Are You Spiritually Mature?: Episode 830
Reasons to go on a missions trip, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin from the “Heart of Dating” podcast, and how can you measure spiritual maturity?
Featured musical artist: Hollyn
Roundtable: Why Go on a Missions Trip?
Churches and organizations are already advertising opportunities to join them on missions trips next year. Should you give one a try? Our guests have seen firsthand the fruit of giving their time and talent in other cultural contexts, and give helpful insight into what to expect, how to find a good fit, and what missions trips are and aren’t.
Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 1)
You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time) so they can tell their story of meeting, overcoming assumptions and an age difference, preparing for marriage, and now doing ministry together. Heads-up: Next week they’ll answer your dating questions.
Resource Offer: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well
Link to Heart of Dating Website
Inbox: Is My Faith Growing?
Spiritual maturity is essential for Christians, but it’s a process. How do you know if there’s growth in your life, and how do you actively pursue it? Pastor Mark Bates offers advice.
Featured Offer
Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain
Featured Offer
Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain
About The Boundless Show
The Boundless Show is a weekly podcast designed to build community among single young adults and provide a God-centered perspective on relationships, culture, career and faith. Hosted by Focus on the Family’s Lisa Anderson, The Boundless Show brings a voice to the interests and concerns of today’s 20- and 30-somethings.
About Lisa Anderson
Lisa Anderson is director of Boundless ( and host of The Boundless Show — a weekly podcast reaching 20- and 30-somethings with the message of God’s design for marriage and family. The show also features practical tips for dating intentionally, owning your faith, navigating career and culture, and maturing in all areas of life.
Lisa speaks frequently at churches, conferences and workshops, and her writing has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and in Streetwise and The Big Screen — two books in David C. Cook’s Custom Curriculum series.
When not challenging the next generation, she enjoys traveling, running, and quoting her mother, who is known to say outrageous things. She loves Jesus, people, ideas and guacamole, in that order.Contact The Boundless Show with Lisa Anderson
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO
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