Moody Church Hour

Pastor Philip Miller

Living in the Shadows (The Power of a Clear Conscience)

April 8, 2018

Deep in every human heart is a conscience—that sense of right and wrong that we cannot escape. When our conscience is clear, we have freedom. When we violate it, we’re in bondage. Let’s embark on a journey to help us clean up our lives and our consciences.

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Your gift helps deliver insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller, inviting people on The Journey of a Lifetime—following Jesus! Your generosity makes the Moody Church Hour, a listener-supported program for over 50 years, accessible to those far from God or unable to attend their local church. Click below to support the Moody Church Hour with your gift now or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.


As much as we try to avoid it, death is inevitable. All of us, from the greatest to the least, must pass through this gateway into the life to come. Death has been called the last enemy, and only one man has ever conquered this fearful foe. In this message we celebrate the triumph of the resurrection of Jesus.
April 1, 2018
Before Jesus was betrayed, He went to a garden called Gethsemane to pray. Even though He was fully God, His humanity was on full display. Jesus asked for the company of His closest friends as He prayed. 
March 25, 2018
Everyone faces hardship at some point in their life. But when we face our desert, do we lose our sense of security? When we go through trials, it’s a good time to remember where true security comes from. We must send our roots down deep into the waters that never run out.
March 18, 2018
Stable marriages are the bedrock of the family. That’s why divorce is so damaging. In divorce, there are no winners. In this message, you’ll hear teaching that could bring you back from the brink of divorce and help you navigate what may seem to be impossible waters.
March 11, 2018
Despite our best efforts, sometimes kids go astray—even Christian kids. Only God can count the tears of parents whose kids have wandered far from home. Like the prodigal son in the Bible, their kids chose a path destined for failure. But there is great power in persistent prayer, and our God is a God who answers prayer.
March 4, 2018
The dark secret in all too many families is abuse. It takes several forms: verbal, physical, even sexual. The hurt caused by abuse is incalculable, both for the abused and the abuser. The devil seeks to destroy the family, especially the role model of the father. And the devil uses abuse to accomplish this goal. If you are a victim, or a victimizer, it is crucial to understand the hurt and healing of abuse. 
February 25, 2018
In the old days, people would sit and talk. Now, people are much more inclined to stare at a screen. Technology, though valuable, is used by the enemy to addict all of us and steal time better used for each other, and for God. In this message, we’ll cover the daunting task of protecting your family from the evils of a technology that can also be used for good.
February 18, 2018
In marriage, God often blesses couples with children. The Bible calls children “a heritage of the Lord, (and) the fruit of the womb a reward.” Kids are a wonderful blessing, but they can also be an immense challenge. We need God’s wisdom to navigate the uncertain waters of child-rearing.
February 11, 2018
Society says getting into debt is normal. For too many Christians, dependence on God has morphed into dependence on a credit card. Why pray about a need when you can simply buy what you want? When people live beyond their means, debt destroys all too many marriages and families. What’s the answer?
February 4, 2018
The Supreme Court says the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. There’s no doubt, marriage is under attack. Some say, “Why marry?” Living together is the new norm. In this message, Pastor Lutzer will talk about why the institution of marriage is so important, and why we have to honor the commitments we’ve made, as the vow says, “for better or for worse.”
January 28, 2018
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Your gift helps deliver insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller, inviting people on The Journey of a Lifetime—following Jesus! Your generosity makes the Moody Church Hour, a listener-supported program for over 50 years, accessible to those far from God or unable to attend their local church. Click below to support the Moody Church Hour with your gift now or call Moody Church Media at 1.800.215.5001.

About Moody Church Hour

This Sunday morning program provides a meaningful worship service for those far from God or unable to attend a local church. With insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller and joyous congregational worship, you’re invited to join Jesus on the journey of a lifetime.


About Pastor Philip Miller

Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. Philip holds a B.A in Pre-Seminary Bible from Cedarville University (’04) and a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership and New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary (’10). His wife, Krista, also holds an Th.M. degree from DTS. They have four children: Claire, Violet, Cora, and Jude.

Philip is a visionary leader with over twelve years of ministry experience, including three at Christ Community Church in the western Chicago suburbs and nearly seven as Senior Pastor at Westwood Baptist in Olympia, WA. He believes people flourish as followers of Jesus when they live deeply in the gospel, experience the healing of true community, and join Jesus on mission in their world. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship, fosters deep spiritual vitality, empowers people to holistic discipleship, and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

Philip enjoys cycling and all things outdoors, Garrett’s Carmel popcorn, Lou Malnati‘s deep dish pizza, and Henry Weinhard‘s root beer. For more information about Philip and his family, visit

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