No matter the nation, no matter the century in which we live, this truth never changes:  Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

Surely God Himself placed the dream of a land such as America into the hearts of our Founding Fathers. Many have forgotten that this nation was born in the fires of a revival. Even secular historians say that “a great awakening,” led by greats like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield, sweeping across the land from 1740 until 1770, was the precursor to the American Revolution. The evangelical movement played a key role in the development of democratic concepts. In fact, our Constitution was born in the heat of a revival. The brave men who formed this country were rooted in a belief that it was God Himself Who made man and gave him rights.

The only reason our nation has been great is because of the blessing of God. God exalted our nation from its beginning.

The Exaltation of a Nation

Righteousness exalteth a nation.” Out of this awakening, people gained godly character, and out of this character, the Constitution was written by people who had character, for people who had character. The Founders did not believe in “big government.” They knew that if the people did not have character, the Constitution would not work, and ultimately, without character, our nation would fail.

The Humiliation of a Nation
Sin is a reproach to any people.” The greatest threat to America is not our enemies — it is God. Does this shock you? We need not fear nearly so much what the Taliban or terrorists are hoping to do; we need to fear what God Himself is going to do, through them or someone else. God is our only hope, but He is also our biggest threat, for lack of righteousness will destroy a nation. It will lead to the ruin of any people. Character is the missing ingredient in our nation today.

Government dependence — Rather than depending upon God, hard work, and responsibility, we want Uncle Sam to take care of us. Our Constitution says government is to provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare — not provide for the common defense and provide the general welfare!

Divorce — Since 1920, the divorce rate has risen more than one thousand percent. Baby boomers’ divorce rate is twice as high as their parents.

Abortion — The Vietnam Memorial has 68,000 names on it. It stretches for 500 feet. If we were to build a similar memorial for little babies who’ve died since Roe vs. Wade, it would have over 45 million names and would stretch over 63 miles.

Pornography — is being piped into the homes of America’s families through cable and the Internet, as though a broken sewer pipe is being spewed out on America.

Drugs and alcohol — We live in an alcohol-soaked society. One statistic reports that 95% of college students drink beer. That's not to mention rampant drug use.

When we lose our character, we lose our freedom, for liberty and responsibility are inseparably linked. Far more important, we lose the blessings of God. We are humiliated as a nation, yet we sing “God Bless America.” It's a wonder He doesn't blot us off the face of the earth.

The Rejuvenation of a Nation

It may not be too late for America.  There can be a new birth of freedom.

If you study the history of revival, you find that God sends revival in dark days. What God has done before, He can do again. Pray for, look for, and expect revival.

The answer is not in Washington. When we get right with God, God is going to hear us.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

We do not need a majority. Lenin began his revolution in 1917 with a few thousand. Castro took over Cuba with a band of eighty cutthroats. Jesus began with twelve disciples.

 “One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, He it is that fighteth for you, as He hath promised you.” Joshua 23:10

One praying Christian is worth more than a thousand of those who do not believe in God. We must to get in our prayer closets, get on our faces before God, and cry out to God for mercy. We need to believe God for revival. We need to say,

“Revive us, O Lord, and let it begin with me.”

To listen to this message in its entirety, please order #1025, “Freedom Isn’t Free.”