Romans 5


You know the Gospel means “good news,” but I want you to see just how much more Jesus gives you. You’ll never know how good the good news is until you know how bad the bad news is.


People don’t want to hear the word “sin.” We think it’s old‑fashioned. So, we call sin “error,” “misjudgment,” “weakness.” We have all kinds of new labels for old poison.


Evolutionists say we’re an accident of nature. Humanists say sin is the Church’s invention to keep everyone in line. So, since man is an evolutionary accident, there’s no need for God, no fixed standard of right or wrong, no sin. Our generation embraces humanism, where man is the center of everything. Since there’s no bad news, who needs this Gospel?


For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. (Romans 5:6-9)


Verse 9 says, “Much more then….” That’s our theme: there is so much more.


Three keywords or phrases keep appearing through the rest of this chapter.


One.” You’ll be identified with one of these men: Adam or Jesus. If it’s Adam, you’re on the road to Hell. If it’s Jesus, you’re on your way to Heaven. In Adam all die; in Christ all are made alive.


Reign.” You’re in only one of two kingdoms: death and destruction or love, light, and life. You get into Christ’s kingdom by being born into it—the new birth.


Much more.” You gained much more in Jesus than you ever lost in Adam. That’s the good news of the Gospel. That’s why I’d rather live in Romans 5 than in Eden. I’d rather be a saved sinner than an innocent angel.


Lost in Adam


1. Our moral and spiritual strength was lost. Now we display weakness.

In Adam you don’t have what it takes to be what God made you to be. You’re totally without power to live the Christian life.


2. All godliness was lost. Now we devise wickedness.

Sin is:

Ÿ high treason against Heaven’s King,

Ÿ transgression of the law (See 1 John 3:4.),

Ÿ failure to do good (See James 4:17.)

Ÿ doing anything when you’re not sure it’s right (See Romans 14:23.)


3. Our peace was lost. Now we deserve wrath. (See Romans 5:9-10.)

In Adam we lost strength, godliness, and peace. Now we have weakness, wickedness and wrath. The worst form of badness is human goodness when human goodness becomes a substitute for the new birth (See Isaiah 64:6, Proverbs 21:4).


Gained in Jesus


We gained so much more in Jesus than we ever lost in Adam.


The five “much-mores” we gained are:


1. The much more” of His redeeming blood (See Romans 5:8-9.).


At Calvary, three things came together:


Justice—God giving us what we deserve.

Mercy—God not giving us what we deserve; He just has mercy on us.

Grace—God giving us what we don’t deserve. God makes us righteous.


In the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s justice was satisfied, sin was paid for, God’s grace was given, and we’ve become children of God. We’re made righteous in His sight.


2. The much more” of His reconciling death (See Romans 5:9-10.).


In the Garden of Eden, Adam walked with God, but when you get saved, God walks in you. The Holy Spirit indwells you. That’s why I’d rather live in Romans 5 than in Eden.


3. The “much more” of His renewing gift (See Romans 5:15.).


Adam collected his wages of sin. Jesus died and gave a gift. His death on the cross forgave every sin; that it is an absolute, sheer gift. We can’t earn it. This is the “much more” of God’s grace.


4. The much more” of His reigning power (See Romans 5:17.).


Adam reigned over an earthly dominion before he fell, but we reign with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are seated with Jesus in the heavenlies. Adam wasn’t.


5. The much more” of His restoring grace (See Romans 5:20.).


If we stumble, if we fail to call upon the grace of God and fall into sin, He never lets us go. He will cleanse us, forgive us, and restore us.



  • You are in one man, either Adam or Jesus.
  • There are two kingdoms, death and life.
  • There was great loss in Adam.
  • There is so much more in Jesus.
  • It is all by God’s amazing grace.
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