Atlanta Bible Baptist Church

Pastor Ray P. Smith

The Head Of A Steward

January 28, 2024

How to take the STEW out of Stewardship.

References: Matthew 21:33-46


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About Atlanta Bible Baptist Church

The Bible is the most important book in the world because it contains the best news for the world – the gospel of Jesus Christ! For over 50 years, our passion at the Atlanta Bible Baptist Church has been to tell people about God and help them understand His Word.

About Pastor Ray P. Smith

Rev. Ray P. Smith is the senior pastor of the Atlanta Bible Baptist Church. He follows Dr. John McNeal, Jr., the church’s founder and now Pastor Emeritus. Pastor Smith received his Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy in Atlanta. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.

Pastor Ray delights in teaching the Word of God, explaining its truths with practical illustrations and applications. His passion, to teach the whole counsel of God to minister to the whole person, flows out of his life verse, which says “And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). As Jesus grew mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, so should His followers.

Pastor Ray and his wife, Linda, are the parents of four children, one son-in-law, and two grandchildren.

Contact Atlanta Bible Baptist Church with Pastor Ray P. Smith

Mailing Address
Atlanta Bible Baptist Church
1419 Peachcrest Road
Decatur, GA 30032

(404) 241-1176