Running To Win

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The Prodigal Who Didn’t Come Home, Part 2 of 2 (Prodigals)

September 3, 2020

As part of a classic dysfunctional family, Absalom rebelled against his father David. He went his own way and ended up losing his life. The story is in the Bible for us to read and heed its warnings. In this message we find crucial lessons for all parents of prodigal sons.

Featured Offer

One Minute After You Die
Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. Perhaps it doesn't seem real that we will still exist—fully conscious and alive—beyond the grave. But it's true, and it calls for careful consideration. In this updated edition of One Minute After You Die, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says. Can near-death experiences teach us anything about life after death? How can we prepare for our own final moment? With 700,000 copies in print, this bestselling work makes an encouraging gift for believers and a tasteful word of caution for the undecided. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.


Why is it that some kids want to leave home and experience what the world has to offer? Often, they end up in ruins, wishing they’d never left. In this message we look at one prodigal son who left, and never returned. His name was Absalom.
September 2, 2020
God’s desire is that our giving be cheerful, not driven by a sense that we’re in trouble if we don’t give. He wants our hearts first, and only then our open pocketbooks. Let’s learn about giving from Paul’s admonition to the church at Corinth.
September 1, 2020
Farmers know it’s pretty simple: no seeds, no plants. No plants, no vegetables. No vegetables, no harvest. They know all about the laws of sowing and reaping, laws God set in motion a long time ago. In this message we’ll explore what Paul wrote about this to the church at Corinth.
August 31, 2020
Some might see giving generously to the church as a waste. Jesus told a parable exploding this myth once and for all. The bottom line: money given to transform the lives of others bears a thousand-percent return-on-investment.
August 28, 2020
While Christians have bank accounts on earth, we also have accounts in heaven. There we lay up treasures “where moth and rust do not corrupt.” In this message we’ll learn why the long-term view is best: investments in things eternal bear a return we cannot even imagine.
August 27, 2020
Have you ever considered that God is observing our giving? He sees every area of our lives. Jesus was in the Temple courtyard, watching as the rich made sure the crowds saw them give. Then, He looked intently at a poor widow who dropped her last two mites in the treasury.
August 26, 2020
It’s always big news when a wealthy benefactor gives a few million dollars to a college or pays for a new hospital wing. But no one seems to notice a poor person giving a quarter to someone else in need. No one, that is, but Jesus, whose keen eye watched a lady entering the temple courts one day in Jerusalem.
August 25, 2020
In the book of Exodus, we read of the building of God’s tabernacle. There we find great detail about everyone’s contribution, both of time and treasure, to make the project a success. When we see giving as an act of worship, we cease focusing on the money and begin focusing on God.
August 24, 2020
Many of us are burdened with debt at the same time as our jobs are in jeopardy. So, what do we do? In this message we begin a series that will show us how to honor God no matter how empty our wallets get. We need to realize that our use of money is one way in which we worship God.
August 21, 2020
The city of Chicago felt the mighty wind of the Spirit during the days of D.L. Moody, the founder of The Moody Church. We’re learning about those special times when God comes to church, and in this message, we’ll remember God’s work in Chicago.
August 20, 2020
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Featured Offer

One Minute After You Die
Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. Perhaps it doesn't seem real that we will still exist—fully conscious and alive—beyond the grave. But it's true, and it calls for careful consideration. In this updated edition of One Minute After You Die, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says. Can near-death experiences teach us anything about life after death? How can we prepare for our own final moment? With 700,000 copies in print, this bestselling work makes an encouraging gift for believers and a tasteful word of caution for the undecided. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.

About Running To Win

Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 2011, this 25-minute program has provided a Godward focus and features listeners’ questions.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years (1980-2016). He earned a B.Th. from Winnipeg Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LL.D. from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (Now Trinity Law School).

A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on two radio programs: Running to Win—a daily Bible-teaching broadcast and Songs in the Night—an evening program that’s been airing since 1943. Running To Win broadcasts on a thousand outlets in the U.S. and across more than fifty countries in seven languages. His speaking engagements include Bible conferences and seminars, both domestically and internationally, including Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Scotland, Guatemala, and Japan. He has led tours to Israel and to the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

Pastor Lutzer is also a prolific author of over seventy books, including the bestselling We Will Not Be Silenced, One Minute After You Die, and the Gold Medallion Award winner, Hitler’s Cross. Pastor Lutzer and Rebecca live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Connect with Pastor Lutzer on X (@ErwinLutzer) or

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