You can turn a problem into an opportunity to praise God. And that opportunity is just a few steps away. Second Chronicles chapter twenty is the story of a man named Jehoshaphat who encountered a problem and was able to praise his way to victory.

He Encountered a Problem

(2 Chronicles 20:1-2)

Jehoshaphat encountered a big problem. A great multitude of his enemy was readying themselves for battle against him and his people. At first, he didn't see a solution. Perhaps you feel that way today. But just wait. We are about to see how that problem is a blessing in disguise.

He Established His Purpose

(2 Chronicles 20:3-4)

One of the first things we need to do when we have a problem is to establish a purpose. Jehoshaphat didn't turn to the Lord after he'd tried everything else like so many of us do. Instead, the very first thing he did when trouble came was to seek the Lord. We can come boldly to God's throne of mercy as Jehoshaphat did (see Hebrews 4:14-16).

He Examined His Past

(2 Chronicles 20:5-7)

When you encounter a problem, it is helpful to look back over your shoulder and see what God did for you in the past. That's what Jehoshaphat did. God did not save you to abandon you. His name is I AM, not I WAS. If you have seen Him work in your life in the past, believe that He will do so in the future. He is able to bring something good out of every circumstance in your life (see Romans 8:28).

He Embraced a Promise

(2 Chronicles 20:8-11)

King Jehoshaphat unashamedly poured out to the Lord that the enemy was trying to take away the possessions God had given them. You're not going to embarrass God by standing on His promises. When trouble comes, you are to copy what King Jehoshaphat did. Look back in your past and see how God has brought you thus far. Then find a promise in the Word of God and stand on it.

He Exposed His Powerlessness

(2 Chronicles 20:12-13)

King Jehoshaphat didn't strut around with a cocky attitude because he was a child of God. Instead, they admitted they didn't have the strength, the resources, or the knowledge to overcome the enemy. They called out to God. What humble devotion! Oh, that we would be that way when troubles come our way.

He Enlisted His Protection

(2 Chronicles 20:14-17)

All of Judah looked to God and He answered with a promise of victory. How wonderful when the Holy Spirit of God takes a promise from the Word and makes it real to you and I. The load is lifted, the care vanquished, the worries disappear when God tells us that the battle is His. My victory and yours does not depend upon our abilities. It is also not our responsibility. It is our response to God's ability — which is the greatest ability.

He Engaged His Preparation

(2 Chronicles 20:18-19)

Before the battle even began, Jehoshaphat offered praises to God. So many times we want to get in the battle or get to work without as much as a thought to worship God for the blessings and victories He will bring. There is simply nothing more important than worship in preparing to battle problems. The man who kneels before God can stand before any problem.

He Expressed His Praise

(2 Chronicles 20:20-24)

God is ready to move on your behalf in victory but He will not do one solitary thing until you praise Him. Sadly we secure our defeat by our lack of praise. Prayer infuses us with the energy of God and confuses the enemies of God. If you know your problem is caused by the enemy, then praise the Lord! It doesn't fit the devil's grid of how we are to attack problems.

He Enjoyed His Provisions

(2 Chronicles 20:25-26)

When we attack problems God's way, we will enjoy His provisions. Confusion came into the camp of the enemy as a result of their praises to God. The battle was won and they gathered all the silver, gold and jewels. The same will happen for you. If the devil attacks you and you praise God, then you're going to find that the devil becomes God's messenger boy to bring you riches. When we praise Him, embrace His promises, and stand upon them, that He always brings victory.