Watchman Radio Hour

Alex Dodson

The Great Expansion of the Church

November 5, 2022

God is not finished with His church. There is more yet to come. Though Satan attacks with all his might, he will not be able to stop the expansion of the church. We can count on it. The Lord will build His church and Satan will not stop it. He may try to prevent the building and expansion of the church but He will not succeed.

References: Isaiah 49:19-23

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We are supporting needy children in India.
Your help at Christmas will enable us to make a child happy and to know the love of Christ. Please donate below.


True revival is accompanied by the powerful preaching of the Word of God. What we need today is powerful preaching in this nation? This nation will be great again when powerful preaching returns. We are not going to solve our great problems until powerful preaching comes back. The nation is in a moral and spiritual decline. Many of our problems are an indication of God's judgment upon us and are the result of our moral and spiritual decline. Only when the powerful preaching of the Word of God returns to this land will we see our nation turn around and be a better place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
October 29, 2022
Now is the time to lift up the cross. Our cause is not lost in Europe or America or anywhere. We have the power of the gospel which cannot be stopped. Though Satan storm at us with all his might, he will not win. The victory is ours. Satan and all his forces cannot defeat the church and our gospel. We must never give up!
October 22, 2022
We have exchanged the glorious God for worthless idols. The evidence is abundant for all to see. Whether its immorality in the movies or same sex marriage or a total neglect of the Christian Sabbath, more and more we are exchanging our glory for worthless idols."
October 15, 2022
This nation is becoming more and more bold in sinning against God. We are doing things our forefathers would have been ashamed of. If we persist on our present course, great judgment lies ahead. We cannot keep rebelling against God and His moral law and get away with it.
October 8, 2022
Great revivals have happened in the past that have pushed the church forward and advanced the gospel. Satan attacks ferociously at times and it seems that all is lost but God intervenes in great power for his church. At the present hour, Satan is raging. The church is being persecuted in many places. False teachings abound. Evil is speading. Sometimes it looks as if all is lost. It looks as though God has forsaken his church and the world has been taken over by Satan and all his forces. Yet, we must not believe that. God has not forsaken his church. Satan is not in control. God will yet do great things in and through His church.
October 1, 2022
The task of the church is to go and make disciples of all the nations, of all the peoples. As we win individuals to Christ, we are also concerned to bring whole nations and peoples to Christ. When we have this desire, we are getting close to the heart of God.
September 24, 2022
We should seek the prosperity of Zion. This not in the health and wealth sense as some preach today. This is in a spiritual sense. We should seek the Revival of the church and its influence on the world for good in our day. This seems to be the focus of the OT prophets. It is true they prophesied about the destruction and captivity of Jerusalem but a the same time they always gave hope and pointed to another day when Zion would be glorious in this world. The message of the OT prophets was so different from modern doom  sayers who seem to give no hope for the church in this age. The OT prophets focused on the future glory of Zion and so should we.
September 17, 2022
The Lord will build His church to completion. As Zerubbabel would build the temple in Jerusalem, so the Lord Jesus will build His Spiritual Temple, the Church. He will bring it to completion. It will be glorious!
September 10, 2022
God's blessings have been abundant on this nation already. We have been blessed more than any nation in the world. Yet, those blessings will cease if we do not as a nation turn from our idols and turn back to God.
September 3, 2022
Some say this prediction in Mathew 16:28 was only of the transfiguration which occurred immediately after this prophecy of Christ. If that were the case, then his stating that some of them would not taste death till they saw him coming in his kingdom really was not true. For it is most probable that all were still living when the transfiguaration took place in a matter of only days. The most likely understanding of this prophecy is that Jesus was predicting something that would occur not in a day or two but in the years ahead to such an extent that even some of those present would still be living.
August 27, 2022
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We are supporting needy children in India.
Your help at Christmas will enable us to make a child happy and to know the love of Christ. Please donate below.

About Watchman Radio Hour

The Watchman Radio Hour offers timely messages from the Bible each week.

About Alex Dodson

Alex Dodson serves as president of Watchmen Radio Ministries International and as a staff evangelist. He has been in the gospel ministry for over thirty years. He was ordained in 1974 and has served as both a pastor and evangelist. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and is presently a member of International Ministerial Fellowship. He has also done postgraduate studies at the School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Susan live in Portland, Oregon in the beautiful Northwest.

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