Watchman Radio Hour

Alex Dodson

The Problem of Divorce

March 2, 2019

Our society needs to repent of its divorce problem. We today have a very loose view of divorce. As a result we have become a society of adulterers and adulteresses. We have a great moral problem. If we don't repent of this moral problem, we face certain judgement for our sin. We are greatly hurting our children and breaking up the foundation block of society - the family. We need to repent and turn back to the faith and morality of our forefathers. If we don't, our nation is doomed. It will not stand.

References: Matthew 5:31-32

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We are supporting needy children in India.
Your help at Christmas will enable us to make a child happy and to know the love of Christ. Please donate below.


Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount gives us an exposition of the Moral Law of God and shows us what it really means and how we should live under it. Jesus said the sixth commandment means more than just not to murder someone with a gun. He said we can break it with a word or a thought. Jesus gets to the heart of God's Moral Law. Be carefyul to keep good relationships with others. It matters how we relate to other people. It matters what we say and think about other people. It matters how we treat other people. If we find ourselves at enmity with our neighbor, we need to do something about it, Jesus said. We need to promote peace in our relationhships with others.
February 23, 2019
Obedience is better than sacrifice. God looks on the heart. Our outward worship without heart obedience in life misses the mark and stinks in the nostrils of God. We can have the most perfect worship services with the most acoustically and technologically up to date sound equipment and musical instruments and professional-like singers and musicians and think we are pleasing God yet miss the whole point of what true Christianity is all about. God wants obedience not outward sacrifice.
February 16, 2019
The Sixth Commandment is broken by sinful thoughts and words and not just by outward deeds. The Jewish Teachers taught only an outward obedience to that commandment. If you don't outwardly kill someone, then you are okay. Jesus taught differently by telling us that we are all murders because we murder from the heart with our thoughts and words.
February 9, 2019
The Bible is being attacked today. The devil does his best to eradicate it or to remove its influence from society. He deceives the hearts and minds of people and tries his best to destroy the Bible and its influence in the world. Yet, he will not succeed. Jesus has promised that the Devil will not succeed. Though Satan and all his demons attack the Bible, it yet stands. It cannot be destroyed or removed from the world. It will abide. It cannot be stopped.
February 2, 2019
Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament Scriptures. They pointed to Him. He came to fulfill what they had pointed to through their types and prophecies. All those years when lambs and bullocks were sacrificed and offered in the tabernacle and temple, they were pointing to someone and that someone was Christ. All those years when the Prophets said that someone would come to bring in righteousness and do away with sin, they were pointing to Christ.
January 26, 2019
The promise of Jeremiah 31 is an enduring people of God. God's people would not cease to be. On the contrary they would continue and endure and multiply. Israel as a people and a nation would endure as long as the sun and moon. God would never cast them off forever.
January 19, 2019
When true revival comes, we will know it when we hear the cries of mourning. Those cries are not being heard today but when God moves in a mighty wind of revival fire on this nation, people will begin to cry out for mercy. Why? Because they will realize their deplorable sinful condition and they will mourn over it. Today, we need brokenness as a people. When brokenness comes on this nation, then revival will come. When revival comes, heart righteousness will prevail in the land as it has in the past. That's what the Sermon on the Mount is all about. Jesus teaches us what heart righteousness really is. When we see what it is, we can see our own sinfulness. This sermon ought to drive us to Christ. It should cause us to cry out for mercy as we see the darkness of our own hearts. It should show us our need for a Savior.
January 12, 2019
The Lord desires that we pray to Him from our hearts. The Lord Jesus hates hypocrisy. He severely condemned the Jewish leaders for it, and He condemns us today for our hypocrisy and lack of true righteousness. As we see what He teaches on prayer, let us be called to repent of our own hypocrisy and unrighteousness. Let us be broken by His Word and then from that brokeness rise up to follow the Lord in sincerity and truth.
January 5, 2019
The Bible teaches us God's moral law. The moral law is summed up in the Ten Commandments but it is expounded and applied throughout the Bible. To put the philosophies and opinions of men above the teachings of the Bible is wrong. Today's generation is trying to do this. That's why we need today the powerful teaching and preaching of the Bible throughout the land. The nation needs to be called back to the clear teaching of Scripture and obedience to the moral law of God.
December 29, 2018
God has visited this world and everybody needs to know about it. We should not be hiding Christmas but we should be declaring it to all. "God has visited us and you need to know about it." That's our message. No amount of political correctness should silence that message. Christmas is a time to tell everybody about that visit from Heaven. We need to shout it from the mountain tops and declare it everywhere. "God has visited us and you need to know about it." Don't hide Christmas. Declare it to the whole nation.
December 22, 2018
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We are supporting needy children in India.
Your help at Christmas will enable us to make a child happy and to know the love of Christ. Please donate below.

About Watchman Radio Hour

The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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Watchman Radio Hour
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