Just before Jesus was crucified, He stood before Pontius Pilate. Would He be judged worthy of the death penalty? Or would He be released? The bogus charges under which He was arrested had Pilate wondering just what Jesus could have done to create such a ruckus. While questioning Him, Pilate turned to the crowd and asked the world’s most important question—a question every person has to answer: “What will I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?”         

You don’t get to be the Roman governor of Judea by being a fool. Pilate knew something else was afoot in this near riot, in the foreign culture he’d been assigned to and was determined to keep under control. After all, he had to answer to Caesar.

What a choice confronted him. In one hand, Pilate held an innocent man. In the other, a raging mob. Mob rule shouted, “Crucify Him!”  Reason said, “Release him.” Pilate must judge: “What’s to be done with Jesus?”

Pilate had sense enough to know the religious leaders were up to something underhanded. Angry voices demanded his attention. He should have listened not to the clamor of the crowd, but the voices closest to him: 

The voice of reason.

The voice of a loved one.

The voice his own conscience. 

The voice of Jesus Himself, who told Pilate why He had come into this world in the first place.

Pilate would have to overcome public opinion, his own pride, his love of power and his cherished position to rule justly. The same is true of each of us. You and I will have to judge as well. No greater question demands an answer. 

Pilate made a tragic decision. Don’t make the same mistake. What will happen to you on the Day of Judgment depends on how you answer this greatest of all questions. Not what somebody else answers, but what you answer. Your destiny depends upon it                      

If you say, “I think I just won’t answer,” you don’t get that choice. If you say, “I’m not going to…” you just made a decision. 

Everyone will either accept or reject, confess or deny, crown or crucify Jesus. And in so doing, they will be judging Jesus. No one can be neutral. You will do something.  

Sorry, Wrong Answer

So what was Pilate’s ruling? What influences overpowered his sense of justice and led him to the wrong decision?  And what will be the eternal consequences for him?  

Pilate should have listened to testimony from the most prominent characters in this drama, from Jesus’ closest friends, to His enemies, to His own testimony, and finally that of Almighty God, His Father. Here Pilate could have found the truth. 

The early disciples found the answer to the question, “Who is Jesus?” and believed it. Many died for their faith. But they had rock-solid assurance of who Jesus was: the Son of God.

Now it’s time for you to judge. You’ll decide either to crown Him or crucify Him, acknowledge or reject Him, receive or deny Him. You will make a decision. You cannot wash your hands. You cannot be neutral.  What will you do with Christ?

Full article originally published by Love Worth Finding.