The Boundless Show

Lisa Anderson

Female Friendship: Episode 838

February 22, 2024

Finding fun and inspiration in other women, plus Bailey Hurley on what to look for in a friend, and when you’re frustrated with where life has you. 


Featured musical artist:  All Sons & Daughters


Roundtable: Finding Quality Female Friends


Ladies, who’s someone from your friend group you can laugh and have fun with? And who inspires and challenges you? The truth is, we need both types of friends. This week, a group of women tells which of their friendships bring out the best in them, how they cultivate them, and why these types of friendships matter.     


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Culture: Friendship That Goes the Distance


What’s the current state of your friendships? As a friendship coach, Bailey Hurley is passionate about helping people develop healthy relationships. She joins us this week to share strategic filters she applies for choosing friends, how to have realistic expectations of others, and what it looks like to be a giver and not just a taker.        


Together Is a Beautiful Place: Finding, Keeping, and Loving Our Friends 


Inbox: Should I Be Further Along in Life? 


At age 25, our listener isn’t sure what he wants to do for a career. It’s to a point where he’s feeling aimless and frustrated. How can he figure out what kind of job he wants and if it’ll be enough to provide for a family? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.

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Neighborhoods Reimagined
How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors


Finding fun and inspiration in other men, plus Scott Kedersha on doing devotions as a dating couple, and how guys can serve single moms.             Featured musical artist:  Love and the Outcome    Roundtable: Finding Quality Male Friends   Guys, who’s someone from your friend group you can laugh and have fun with? And who inspires and challenges you? The truth is, we need both types of friends. This week, a group of guys tells which of their friendships bring out the best in them, how they cultivate them, and why these types of friendships matter.                               Leave Us a Voicemail   Find Us on YouTube   Culture: Devotions for Dating Couples Spiritual compatibility is the most important part of your dating relationship, but we’ve heard that going too deep spiritually with your date can force inappropriate intimacy. Is there a balance? Pastor Scott Kedersha from Harris Creek Baptist Church has written a devotional for couples who are dating or engaged. He’ll discuss healthy boundaries in praying with your date, how to study the Bible together, and why knowing a person’s spiritual patterns and beliefs is good intel for assessing marriage potential.           The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide: 100 Prayers for Dating and Engaged Couples    Inbox: Men Serving Single Moms   Our listener has many friends who are single mothers. He wants to reach out and offer practical help, but how can he do so without overstepping his bounds? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.
February 15, 2024
Help your married friends set you up, plus how to read the news with discernment, and thoughts on dating couples doing devotions together.   Featured musical artist: JJ Heller  Roundtable: Your Role in Being Set Up It’s flattering when friends and family try to set you up. It can lead to a happy and successful dating relationship — or even marriage. At other times, it can lead to awkwardness and strained friendships. Our guests share their perspectives on the dos and don’ts of successful setups. With funny stories and practical takeaways, this conversation will give you tools to make your dating journey smoother and more fun.                   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: How to Navigate the News Today’s news is littered with bias. Everyone has an agenda, and it’s hard to separate the facts from opinion, interpretation, and flat-out manipulation. How can we determine what’s actual news and ensure we’re getting all sides of a story? Paul Batura and Gary Schneeberger are both communications pros and news junkies, having worked in radio, newspapers, public relations and beyond. They’ll share their best tips for practicing discernment when taking in headlines and commentary from around the world.       A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World  Link to Daily Citizen Inbox: Doing Devotions as a Couple You and your boyfriend or girlfriend want to encourage growth in each other’s relationship with God, but should that involve praying and studying Scripture together? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
February 8, 2024
Improve your listening skills, plus breaking negative family patterns, and why should Christians dress modestly?          Featured musical artist:  About a Mile   Roundtable: Improve Your Listening Skills Listening is a lost art. It’s also a skill that requires focus, intention, and care for the other person. While some people are naturally better listeners, anyone can get better at making others feel heard. Our guests discuss their own struggles with listening and talk through ideas for improvement including focus, honest feedback, and how to handle interactions with a poor listener.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Breaking Bad Family Cycles We’ve all been affected by family brokenness. For some, it was our parents’ divorce. Others had a parent abandon them. Still others grew up in homes filled with anger, blame, shame or grief. With so much heartbreak and negative history, many young adults wonder if having their own family someday is even worth it. Members of our Focus on the Family counseling team give us  hope for starting over, breaking cycles, and honoring God in the process.       Hope Again: When Life Hurts and Dreams Fade  Link to Counseling Services Inbox: Does God Care What I Wear? Christians talk about how it’s important to dress modestly, but why, and what does that actually mean? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
February 1, 2024
Fun ideas for boosting your intelligence, plus Alisa Childers tackles more sneaky cultural lies, and is dating multiple people at once OK?           Featured musical artist:  John Waller Roundtable: Boost Your Intelligence You don’t need to spend all your free time scrolling social media or binging Netflix. What if you resolved to improve your intelligence in 2024? Our guests share what areas they want to become more competent in this year and why. They’ll also discuss how they plan to make it happen without becoming performance-driven or arrogant.                   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The World Is Lying to Us (Part 2) Have you heard someone reference “their truth”? It may sound harmless — even affirming — but it’s a concept that is founded on a lie. Sadly, numerous untruths have infiltrated our cultural vocabulary, and sometimes even Christians don’t recognize how deceptive they are. Christian apologist and author Alisa Childers joins us for a candid conversation around unbiblical statements, platitudes and promises that sound good but are in fact dangerous. In part two she addresses the myths of “God just wants you to be happy,” “You shouldn’t judge,” and “It’s all about love.”     Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed   Inbox: Is Dating Multiple People OK? Is it acceptable to date multiple people at the same time? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.
January 25, 2024
Staying inspired even when it’s tough, plus Alisa Childers tackles sneaky cultural lies, and should you move to a new state for a fresh start?           Featured musical artist:  Tauren Wells Roundtable: How Can I Stay Motivated?  We’re several weeks into the new year — and it’s already hard to sustain those big plans and goals we made on January 1 for starting something great or stopping something unhealthy. Staying the course is no easy task, but what if there are ways to remain inspired and continue making progress, even on days when you feel like giving up? Our panel discusses how they’re staying motivated this year.                  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The World Is Lying to Us (Part 1) Have you heard someone reference “their truth”? It may sound harmless — even affirming — but it’s a concept that is founded on a lie. Sadly, numerous untruths have infiltrated our cultural vocabulary, and sometimes even Christians don’t recognize how deceptive they are. Christian apologist and author Alisa Childers joins us for a candid conversation around unbiblical statements, platitudes and promises that sound good but are in fact dangerous. In part one she covers the myths of “Live your truth,” “You are enough,” and “You should put yourself first.”     Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed   Inbox: Should I Move to a New State? Our listener wants to move somewhere with a higher percentage of young adults who love the outdoors and hiking. But is this enough reason to uproot and relocate? Boundless producer John Peardon weighs in.  
January 18, 2024
Finding activities in colder months, plus Mark Bates outlines the essentials of Christianity, and is playing lots of video games a sin?        Featured musical artist: Zach Williams    Roundtable: Don’t Wish Winter Away   Now that the holidays are over and the hustle and bustle has died down, the temptation to hibernate is strong. The days are short and cold, activities are limited, and creativity and motivation easily give way to Netflix and napping. Can you make the most of the winter months, both inside and outdoors? Our guests offer their best ideas.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Marks of a True Christian   Lots of people call themselves Christians. But even the Bible says that not everyone who claims Christ belongs to Him. So how can you know if you’re truly saved? What are the essentials we must believe and do? Pastor Mark Bates breaks down the necessary things for true Christians to agree on.      True Community    The Focused Pastor   Inbox: How Much Time Playing Video Games Is Sinful?   If you enjoy playing video games, how do you gauge if the amount of time you play them is too much? Can it even become sinful? And are certain games just flat-out wrong to play? Counselor Jeff Brown weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services   Link to Plugged In Website
January 11, 2024
Bringing optimism into 2024, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin answer your questions, and what if your church lacks a ministry to singles?          Boundless Guides to Marrying Well   Featured musical artist:  Covenant Worship   Roundtable: A Healthy Perspective for the New Year People are forecasting growth and setting goals for 2024, but what does it look like to bring  genuine hope into your new year? Our guests discuss setting a healthy framework for the coming months, and how they (and we) can focus on blessings and opportunities rather than the discouraging headlines and circumstances around us. Whether you’re a natural optimist or more prone to cynicism and discouragement, this conversation will help.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 2) You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time). Last week they shared their story of meeting, dating, and marrying, and this week they answer relationship questions from our listeners.   Boundless Guides to Marrying Well   Link to Heart of Dating Website  Inbox: No Church Ministry for Singles  You long for connection with other singles at your church, but what can you do if your congregation doesn’t have a dedicated space for that — especially for those who are post-college? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
January 4, 2024
Reasons to go on a missions trip, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin from the “Heart of Dating” podcast, and how can you measure spiritual maturity?             Featured musical artist:   Hollyn  Roundtable: Why Go on a Missions Trip? Churches and organizations are already advertising opportunities to join them on missions trips next year. Should you give one a try? Our guests have seen firsthand the fruit of giving their time and talent in other cultural contexts, and give helpful insight into what to expect, how to find a good fit, and what missions trips are and aren’t.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 1) You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time) so they can tell their story of meeting, overcoming assumptions and an age difference, preparing for marriage, and now doing ministry together. Heads-up: Next week they’ll answer your dating questions.  Resource Offer: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well    Link to Heart of Dating Website  Inbox: Is My Faith Growing?  Spiritual maturity is essential for Christians, but it’s a process. How do you know if there’s growth in your life, and how do you actively pursue it? Pastor Mark Bates offers advice.
December 28, 2023
A 2023 goals report card, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery (part two), and can you study the Bible without it getting repetitive?           Featured musical artist:  Phil Wickham   Roundtable: What Happened to Our 2023 Resolutions?   Do you remember what your goals were at the beginning of the year? Our team looked back at our aspirations for 2023 and how (if?) we actually saw them through. We share the highs and lows of this year, how we hoped to grow, what we wanted to accomplish, and what we might change heading into 2024,   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 2)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part two of our conversation, they share the dos and don’ts of helping someone trapped in addiction.     Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Does Your Bible Reading Seem Repetitive?   Is there a way to read the Bible or devotional books without them feeling repetitive? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.    Boundless Advent Devotional   
December 21, 2023
Pastors’ tips for finding a great small group, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery, and should a guy give a girl a gift on the first date?   Featured musical artist:  Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Choose a Small Group   We talk a lot about how one of the best ways to connect to other believers and truly grow is by “making the big church small.” Getting involved in a small group can do just that. But how do you find a small group that’s a good fit? And what makes a small group successful? Two pastors with tons of experience in Christian community and discipleship share what makes a good small group, how groups can go deeper, different types of groups to try, and when to walk away and try something else.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 1)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part one of our conversation, they share their stories and give common misconceptions about addiction and recovery.      Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Should Guys Give a Gift on a First Date?   Is bringing a gift on your first date appropriate? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Boundless Advent Devotional
December 14, 2023
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Neighborhoods Reimagined
How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors

About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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