Are You Battling Depression?

We all have trials in our lives. But many committed, earnest Christians experience something that goes beyond just feeling “down.” It’s depression. They battle a despair so deep it has put many in the hospital and quite a few in the grave. Depression is a killer, and God’s people are not immune.

As a pastor, I learned there is a heartache in every pew, and—as the old Spanish proverb says—“There is no home without its hush.”

“Down” Isn’t the Same as Depression

Feeling “down” is like a thunderstorm that comes and goes, but depression is a lingering fog that takes out the sunshine. Hopelessness overshadows life. You think you may never recover. You wonder, “Will I ever know joy? Will I ever smile again?”

If this sounds familiar, you’re in good company. Some of God’s greatest servants found themselves there.

The Battle with Depression is Serious

The National Institute of Mental Health says, “Major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. For some individuals, major depression can result in severe impairments that interfere with or limit one’s ability to carry out major life activities.” Millions of people are unable to go to work, debilitated by depression.

Are you overwhelmed by circumstances?

Inside, that old nature, unredeemed, unsanctified, constantly scolds, “You have reason to feel sorry for yourself. You’ll never make it. Life isn’t worth living.”

But God has made provision for us, His children.  God didn't leave us to battle depression on our own. 

Don’t let Satan blow out the candle of hope in your life. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice. Though Christians are not immune to trials, tribulation, pain, and suffering, take comfort in knowing God will see you through.