Changing Worldviews

Sharon Hughes

DeConstructionism and the Stealing of a Culture

November 8, 2017

Guest: Tom Horn, Author of - How did we get so far down the road of thinking it is okay to mix the DNA of humans and animals; and applauding the worldviews of famous Professor at Princeton University, Bioethicist Peter Singer, who advocates it's okay to kill babies outside of the womb if they are 'sick,' and also believes since we are all animals, beastiality is okay? Our culture is being stolen via 'deconstructionism,' and it's time to wake up to what's going on.

References: Romans 1:23


Guest: Dr. Christopher Hook, Mayo Clinic - What is EGO Death, and what does it have to do with the stealing of a culture, not the least of which is gender confusion, and even gender rejection? Plus, watch out for ID theft after the death of loved ones, and what you do to prevent it.
November 6, 2017
Guest: William Federer, author of "The Interesting History of Taxes" - Congress continues to battle over establishing Pres. Trump's agenda for a new Tax Plan; did the Founders foresee this, and thus put in place a plan for taxation to protect the American people? And how does the bottom line of this issue touch every aspect of our lives?
November 3, 2017
Guest: Dr. Jerry Newbomb, Senior Producer D. James Kennedy Ministries, and lead editor for the documentary "Radical Islam on the March," and author or co-author of over 28 books - The latest Islamic Terrorist attack in Manhattan, New York, is the ninth vehicle attack against innocent people. While ISIS is being defeated in Iraq, the home-grown, radicalized ISIS-‘operatives’ are increasing their efforts. How is America’s view and approach to dealing with this issue different from the world? And can the march of radical Islam across the world be stopped?
November 1, 2017
Guest: Dr. James Lindzey, National Guard Chaplain - the majority of Americans belief in the supernatural, including 1/3 who believe they have been visited by a ghost or someone from the dead. What is going on? Dr. Lindzey tells of firsthand accounts of his soldiers during Hurricaine Katrina who had some very disturbing experiences. So, if people are having these experiences what are they? Ghosts or demons?
October 30, 2017
Guest: Catharine Edwards Sanders, Author of "Wicca's Charm," and Audrey Russo - Why is there a growing involvement of teens in witchcraft? Why are some even leaving the church for pagan practices? What is 'Split-level' Christianity? These are some of the things we discuss on this show in order to expose the worldviews behind the growing acceptance of witchcraft in our culture today. Audio clips are from "Witchcraft Repackaged," by film producer and author, the late Caryl Matrisciana.
October 27, 2017
Guest: Dr. Ron Rhodes, author of "The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums and Psychic Phenomena" - Occultism is growing in the U.S. and around the world; young people are involved in some form of witchcraft more than ever; mediums and psychics offer the ability to talk to dead relatives; and so while talking about these things in order to expose the origins behind them is unpopular, to be true to uncovering the worldviews behind the issues effecting our culture we need to address them with the truth.
October 25, 2017
In today's PC world, discussing evil is frowned upon. But, if we're going to be true to exposing the worldviews behind the issues, then we have to look at the origins, and its 'cultural' expressions as the increase of interest and activity in witchcraft, including among some leaders in government, such as Hillary Clinton's communing with the dead; Bill Clinton's fasination with voodoo; and John Podesta's tie to 'spirit cooking.' 
October 23, 2017
Guest: Avi Lipkin, former Sr. Editor of the Israeli Government Press, Author - his wife gathers intelligence for the Israeli Government, so our guest is well equipped to give an inside scoop into the reality of the Islamic Caliphate Agenda, not just against Israel, but America.
October 20, 2017
Guest: Walid Shoebat, former PLO terrorist, now Christian, Author of several books including, "Why We Want to Kill You," & Myles Weiss of Beth Shalom - the Caliphate Agenda is to dominate the world, and Israel is the prime target. Walid Shoebat came to America with funding to indoctrinate college students. Now he is working around the world to bring the truth of the Caliphate agenda.
October 18, 2017
Guest: Robert Spencer, Author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" and Founder of Jihad Watch - Is Islam really a religion of peace? If a Caliphate is the goal, what are the goals of the Islamic Caliphate; how much of it has already been achieved; and why is America a target, really?
October 16, 2017
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Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

About Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes is the Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and 15+ year Investigative Journalist and Talk Radio Host. Saying it like it is on the most critical issues of our day to conferences, on television, and on the radio interviewing well-known authors and film producers, public policy and pro-family experts, and government and religious leaders, Sharon's column has also been published in print media and on numerous online news sites.


In addition, Sharon is the Founder of Relationships Seminars, Co-Leader of Women In Christ, an outreach to women, and Bible Teacher. She has served in various capacities in her church, on community and state boards, and has been the recipient of several Leadership Awards. A wife, mother, and now grandmother, Sharon loves to cook and fly fish with her husband, Duane.

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