Running To Win

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Our Future with God, Part 3 of 4 (The Mysteries of God)

June 24, 2016

The New Jerusalem is the home believers of all ages will one day inhabit. As described in the Bible, it’s both gigantic and glorious. The book of Revelation gives us the details. Let’s take a look at your ultimate address, if you are a believer in Jesus.

Featured Offer

One Minute After You Die
Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. Perhaps it doesn't seem real that we will still exist—fully conscious and alive—beyond the grave. But it's true, and it calls for careful consideration. In this updated edition of One Minute After You Die, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says. Can near-death experiences teach us anything about life after death? How can we prepare for our own final moment? With 700,000 copies in print, this bestselling work makes an encouraging gift for believers and a tasteful word of caution for the undecided. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.


The book of Revelation is a mystery. Full of symbolism, scholars have wrestled with its meaning for centuries. But some things are known: In the end, the good guys win. A glorious future awaits the redeemed of all the ages, and we will be with Christ forever.  
June 23, 2016
“No eye has seen the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” The Bible tantalizes us with glimpses of what is yet to come in eternity. It’s a mystery, but a glorious mystery. As we turn to the Scriptures, let’s try to pull back for curtain for a sneak peak of our eternal home.   
June 22, 2016
The idea of hell causes many people to reject the Christian faith. For them, a God who would create a hell is not a God they want anything to do with. If you’re in this category, hear how to resolve this tension, trusting in Christ alone.
June 21, 2016
Many people can’t accept the idea of God judging unbelievers eternally in hell, especially those who’ve never heard the gospel. Fairness would seem to demand another solution. So why does the justice of God require such severe punishment? Is spreading the gospel crucial?
June 20, 2016
Coming to grips with the justice of God is not easy. He’s seen as both loving and vengeful. But once we understand how much God hates sin and what He did for us in sending His Son to atone for that sin, things become clear.
June 17, 2016
Medieval art portrays the afterlife with saints in glory above and sinners in torment below. Hell is seen as a place of fire, the place the lost will inhabit for eternity. But hell is no longer taken seriously in our “enlightened” age.  
June 16, 2016
Some ask if God has relaxed His standards in the New Testament. No. The book of Hebrews says that “our God is a consuming fire.” Knowing what He’s done for us through Christ, we should expose every dark corner of our lives to the light, allowing us to serve God with cleansed hearts.  
June 15, 2016
Many people think God is more tolerant now than He was in the days of Old Testament Israel. Christians don’t stone people for sin like the Hebrews did. So has God changed? God has not changed His mind toward sin.
June 14, 2016
There’s a difference between Old Testament regulations and New Testament commands. The New Testament fulfills the requirements of the Old, and introduces a new category of people known as the church. But through it all, God has not changed.
June 13, 2016
In the Old Testament, God seems harsh. In the New Testament, He is sometimes seen as a God of love. Many people wonder if a kinder, gentler God emerged after Jesus came. But God has actually never changed in His desire to punish sin.
June 10, 2016
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Featured Offer

One Minute After You Die
Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. Perhaps it doesn't seem real that we will still exist—fully conscious and alive—beyond the grave. But it's true, and it calls for careful consideration. In this updated edition of One Minute After You Die, bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says. Can near-death experiences teach us anything about life after death? How can we prepare for our own final moment? With 700,000 copies in print, this bestselling work makes an encouraging gift for believers and a tasteful word of caution for the undecided. Click below to receive this book for a gift of any amount or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.

About Running To Win

Running the race of life is hard. But with the Bible front and center and a heart to encourage, Pastor Erwin Lutzer presents clear Bible teaching, helping you make it across the finish line. Since 2011, this 25-minute program has provided a Godward focus and features listeners’ questions.

About Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years (1980-2016). He earned a B.Th. from Winnipeg Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and an honorary LL.D. from the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (Now Trinity Law School).

A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on two radio programs: Running to Win—a daily Bible-teaching broadcast and Songs in the Night—an evening program that’s been airing since 1943. Running To Win broadcasts on a thousand outlets in the U.S. and across more than fifty countries in seven languages. His speaking engagements include Bible conferences and seminars, both domestically and internationally, including Russia, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Scotland, Guatemala, and Japan. He has led tours to Israel and to the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

Pastor Lutzer is also a prolific author of over seventy books, including the bestselling We Will Not Be Silenced, One Minute After You Die, and the Gold Medallion Award winner, Hitler’s Cross. Pastor Lutzer and Rebecca live in the Chicago area and have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Connect with Pastor Lutzer on X (@ErwinLutzer) or

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