radio interviewing well-known authors and film producers, public policy and pro-family experts, and government and religious leaders, Sharon's column has also been published in print media and on numerous online news sites.


In addition, Sharon is the Founder of Relationships Seminars, Co-Leader of Women In Christ, an outreach to women, and Bible Teacher. She has served in various capacities in her church, on community and state boards, and has been the recipient of several Leadership Awards. A wife, mother, and now grandmother, Sharon loves to cook and fly fish with her husband, Duane.

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