The Boundless Show

Lisa Anderson

Are You Spiritually Mature?: Episode 830

December 28, 2023

Reasons to go on a missions trip, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin from the “Heart of Dating” podcast, and how can you measure spiritual maturity?            

Featured musical artist:   Hollyn 

Roundtable: Why Go on a Missions Trip?

Churches and organizations are already advertising opportunities to join them on missions trips next year. Should you give one a try? Our guests have seen firsthand the fruit of giving their time and talent in other cultural contexts, and give helpful insight into what to expect, how to find a good fit, and what missions trips are and aren’t.               

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Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 1)

You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time) so they can tell their story of meeting, overcoming assumptions and an age difference, preparing for marriage, and now doing ministry together. Heads-up: Next week they’ll answer your dating questions. 

Resource Offer: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well   

Link to Heart of Dating Website 

Inbox: Is My Faith Growing? 

Spiritual maturity is essential for Christians, but it’s a process. How do you know if there’s growth in your life, and how do you actively pursue it? Pastor Mark Bates offers advice.

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Neighborhoods Reimagined
How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors


A 2023 goals report card, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery (part two), and can you study the Bible without it getting repetitive?           Featured musical artist:  Phil Wickham   Roundtable: What Happened to Our 2023 Resolutions?   Do you remember what your goals were at the beginning of the year? Our team looked back at our aspirations for 2023 and how (if?) we actually saw them through. We share the highs and lows of this year, how we hoped to grow, what we wanted to accomplish, and what we might change heading into 2024,   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 2)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part two of our conversation, they share the dos and don’ts of helping someone trapped in addiction.     Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Does Your Bible Reading Seem Repetitive?   Is there a way to read the Bible or devotional books without them feeling repetitive? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.    Boundless Advent Devotional   
December 21, 2023
Pastors’ tips for finding a great small group, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery, and should a guy give a girl a gift on the first date?   Featured musical artist:  Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Choose a Small Group   We talk a lot about how one of the best ways to connect to other believers and truly grow is by “making the big church small.” Getting involved in a small group can do just that. But how do you find a small group that’s a good fit? And what makes a small group successful? Two pastors with tons of experience in Christian community and discipleship share what makes a good small group, how groups can go deeper, different types of groups to try, and when to walk away and try something else.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 1)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part one of our conversation, they share their stories and give common misconceptions about addiction and recovery.      Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Should Guys Give a Gift on a First Date?   Is bringing a gift on your first date appropriate? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Boundless Advent Devotional
December 14, 2023
Killer Christmas party ideas, plus Mark Ballenger on prioritizing God while dating, and a question about same-sex attraction and celibacy.   Featured musical artist:  Darlene Zschech    Roundtable: Christmas Party Planning   It’s that time of year: decorations, holiday tunes, Christmas cookies, ugly sweaters, and yes, Christmas parties. Most people can host a ho-hum Christmas party, but if you want yours to be next-level, you need this conversation. Our party people share tips for including introverts, melding friend groups, serving food, curating music, making memories and more.                 Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: God’s Role in Your Dating Life   If you’ve ever watched the popular YouTube channel, you’ve seen Mark Ballenger offer biblical dating and marriage advice. This week he shares his personal stories, plus how to overcome past hurts, blow past preconceived notions, and keep God at the center of all your dating decisions.      Christ-Centered Dating: Pursuing a Relationship That Glorifies God     Watch Mark’s YouTube Channel  Mark’s Website   Our listener struggles with same-sex attraction and is wondering if this means he’s destined to remain celibate forever. Gender and sexuality expert Jeff Johnston weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services Boundless Advent Devotional  Hear Jeff Johnston’s Testimony Find Articles by Jeff Johnston
December 7, 2023
How singles can connect with kids, plus more with Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and how to deal with friends who’ve gotten married.   Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado   Roundtable: Is Being Good with Kids Required for Marriage?   Some singles consider themselves great with kids, while others find that children make them uncomfortable. But is being good with children a prerequisite for being a healthy spouse? We interviewed some people who love children on ways you can learn to be more comfortable around kids, and why doing so is beneficial for marriage.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Dating to Find a Spouse (Part 2)   Dating should be fun, but when stakes are high (like actually looking for a mate), things can easily get complicated. How can you be sure you’re dating in a way that will lead to a godly marriage? Our friend Michael Johnson’s new book breaks it all down, helping Christian daters get clarity and intention in how to make dating count. In part two of our discussion, he’ll address ways to guard against sexual temptation, the need for good friends, and whether or not you’re ready to date.   Date Like You Know What You’re Doing: Your DatePrep Guide    Future Marriage University Inbox: When Your Friends Have Gotten Married How do you move forward when you feel abandoned by your friends who’ve gotten married, and you’re still single? Lisa Anderson weighs in.      Guest: Lisa Anderson Article: Friends Beyond Marriage, Part 1  Article: Friends Beyond Marriage, Part 2  Link to Counseling Services Boundless Advent Devotional
November 30, 2023
Favorite Thanksgiving traditions, plus Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and what if you strongly disagree with your siblings’ choices?   Featured musical artist:  Daniel Bashta   Roundtable: Our Thanksgiving Traditions   Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many (well, Americans, at least). To help you celebrate, we took a lighthearted look at some of our most treasured Turkey Day traditions. We discuss holiday food (the debate: stuffing or dressing?), favorite activities, general vibes, and how we emphasize thankfulness with our families and friends.    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Dating to Find a Spouse (Part 1)   Dating should be fun, but when stakes are high (like actually looking for a mate), things can easily get complicated. How can you be sure you’re dating in a way that will lead to a godly marriage? Our friend Michael Johnson’s new book breaks it all down, helping Christian daters get clarity and intention in how to make dating count. In part one of our conversation, he’ll share fun (read: both amazing and awkward) stories from his own dating experience, plus how to spot a Mr. or Ms. Wrong, and why dating can actually be fun.   Date Like You Know What You’re Doing: Your DatePrep Guide     Future Marriage University   Inbox: When You Disagree with Your Siblings’ Choices   It’s tough when your sibling makes a life choice that goes against your core convictions. When that happens, how do you respond? Is it possible to stand for truth and still love your brother or sister? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services   Boundless Advent Devotional  
November 23, 2023
When going deep with others is difficult, plus handling rough family dynamics during the holidays, and bitterness over being left out.   Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts   Roundtable: When a Relationship Feels Shallow   Some friendships bring instant connection. You both have something in common and you hit it off. Soon you’re able to be real, challenging and sharpening each other. But for others, no matter how hard you try, the connection or the will to go deep just isn’t there. This can happen with family, too — or even a boyfriend or girlfriend. What do you do when it feels like a relationship lacks a heart and mind connection? That’s the question we get to the bottom of this week.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Family Doesn’t Guarantee Holiday Happiness   Holiday hype promises warmth, family and nostalgia, but family gatherings can be anything but fun if you have to face that relative. If your family is less than picture perfect, how do you survive? Can you celebrate without hurt, resentment, confrontation or even an all-out war? Counselor Tim Sanford offers practical ways to manage expectations, establish boundaries and keep the peace, even around the most challenging family members.   Forgive for Real: Six Steps to Forgiving   Just Annoying, or Truly Unsafe? How to Navigate Get-Togethers with Difficult Family  Inbox: No Room in the Apartment   She was planning to move out with friends, but then they got a place without her. She found out after the fact and wants to know how to move on from feeling betrayed. Counselor Linda Miller weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services
November 16, 2023
When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus Madi Prewett Troutt talks “The Bachelor,” love and singleness, and how to lean on God after a breakup.                            Featured musical artist:  David Dunn   Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 2)   Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They continue a great discussion from last week on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Beyond “The Bachelor” With Madi Prewett Troutt   In 2020, Madi Prewett Troutt became a both beloved and maligned contestant on TV’s “The Bachelor.” Her season in the public eye taught her much, especially what love is — and what it isn’t. She shares lessons learned from the show, dating in high school, marrying her husband, Grant, and most importantly — from God himself. Get Madi’s take on how to get the love you want instead of what will never last.   The Love Everybody Wants: What You’re Looking For Is Already Yours   Inbox: God Will Get You Through Your Breakup   Breakups aren’t easy, especially when you had high expectations for the relationship. People tell you to “lean on God” to deal with the pain, but what does that look like? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
November 9, 2023
When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus how introverts can win on the job, and balancing your priorities with your family’s needs.   Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker   Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 1)   Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They spark a great discussion on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.      Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Introverts at Work   Are extroverts more successful in their careers? Listening to workplace lore, you’d assume that it’s easier for extroverts to get ahead, make friends, influence others, and be recognized on the job. Sometimes that’s true — but introverts, take heart. Introvert Dr. Mike Bechtle says that introverts have unique gifts and temperaments that can spell success on the job. Whether you’re an introvert or you want to better understand your introverted friends and coworkers, you’ll be encouraged by this discussion.   The Introvert’s Guide to Success in the Workplace: Becoming Confident in a Culture of Extroverted Expectations    Inbox: When Your Family Needs You   You want to focus on your own projects, priorities and friendships, but your family sometimes needs your help. How should you respond when things feel out of balance? Counselor Linda Miller gives a few tips. 
November 2, 2023
Finding hobbies beyond entertainment, plus the testimony of worship leader Stephen McWhirter, and when you feel burned out from loving others.    Featured musical artist:   Aaron Shust   Roundtable: Purposeful Hobbies    A new show to binge, a football score to check, and then some gaming (got to level up!). These pastimes are fun, but in an entertainment-saturated world, how can we balance our go-to media interests with hobbies that are more productive? Our guests open up about their struggles with consuming too much entertainment — and how they’re learning to stretch their minds and skills in other directions.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Link to Plugged In Website    Culture: Stephen McWhirter’s Journey From Meth to Ministry   Before Stephen McWhirter became known for the song “Come Jesus Come,” he spent a long season openly hating God. Growing up watching his dad, a pastor, abuse Stephen’s mom, Stephen wanted nothing to do with Christians. He turned to drugs, and for over a decade they consumed his life. But that’s where God met him. Hear Stephen tell how God redeemed his broken story and gave him a platform to show others the path to true freedom.   The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus     Stephen’s Music   Inbox: Burned Out From All the Takers   Ever feel like you’re giving your time and energy to everyone else, but getting nothing in return? If loving others is leaving you exhausted, counselor Jerry Jones offers hope.         Link to Counseling Services
October 26, 2023
Determining if you and your date align in matters of faith, plus female execs help women succeed, and pursuing a woman post-breakup.    Featured musical artist:   Mosaic MSC   Roundtable: Are You Spiritually Compatible?    You and the person you’re dating may both be Christians, but that doesn’t guarantee you’re compatible. What are your theological disagreements? Does their spiritual maturity matter? What about worship style or church experience? Our panel gives their best advice to help you determine what’s important to stay in sync spiritually with your significant other.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Helping Women Succeed in the Workforce   Today’s career landscape has exploded with new opportunities for women, but that doesn’t mean success isn’t hard-won. Three female execs and business owners who’ve been there spearhead a discussion on how to be a successful working woman and leader while honoring God and achieving work-life balance.   The Way We Work: Taking Charge of Your Own Success     4-Word Women   Inbox: What If She Just Ended a Relationship?    He’s been on a couple dates, but both women recently came out of dating relationships. He’s wondering: Should a guy pursue a woman if she just ended a relationship with someone else? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services
October 19, 2023
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How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors

About The Boundless Show

Boundless is a ministry of Focus on the Family that exists to see young adults mature in Christ as the foundation for marriage and family. Through our website, blog and weekly podcast, we help singles in their 20s and 30s navigate the path to marriage biblically and intentionally while providing sound resources and advice on key issues young adults face. We discuss everything from dating and relationships to faith, worldview, career and culture in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We’re also on Facebook ( and Twitter (BoundlessTeam).

The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.

About Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.  

Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.

When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.

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