Changing Worldviews

Sharon Hughes

History Lesson #3 - Learn from 9/11

September 11, 2009
WOMANTalk with Debra Rae & Audrey Russo
On the 8th 'anniversary' of 9/11, the worst attack on America's soil, have we become war-weary, or forgotten the reality of what happened that day because of the politicizing of the war? Eight years ago Islamic terrorists murdered 3000 Americans; Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon; and Flight 93 plummeted in Pennsylvania. What have we learned or not learned?


with Julie Quist and Debra RaeCelebrating WOMANTalk's 4th Anniversary this month -- some of the best shows on learning from history. Today: with news of Pres. Obama addressing the nation's school children tomorrow, we talk with a staffer of Cong. Michelle Bachman on the deliberate efforts of globalists to change Americans' love of country for world citizenship via the classroom.
September 7, 2009
Life Not Worthy of Life with Jennifer Lahl and Randy Thomasson The deaths of Ted Kennedy and Terry Schiavo's father this past week have brought into clearer focus the debate surrounding the ObamaCare plan, especially the proposed end-of-life counseling. All of us will face end of life issues for ourselves or our loved ones, but who should make the decisions, and what are the facts in the bill?
September 2, 2009
Nazi Germany's 'Rational Utility' with Author William Federer The Nuremberg trials, exposing the horrible Nazi war crimes, revealed that Germany's trend toward atrocity began with their embrace of "rational utility," where an individual's worth is in relation to their contribution to the state. Did the court-ordered death of Terry Schiavo point to how close we are to the same mindset today?
August 31, 2009
with Debra Rae & Audrey Russo The most Unbelievable News Stories of the month that we can't not talk about, including Pres. Obama's HHS nominee's failure to disclose donations from notorious abortionist; the mainstream media's biased reporting on the Tea Parties, and much more from the East Coast to the Left Coast.
August 28, 2009
with Jan Markell Pres. Obama apologized for America’s role in the Muslim world in recent years, and failed to note that Americans have helped liberate more than 50 million Muslims from totalitarian tyrants just since 2001. Why is his approach with the Muslim world wrong? And how is Israel jeopardized as a result?
August 26, 2009
Heading Toward a Cashless Society with Michael Trudeau Investigative journalist and financial expert, claims we are being ushered into a cashless society by a mass distribution of smart cards (containing a computer chip) forced under the Emergency Banking Act, which will allow the government to track every personal financial transaction.
August 24, 2009
with Gary DeMar In his book, "Myths, Lies & Half-Truths", Gary DeMar writes that "a popular group of deceptions have effectively rendered the Christian church in America culturally irrelevant." We discuss what they are including whether religion and politics should mix; can and should morality be legislated; and whether Christians should remain neutral on policy issues.
August 19, 2009
with Jay Richards Author of "Money, Greed and God" joins Sharon to talk about the claims that capitalism has failed us, and that socialism is a good alternative. A Sr. Fellow at the Discovery Institute he describes the "eight myths of capitalism", and answers the questions: If I become rich, won't someone else become poor? And does God want us to be rich?
August 17, 2009
WOMANTalk with Caryl Matrisciana Sharon & Audrey Russo talk with Caryl Matrisciana about her latest film, Islam Rising - A Call to One World Ummah, winner of ICVM's 2009 Bronze Award for Best Documentary, with Nonie Darwish, Walid Shoebat, Brigitte Gabriel, Kalal Saleem and other former Muslims, including some former terrorists, say about the preparation for the takeover of the world by Islam? Caryl is a WT contributor.
August 14, 2009
CONSPIRACYTalk with Tal Brooke Author of ONE WORLD writes that many forces are moving the world toward A New World Order which could arrive almost overnight and be unlike anything the world has ever seen. Will it be the utopian future of universal brotherhood the world is being primed to expect by today's power players and experts? A quiet revolution behind the scenes is occurring. What can we believe?
August 12, 2009
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About Changing Worldviews

Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

About Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes is the Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and 15+ year Investigative Journalist and Talk Radio Host. Saying it like it is on the most critical issues of our day to conferences, on television, and on the radio interviewing well-known authors and film producers, public policy and pro-family experts, and government and religious leaders, Sharon's column has also been published in print media and on numerous online news sites.


In addition, Sharon is the Founder of Relationships Seminars, Co-Leader of Women In Christ, an outreach to women, and Bible Teacher. She has served in various capacities in her church, on community and state boards, and has been the recipient of several Leadership Awards. A wife, mother, and now grandmother, Sharon loves to cook and fly fish with her husband, Duane.

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