Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

The Practices of Mysticism in the Church

July 2, 2011
Jan as host and Eric Barger as guest challenge Christianity Today for their promotion of a bargain sale of products promoting lectio divina, contemplative prayer, "the silence," spiritual formation, walking the labyrinth, and more. These are practices the reformers died fighting 500 years ago. In particular, the Emergent Church is promoting all of these along with everything mystical. Mysticism has replaced doctrine and the leaders of this apostate movement say Jesus died to save the earth, not individuals. Yet evangelicals are climbing on board the mystical train and it's leading to a train wreck in the church. How can you spot this in your church? Who are the names to avoid? We carry many Eric Barger products found here. Learn more at www.ericbarger.com

Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.


Jan hosts an hour that is a tribute to Dr. Ron Carlson who passed away June 16. Guests who weigh in include Ed Decker and Brannon Howse. Jan also plays a portion of Ron Carlson's message at Understanding the Times 2007 in the Twin Cities. Carlson specialized in exposing false teachings, cults, and stood for sound apologetics. Ron's conference message focuses on the deception of our day. You can contact the Carlson family at www.christianministriesintl.org. We carry Ron and Ed Decker's book, Fast Facts on False Teachings which you can find here. We carry CD and DVDs of our Understanding the Times conferences here. The second part of this broadcast is guest host Eric Barger who discusses with his guests the question: Can a Mormon be a Christian? Joining Barger are former Mormon elders Ed Decker of "Saints Alive in Jesus" and Jim Spencer of "Through the Maze." Decker and Spencer are two of today's most knowledgeable Christian apologists on the topic of Mormonism. This hour outlines the vast differences between Mormonism and authentic Christianity and reminds the listeners that those in the cults radically redefine terms such as "salvation." They also promote "another Jesus." As Mormons go more and more high-profile, we need to get acquainted with their twisted beliefs. Learn more at www.saintsalive.com or www.beyondmormonism.com, and www.ericbarger.com. We carry Ed Decker's book, My Kingdom Come and several Eric Barger productshere.
June 25, 2011
Ken Ham is Jan's guest. He is the author of a new book revealing how Christian college students come to their Christian college campus "already compromised." However, their unbelief is then fueled by Christian colleges promoting unsound doctrine. Jan and Ken reveal that the flawed doctrine is not just pertaining to Genesis issues, but theology running through the entire Bible.  Jan also answers the critics of the Dr. Randy White hour when Randy interviewed an Orthodox Jewish woman who denounced Christians witnessing to her. We must anyway! Jan also reveals more "Dual Covenant Theology" heavily promoted by John Hagee. No, the Jews don't have a separate way of salvation. For info on Ken Ham or his book, visit www.answersingenesis.org. On the second half of this broadcast we are sharing another message by Joel Rosenberg given at one of our Understanding the Times conferences. You can find CDs and DVDs of many of those conferences here.
June 18, 2011
Dr. Randy White is Jan's guest on the first part of this broadcast. They discuss issues concerning the identity and origin of the antichrist. The discussion reveals the compelling truth of a coming world leader in economics, politics, and even spirituality. Could he be alive today? Likely, yes. Are there signs we can look to that would help identify him? Why is this even something we might consider doing? The more we see the further rise of the one-world system, the more we can know that this "lawless one" is waiting in the wings. We sell White's book, The Antichrist: What You Can Know--What You Need to Know, found here. For more info on White, visit www.randywhiteministries.org or www.askdrwhite.blogspot.com. He is also a guest radio host for our ministry. On the second half of this broadcast Eric Barger guest hosts and talks with Dr. Dave Reagan, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Jan Markell. They are offering a response to the Harold Camping tragedy of May 21. They don't just dwell on the destruction of the Campings of the world; they also remind folks of the fact that a Rapture will happen some day. And a crown is waiting for those who long for His appearing. What can we know about this biblical event? All guests emphasize the importance of speaking and informing on this issue more than ever, even if one is marginalized for doing so. While Camping caused horrific destruction and was delusional, his followers took him seriously, showing the power of deception. We carry products by Barger, Reagan, and Hitchcock found here. For further info on guest host Eric Barger, visit www.ericbarger.com
June 11, 2011
The first half of this broadcast Jan talks to White House correspondent Bill Koenig about Israel-related issues including Netanyahu's visit, Obama's comments and attitude, possible weather-related fall-out from God, and Campaign 2012. Bill is the author of the classic book, Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel. Find that at his site: www.watch.org The second half of this broadcast is guest host is Dr. Randy White, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Katy, TX. White interviews Sondra Baras of Christian Friends of Israeli Communities. Sondra is a resident of Biblical Samaria. Living in the land of the Patriarchs, Sondra is an Orthodox Jew who strongly believes that the West Bank is land given by God to Israel. This broadcast will make you aware of the settlement movement among Jews, who the settlers are, and how Christians can bless the Jewish settlers of the land of Israel. Go here to find Dr. White's book on the Antichrist. We highly recommend it. www.fbckaty.com Olive Tree Ministries is a strong believer in Jewish evangelism even if it "offends." 
June 4, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast we are broadcasting one of our conference messages from Understanding the Times 2010 given by Dr. David Reagan. He documents the increase of the raging apostasy here in the last days, found in the church as prophesied. Those contending for the faith have a full-time job coming against false teachings and watered-down doctrine. Reagan heads Lamb Lion Ministries here. You can order the complete set of CDs and DVDs here. Recordings of our other conferences are also available there. The second half of this broadcast we also play a message given by Gary Kah at Understanding the Times 2009. Kah has been documenting the rapid rise of globalist efforts for the last 20 years. It has gone on fast-forward even more in the last 1-2 years. How does the Obama administration fit into this agenda? What should you be watching for as these events unfold? Kah's ministry is Hope for the World here. Indeed, the return of Jesus Christ is the only hope for this world. Find CDs and DVDs of this and other conference messages here. 
May 28, 2011
Jan hosts and talks to her guest, Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Dr. Walter Martin. In this two-hour presentation, Jan and Jill cover the rise of the paranormal. They discuss the greatest influencers on the issue: The entertainment industry, all things Harry Potter, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, mysticism in the churches, and more. They also explore the rise of Wicca and witchcraft and the fact that the "New Age" movement is now mainstream. They also consider the cult of Mormonism now that it is high-profile thanks to Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, and various members of Congress. The Mormon Church is baptizing many into the church after their death including Dr. Walter Martin and some who perished in the Holocaust. Dr. Martin was the leading critic of the cult before his death in 1989. www.waltermartin.com
May 21, 2011
Guest host, Eric Barger, and Pastor Paul Van Noy discuss "Covenant" theology and the related errors prevalent in the popular book, "The Hole In Our Gospel." Learn how "Covenant," "Replacement," and "Dual Covenant" theologies lead to a skewed understanding of the Scriptures. Then understand how World Vision'sRichard Sterns' book presents an unbiblical, works-oriented plan of salvation and forwards "Kingdom Now" theology, while intimating that the vast majority of true evangelicals preach and believe an incomplete gospel. Go here to find some products we carry that are produced by Eric Barger. www.ericbarger.com The second half of this broadcast we are also sharing Dr. Ron Rhodes' message at Understanding the Times 2009: It's Out of this World: The Glory of Heaven. We have CDs and DVDs of many previous conferences, all found here.
May 14, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Eric Barger is the guest host for Jan Markell. Eric discusses the many failings of theological liberalism. Eric has thoroughly researched the history of liberalism and the deadly progression that led to the spiritual destruction of mainline churches and denominations. His warning is that a satanic redo is underway inside once-sound Evangelicalism as many are following down the same path. This hour includes a discussion of the scriptural warnings, clips from liberal teachers, and the sobering reminder that liberalism is, indeed, the MOST dangerous cult of all. www.ericbarger.com On the second half of this broadcast Eric Barger updates us on the theme "Divorced From Church - When is it Time to Leave?" Today there are countless disenfranchised believers who have become refugees fleeing Emergent, Purpose Driven, Seeker, and liberal churches. The predicted apostasy warned of in Paul's letters is doubtlessly underway and the sheep are being scattered. Still the "remnant" spoken of in Scripture is alive and active! In this hour Eric talks with three brave ministers who have risked all to make stands for truth. You won't want to miss their powerful stories. www.ericbarger.com
May 7, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast Jeff Framke and Jan discuss how you can be a witness even after your death or the Rapture. Friends and family may think twice about the gospel message after you are gone and certainly after the Lord takes us away in the Rapture, although that may or may not be in our generation. He has produced a professional DVD called Final Harvest found here. Even if you have a will, it should be amended to include the tips Framke gives in this interview. If sharing the gospel was difficult for you in your lifetime, here's how you can easily do it after you are gone. www.finalharvestdvd.com On the second half of this broadcast Caryl Matrisciana returns to explain the oxymoron of Christian Yoga. This is further explained on her DVD Yoga Uncoiled from East to West: A Look at Yoga in the Church found here. This is now rampant in churches of all denominations yet Christian participants do not understand they are dealing with 330 million Hindu gods. They are in denial because it's "good stretching and breathing methods" and Yoga supposedly relieves their stress. This DVD and information is a tool to sound a warning to them. www.carylmatrisciana.com/site/
April 30, 2011
On the first half of this broadcast we are playing a message given by Joel Rosenberg, at our Understanding the Times 2007. His information is timeless as it focuses on the epicenter, the Middle East. His wit and wisdom is also shared with people in high places such as the U.S. Congress and Pentagon as even they are asking if current events are lining up with the Bible. www.joelrosenberg.com. Go here to order CDs or DVDs of this conference. The second half of this broadcast we air a message given by Dr. Mark Hitchcock at our Understanding the Times 2010. Mark summarizes the seven major categories of Bible prophecy and how our generation best fits into all of them. The conclusion is obvious: No previous generation had the signs of the times on display quite like the present one. www.marklhitchcock.com. Go here to order CDs or DVDs of this conference. 
April 23, 2011
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Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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