Bible Answers Live

Doug Batchelor

Bible Answers Live Special Edition : Trump Assassination Attempt - America in Prophecy

July 14, 2024

The attempt on Donald Trump's life shook the whole world !  How should Christians respond, and does it have any prophetic significance ?  Pastor Doug Batchelor addresses this in this special edition of Bible Answers Live.  Tune in now !

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From Stress to Joy
When stress feels overwhelming, it can seem like there's no relief in sight. But there is a natural, easy-to-follow program proven to reduce your anxiety and give you more peace of mind. Use the three simple steps in this guide to overcome crushing stress.


Pain brings you down.  Pain brings you back to reality.  Pain brings you back to God... pain means you're on the right path.  The clarity you gain through trial is a gift and a blessing.  The fact that you are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in you something precious which He desires to develop.  If he saw nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining, (MH, 471).  Despite difficulties, having faith in God and in His Word will see you through.  He will preserve you through tribulation.  He will provide for you through need.  "The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end," (C.H.S.).  Tune in now to learn more.
April 7, 2024
"I and all that I have are yours." What if we said this to Christ every hour, every day ?  "I and all that I have are yours."  All of my doubts Lord, all of my desires.  All of my will and all of my worst.  All of my obedience and all of my best, Lord.  "I and all that I have are yours."  Maybe then, we could be true representatives of Christ wherever He sends us, to the familiar or to the unfamiliar.  We could flourish in foreign environments, wherever, somewhere among strangers, through the grace and power of Christ.  Tune in and study with us to learn about more. We'll learn about the meaning of total surrender, about grace and we'll learn how to pray more effectively.  Worry not; "Christ will hear you, for He never yet refused to heed the cry of a poor sin-sick soul," (C.H.S.).  
March 31, 2024
"And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart."  Yet still, "in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace."  This love of Christ is incomprehensible, and though we fail and grieve Him, filled with doubts toward Him or doubts of us, we are healed and empowered by His life and His sacrifice.  Please join us as the pastors speak on the unpardonable sin, and how we must believe God will forgive AND give power and ability to live a new life.  God will not ask of us anything without firstly giving us the power !  "When faith asks of God, it believes that it has the petition which it has asked of Him," (C.H.S.).  God has provided help for us, and in His strength we may conquer, (PP, 421).  Let us believe Him !  Let us praise Him !  Study with us now !
March 10, 2024
From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayals and losses - Babylon against Israel.  Today, the Lord is still watching for signs in us of surrender, signs in us of seriousness and fidelity, signs that we are ready... but our taste for the mundane grows; our worship of the world has barely begun.  "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen," and we must leave for it has become a dwelling place of demons.  This world rots and strides toward its destruction, yet God's Kingdom has no end.  His Kingdom of glory will be forever.  Join us now as we learn that understanding God's Word affects our image of Him and our relationship with Him, and that misunderstanding it will change our ability to love Him and reject the devil.  Study with us now !
March 3, 2024
Our best Friend is Jesus - He who did not withhold His own life from us but for our sakes became poor, (CS, 326).  Our best Friend is Jesus - He who bore a test infinitely more severe than that which Adam failed to endure, and who overcame the tempter on man's account that through His obedience, His purity of character and steadfast integrity, His righteousness might be imputed to man.  What love !  What amazing condescension !  (2Red, 14 and 15)  Yet what are we but proud, disobedient and naked... What are we but confused, angry and dirty.  Join us now and learn of Christ's faithfulness, His nobleness and righteousness, His authority and His blessings.  We'll also discuss His Law and the spirit of His Law, and His Second Coming as well.  Come and study with us !  All that can be desired is not comparable to Him.  Jesus is our Friend in affliction; He is One who knows, (DG, 221).
February 25, 2024
Success should be defined by our faithfulness and obedience to the Lord.  Success will be defined when the forthcoming events prove whether our hearts were of stone or of flesh.  "We do not belong to Christ unless we are His wholly.  The effort to serve both self and Christ makes one a stony-ground hearer, and he will not endure when the test comes upon him," (COL, 50).  Let us allow our Rock and our Salvation to work in us, to write His name and His law inside, to live inside so that the language of the soul may be, "Lord, take my heart; for I cannot give it.  Keep it pure.  Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristlike self," (COL, 159).  Only with His strength will we endure the length of the Great Tribulation.  Only with His heart will we keep the Ten Commandments, and only with His guidance will we be born again.  Join us now to study more about these and other topics.
February 4, 2024
God has permitted a flood of light to be poured upon the world in discoveries in science.  But even the greatest minds, if not guided by the Word of God, become bewildered in their attempts to investigate the relations of science and revelation, (HF, 322).  Knowledge has increased exponentially more in the last 100 years than in all of the history of man combined !  Could this be a sign ?  Look at where we are and what we are doing... In all regards, may we let our Father and Lord lead the way as this world's time expires.  Tune in and study with us about Armageddon and its timeline.  We'll also discuss the Second Coming, the first and second deaths described in the Bible, and very importantly, why the Sabbath is still to be observed today.
January 28, 2024
If the erring one persistently refuses to heed the voice that calls him with pitying, tender love, he will at last be left in darkness.  The heart that has long slighted God's mercy, becomes hardened in sin, and is no longer susceptible to the influence of the grace of God.  Fearful will be the doom of that soul (PP, 165).  When the Light comes on, on which side will you find yourself ?  The wicked run from the light, the righteous run to the light... There's no time to waste; we must make our decision now.  Study with us as the pastors discuss tribulations and times of trouble, and if prophecy has been fulfilled or is still to take place.
January 21, 2024
If "our chastisements are our promotions," and if that which is gained after many a struggle is a full weighted blessing, and if "our heavenly Father measures and weighs every trial before He permits it to come upon" us... then everything we go through is worth it for now, and for eternity !  (C. Spurgeon, OHC, 323.)  Let us then show the world that our God is worth ten thousand worlds to us (C. Spurgeon); that His Word is the maximum; that His Law is our delight; that despite not understanding everything, we keep faith, because everything is worth it, because nothing is above Him - because we will see God's smiling face in Heaven !  Tune in now to learn more with us, about the attacks on God's beautiful Word, about how to keep the Ten Commandments and much more !
January 14, 2024
"As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgression from us."  Sin is removed from us by a miracle of love !  And if sin be removed so far, then we may be sure that the scent, the trace, the very memory of it must be entirely gone; even Satan himself could not achieve to bring it back again.  Our sins are gone, Jesus has borne them away ! (Charles Spurgeon)   Join us as the pastors discuss how much God is willing to forgive more than we ask, and what God does with our broken promises.  
January 7, 2024
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From Stress to Joy
When stress feels overwhelming, it can seem like there's no relief in sight. But there is a natural, easy-to-follow program proven to reduce your anxiety and give you more peace of mind. Use the three simple steps in this guide to overcome crushing stress.

About Bible Answers Live

Listen to excerpted questions from Doug Batchelor's 60-minute, nationwide call-in program that lets you ask any Bible question and receive the true and accurate answer straight from the Bible.

About Doug Batchelor

As the teenage son of a millionaire father and a show business mother, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy - everything but happiness. He used drugs, fought at school, and entertained suicidal thoughts. Convinced that life held no purpose, Doug was determined to grab all the fun and excitement he could find! Before his search ended, a cave in the hills above Palm Springs, California, became his home.

Even though he had access to money, and famous and powerful people, Doug would eventually scavenge for food in garbage bins. The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible "Someone" had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle!

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