Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

New World Order with Carl Teichrib

May 15, 2010
Carl Teichrib has been researching and writing about "new world order" issues for a couple of decades. He and Jan focus heavily on the rush to unite all religions. What is the Vatican's role? How does the Tony Blair Faith Foundation fit in? What could possibly be the "global theology" now being talked about? He also shares his experience with Freemasonry and how that cult fits into globalization. Carl and Jan close by talking about the dark side of Earth Day. www.forcingchange.org

Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.


Dr. David Reagan joins Jan to talk about America in prophecy, the abuse of Israel by the Obama administration, the nuclear summit of last week, the day the stock market dropped 777 points in one day, and more. His book, America the Beautiful?, will be in our "products" section here. within a week. He exhorts us with Psalm 2: God laughs at the foolishness of politicians, and others, who try to renounce and denounce Him. www.lamblion.com
May 8, 2010
Kamal Saleem stays the first half-hour with more warnings for Americans on the danger before us. Islam was given a green light in Cairo last June, by Barack Obama, and they know it. They are going to take every advantage and use every creative tactic to strike again. Then filmmaker Caryl Matrisciana joins in, as she made "Islam Rising." She and Jan close out the program discussing the "restoration" of Todd Bentley, the disgraced so-called evangelist who is being brought back to minister by Rick Joyner. www.caryltv.com
May 1, 2010
Kamal Saleem was a young terrorist who hung out with Saddam Hussein, Yaser Arafat, and Muammar Khadaffi. He would never give up Islam. He lived to kill Christians and Jews and to perpetrate jihad. But God reached down and Kamal is now a strong believer, warning anyone who will listen about the danger America is in. He speaks to the FBI, CIA, and dozens of organizations, but has a much more difficult time now with the Obama administration who wants to give Islam a pass and not expose it. Saleem shares important insights all need to hear. Find the DVD we reference, "Islam Rising" by Caryl Matrisciana, here. Jan accidentally said Peter Wagner was a part of the film and meant Peter Hammond. www.koomeministries.com
April 24, 2010
In the first half of this broadcast Alicia Chole a former Atheist whose life was more comfortable denying the existence of God talks about her life. She agreed to attend a church service to get two people off her back. She tells her story of coming to faith. For anyone discouraged about winning a loved one to the Lord, this is must-listening. She is author of the book,Finding an Unseen God.In the second half of this boadcast Jan plays a 20-minute clip of a pastor who lost his voice permanently from an illness. Do not miss this as it is a faith builder. The voice is restored on air, as it was recorded by his home church.
April 17, 2010
Dr. Ron Rhodes returns to talk about angels. In his book, Angels Among Us: Separating Facts from Fiction, Rhodes and Jan discuss the creation of angels, the assignments of angels, the biblical importance of angels, the characteristics of angels, the difference between good and bad (demonic) angels, the fall of 1/3 of angels, and much more. Find Rhodes' book here. -- www.ronrhodes.org
April 10, 2010
Dr. Gary Frazier and Dr. Tim LaHaye join Jan to talk current events, the abusive treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu last week, "signs of the times," and about the most abused theology: Eschatology (Bible prophecy.) Frazier is one of our speakers at our spring conference: "Hope in a World of Troubling Change." We carry his book, America at the Tipping Point here. www.discoveryministries.com -- www.timlahaye.com
April 3, 2010
Dr. Gary Cass returns to report on current "Christian bashing" going on. Tyranny against Christians is on fast-forward under the current administration. How far will they go to put an end to our rights as Christians? Greater persecution is likely coming as the Bible tells us so. That's why Gary's organization is so important, although it is under scrutiny. www.christianadc.org
March 27, 2010
Eric Barger and Jan talk about the new book, "The New Pharisaism: How Spiritual Bullies Attack the Church." Why are much-needed discernment ministries, including Eric's and Jan's, being called bullies when they are only "contending for the faith"? These two ministries and a couple-dozen more, are exposing the abusers of evangelicalism over the last 25 years. Most churches are silent about exposing false teachers and false theologies, but when discernment ministries speak up, they are labeled divisive and behaving as bullies. Find two of Barger's excellent apologetics' DVDs here. Keep scrolling down as products are in alphabetical order. www.ericbarger.com
March 20, 2010
Pastor Bill Randles and Jan examine the prophetic movement. While the Bible has a role for prophets today, are the self-proclaimed prophets using this role properly? Randles, who is a Pentecostal pastor, says no. Who are some of these people and why has the movement allowed an accuracy rate as low as 10% when it had to be 100% in the Bible? This movement has now bridged a gap into the evangelical world? Who was the person who created this and why? www.believersingrace.com
March 13, 2010
Mark Tooley is recognized as the finest exposer of the antics of the religious Left. He and Jan discuss the major participants of the religious Left, the issues they oppose such as defending America (the world should be weaponless!), their loathing of Israel, the antics of Brian McLaren, and more. These Mainline denominational churches are shrinking but the real powerhouses are the World and National Council of Churches. Tooley represents the Institute for Religion and Democracy. This ministry supports Tooley but not all of the activities of the IRD as they, too, have some questionable alignments. Jan concludes the hour exposing the National Association of Evangelicals' support for "Earth Day" and their promotion of a Web site/ministry known as "Blessed Earth," a worshipping the creation before the Creator outfit. www.theIRD.org
March 6, 2010
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Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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