Ankerberg Show

Dr. John Ankerberg

What Would It Be Like to Meet Jesus in Person? (Part 1) | Segment 2

August 9, 2023

In this segment, Sunder and Shyamala examine Jesus’ compassion for the sick and the disabled. They discuss if it is always God’s will to heal and how God wants to use you to care for those who are hurting.

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The Fight Within / The Fight Without
What can you do, Christian, when you give in to sinful desires? You are addicted to life-styles and substances that are destroying your body, your Christian testimony, and your fellowship with God. What has God provided to help you forsake your old ways? How much have others conditioned your thinking, even though you are a Christian? What has God provided to enable new Christians to overcome their cultural sinful patterns? What can you do when the Bible says one thing and you realize it is not true in your life? Repentance and Holiness: has God provided a way for Christians to become holy no matter what their background? True repentance: why is it important to a Christian life? How can you surrender yourself totally to God?


In this segment, Sunder and Shyamala look at how Jesus had compassion on those who were like sheep without a shepherd as well as those who were hungry. They share how Jesus will fill you with His compassion as you spend time with Him.
August 7, 2023
In this segment, Shyamala shares more about how Jesus has been changing her from the inside and concludes with a prayer if you would like to experience this as well.
August 4, 2023
In this segment, Shyamala shares how she grew up attending a Christian church in India but found religion to be disconnected from everyday life. Hear how all this changed as she came to experience Jesus personally.
August 2, 2023
In this segment, Sunder continues to share how he came to faith in Jesus and explains how you can come into a personal relationship with Jesus as well.
July 31, 2023
In this segment, Sunder shares some of his fond memories of growing up in India and the things that surprised him as he began to hear about Jesus.
July 28, 2023
We will deal with the question, “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” We will share 4 historical facts accepted by the majority of New Testament scholarship today. They include the honorable burial of Jesus, His empty tomb, His post-mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief in God.
July 26, 2023
We’ll discuss, “Who did Jesus claim to be?” Did Jesus really claim to be the Messiah, the Son of God? In this program you will learn why the balance of scholarly opinion has tipped in favor of accepting that Jesus really did claim to be the Messiah, and the unique Son of God.
July 24, 2023
We answer the question, “How do we know the records about Jesus are accurate?” How do we know people didn’t make up sayings and stories about how Jesus claimed to be divine?
July 21, 2023
We begin with two questions: “What difference does it make if God exists or not? What would the implications be if God did not exist?” The answer to these questions lie at the very center of life’s meaning.
July 19, 2023
We begin with two questions: “What difference does it make if God exists or not? What would the implications be if God did not exist?” The answer to these questions lie at the very center of life’s meaning.
July 17, 2023
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The Fight Within / The Fight Without
What can you do, Christian, when you give in to sinful desires? You are addicted to life-styles and substances that are destroying your body, your Christian testimony, and your fellowship with God. What has God provided to help you forsake your old ways? How much have others conditioned your thinking, even though you are a Christian? What has God provided to enable new Christians to overcome their cultural sinful patterns? What can you do when the Bible says one thing and you realize it is not true in your life? Repentance and Holiness: has God provided a way for Christians to become holy no matter what their background? True repentance: why is it important to a Christian life? How can you surrender yourself totally to God?

About Ankerberg Show

The John Ankerberg Show is a daily half-hour radio program and a weekly half-hour internationally syndicated television program using informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.

About Dr. John Ankerberg

Dr. John Ankerberg is host and moderator of the nationally broadcast John Ankerberg Show television and radio program. Dr. Ankerberg is an internationally known author, evangelist and apologist. He and his wife, Darlene, have one daughter, Michelle.

Dr. John F. Ankerberg in his writings and on his television program presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical Christian answers. He believes that Christianity can not only stand its ground in the arena of the world's ideas but that Christianity alone is fully true. He has spoken to audiences on more than 78 American college and university campuses as well as in crusades in major cities of Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters.

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