Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

Mormonism: Saving America When it Hangs by a Thread

August 10, 2013
Jan and her co-hosts Eric Barger and Jill Martin Rische discuss many angles of Mormonism. They are joined by former Mormon Pastor Paul Sheldon. They tackle Glenn Beck's recent "Man in the Moon" extravaganza in Salt Lake City which was a combination of patriotism on display with Mormon trappings. At the heart of Mormon theology is the fact that Mormonism will some day save America when it's Constitution and the very existence of the country hangs by a thread. Sheldon gives his story of exiting Mormonism even though he taught at the lay seminary level. Mormonism is riding in on the coattails of high-profile men, something they have never had before. Beck is clearly their first Mormon televangelist, falsely claiming to be a sincere Bible believing Christian. Find Ed Decker's book, "My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood" here. We are using the mobile app from One Place. Find info here. Many items referred to on air can be found in our category, "As Heard on the Radio" here.

Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.


Jan and her co-host Eric Barger consider the massive invasion of privacy going on with guest Gary Kah who has been warning of this for 25 years. Never has the biblical appeal to "deliver us from evil" been so imperative. The monstrous surveillance effort happening today is prepping the world for the Antichrist and the radio team discusses that. Then Jan and David Fiorazzo, author of "Eradicate: Blotting God Out in America," consider the Texas abortion battle with opponents crying "hail Satan" and "God is dead." These are dark times but "the light of the world" remains alive and well and we are His representatives. Find Fiorazzo's book here. NOTE: If you are an app user, we use the app found at One Place. Find info here:
August 3, 2013
Jan talks to Pastor Mark Biltz who unlocked the forthcoming blood moon phenomena via NASA's Web site. We cannot ignore the history of blood moons that are tied to significant Jewish dates such as 1492-93, 1948-49, 1967-68. It begs the question whether the 2014 and 2015 blood moon tetrads are harbingers of ominous things to come, not just for Israel, but for the world. Could one of Israel's many future wars break out during this time? Then Jan gives commentary as to the scoffing presented in two summer films, Rapture Palooza and This is the End. It would appear that the verses predicting Biblical scoffing are on overdrive.You can download our app at www.oneplace.com 
July 27, 2013
Jan's guests are a rep from the Zionist Organization of America, Joseph Sabag, and friend of Israel, Bob Naegele. Anti-Semitism is raging in the world and particularly on U.S. college campuses. It says in Psalms 102 that when the Lord builds up Zion, He shall appear in His glory. Thus, Christians need to be paying attention but most aren't. Nor are pulpits in the Western world. As last days' events play out, Israel is almost always in the center of them. The three have a lively discussion about many issues, including why Jews are usually supportive of liberal candidates who often are not a friend of Israel. Sabag states that one of his assignments is to save Israel from the Jews who may not be as enthusiastically pro-Israel as some evangelical Christians. Encourage Joseph by writing him at zoaFlorida@gmail.com. We are living in a time when being Jewish is a crime. The last time that happened, a catastrophe resulted.The Understanding The Times Radio app can be found at www.oneplace.com
July 20, 2013
Jan's first guest is Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual. Has America declared war on God now that the Supreme Court has opened the door to a federal gay marriage opportunity across the land although initially the Court turned it over to the states a few weeks ago? Stephen gives his amazing testimony. Jan plays a clip of the secular Left mocking righteousness that is telling. Jan and Bennett also discuss the demise of Exodus International, a group formerly led by Alan Chambers, that has now closed its doors at a time in American history when this battle really begins to rage. Then Ray Yungen rejoins Jan to discuss contemplative prayer in the church. Ray explains why this practice is not only unsound -- it is literally dangerous. And it has taken over many denominations in various forms. Find the "Deception Package" of 10 booklets for $12 here. Or, you can order them individually including the single one on contemplative prayer found here.
July 13, 2013
Jan talks to Dr. Michael Coffman about Progressive ideology and the horrific damage it is doing to America. It is in both parties but today is fueled primarily by political liberals and all who hate God, as for them, government is god. It started with good intentions at the turn of the 20th Century and a Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt, backed it. Since then, it has turned into an effort to socialize America and the world. It is the perfect precursor to the coming one-world system. The Antichrist will love it! Today, it embraces a multitude of evils. To better understand it, get Coffman's book, "Plundered: How Progressive Ideology is Destroying America" here. This book is a must to understand the decline of America.We are now using the app at oneplace.com find it here.   
July 6, 2013
We air Dr. Erwin Lutzer's message from "Understanding the Times 2012," "When a Nation Forgets God." There are many similarities between Nazi Germany and America. Dr. Lutzer shares them with serious frankness but also lifts our spirits with his unique kind of humor. And while it appears America has forgotten God, He has not forgotten His people. He has not forgotten the remnant believers in the land who stand for righteousness in spite of government out of control and legislation from the judicial bench that is designed to sink our once-great nation. Find a complete set of conference CDs or DVDs here. We are now using the app at oneplace.com find it here
June 29, 2013
Jan, Eric Barger, and Larry Kutzler all contribute to this program. Part one looks at the "new confused evangelicals." These new evangelicals are rejecting sound doctrine, eternity, and salvation in favor of social justice, environmental concerns, and earthly thinking. In reality, could it be this new movement is merely an update of the old liberalism that decimated the formerly evangelical mainline churches and seminaries over a century ago? Learn who some of the leaders are as Barger and Kutzler play many examples that illustrate how the new confused evangelicals are betraying their namesake -- and the Bible. Jan also offers a commentary on the outrages being perpetrated on Americans by her corrupt leadership today. Find Paul Smith's book which is a must-read for discerning Christians, "The New Evangelicalism: The New World Order," here. Find Barger's "Where Are Evangelicals Heading?" here. His "Errors of the Emergent Church" DVD is here.
June 22, 2013
Jan's first guest is author Ray Yungen. They discuss the various forms of energy healing being implemented today on unsuspecting people. This is demonic yet even Christians are supportive because it supposedly brings about "healing." And there are 65 forms of energy healing today. The fact that this is the rage is just a further sign of our times and a shocking one. Demons are creative and clever! Find Yungen's pamphlet on energy healing here. We also offer the set of 10 booklets on varying topics here. Then Jan interviews Merrill Bolender about his booklet, "When the Cross Became a Sword." The is a primer on Replacement Theology that is racing through even evangelical churches. It discusses the origin and consequences of Replacement Theology. Find it here.We are now using the app from OnePlace.com. Find info here.  
June 15, 2013
Jan and co-host Eric Barger quiz former Muslim Brotherhood operative Walid Shoebat about a dozen topics including the love the Left has for Islam, the Benghazi debacle, Hillary Clinton's embarrassing testimony last January, the real reason behind the Benghazi disaster and the purpose of the mission there, and the strange Clinton/Abedin/Weiner relationship. Jan asks Walid if Barack Obama is perceived as a Muslim in the Islamic world. Walid then reveals the tie to Wahabbist Islam and the Obama family and the troubling associations of Obama's brother Malik. Obama glorifies his Islamic terror associations and heritage and denounces his Christian side and Shoebat explains why. Shoebat states that the church is being fooled by Islam and that Islam is infiltrating the church through devious means. The three discuss many of those efforts including "The Common Word", Chrislam, and more. Find Shoebat's book, "The Case for Islamophobia: Jihad by the Sword--America's Final Warning," here. This ministry is not in agreement with much of Shoebat's eschatology but his warnings concerning Islam must be taken seriously!
June 8, 2013
Jan's first guest is Dr. Ron Rhodes who emphasizes the theme of the book of Revelation, "Behold, I am coming soon!" Rhodes and Jan talk about his new book "40 Days Through Revelation." They cover many themes from Revelation and ask about the church's silence on the topic. You can order his book here. What a glorious future we have waiting for us as believers. Then White House correspondent Bill Koenig talks about Washington's scandals. Where is all this headed?
June 1, 2013
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Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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