Light on the Hill

James Kaddis

Our Nation and the Christian Worldview, Part 1b

October 28, 2020

Today we continue a timely series called, “Our Nation and the Christian Worldview.”  Here in part one of the series, pastor James Kaddis looks at Romans thirteen and urges us in the direction of honor and respect for those in authority.  That even applies when you don’t agree with the decisions they’ve made, or you don’t like the person in office!  I think you’ll quickly see how applicable these words are to what we’re seeing right now in this nation.

References: Romans 13:1-7


We’ve seen in recent weeks large scale protests, rioting in the streets, and even law enforcement officers being injured or killed in the line of duty.  Hatred towards those in authority seems to be at an all-time high!  But as we open Romans chapter thirteen today, we see just how wrong this reaction to the governing authorities really is.  Pastor James will point out how we’re to submit to and respect them, regardless of their political affiliation, or what we may think.
October 27, 2020
In these days leading up to the election we thought it would be helpful and encouraging to you, to share a series pastor James Kaddis delivered not long ago called, “Our Nation and the Christian Worldview.”  In today’s introduction to the series, pastor James explains why it’s important that Christians get involved in politics, and why we simply can’t ignore it.  He’ll also help you vote according to what the Bible says, and show us how to be an informed voter.  
October 26, 2020
We’re glad you could join us as we begin a new series today on Light on the Hill called, “Our Nation and the Christian Worldview!”  Pastor James will present his introductory message based in James chapter four.
October 23, 2020
On today’s program we bring you the final leg of our journey through Revelation.   If you knew that a special guest was coming over to your house later on today, you’d probably want to do a few things to prepare.  Maybe tidy things up a bit.  Today we’ll learn that Jesus is coming soon, but what should we do to prepare in the meantime?  We’re about to find out. 
October 22, 2020
Some feel as though their best days are behind them, but for the Christian the best is yet to come!  Hear about your future home in heaven as you join us for Light on the Hill. We pay a visit to Revelation chapter twenty-two today. 
October 21, 2020
If you’re a Christian, no doubt you’ve thought a lot about what heaven is going to be like. What will we see, what will we do, and who will be there?  The apostle John had the privilege of seeing the New Jerusalem, and tells about it in Revelation 21. Receive a guided tour today on Light on the Hill!  
October 20, 2020
Today we take a tour of a Holy City that will come down from heaven and the apostle John is our tour guide.  What it’s like and more importantly, what it takes to get there is our focus today as we open Revelation 21. 
October 19, 2020
In the book of Genesis we read about the Garden of Eden, and some of us have wondered, “How great would that be to experience paradise on earth!”   If you’re a Christian that’s in your future.  You see, after Jesus returns, paradise will be restored on planet earth for 1,000 years.  What’s it going to be like? You’re about to find out today on Light on the Hill as pastor James Kaddis opens Revelation twenty.  
October 16, 2020
After the rapture of the church, the seven-year Tribulation, and return of Christ, we’re told that Jesus will reign in His Kingdom.  The cool thing is, if you’re a believer, you’ll rule and reign with Christ!  What will that be like and when will it occur?  Pastor James Kaddis will share some thoughts on today's program.
October 15, 2020
Today Pastor James Kaddis will bring us the second half of a message he began last time from Revelation chapter nineteen.  Jesus is coming again, and it will look much different than His first coming.  At His return He won’t be a suffering Messiah, but rather the King of Glory.  Question is, will you be apart of the King’s return?  
October 14, 2020
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About Light on the Hill

The Light on the Hill Radio Ministry is committed to communicating the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We do this through the teaching ministry of Pastor James Kaddis. Our ministry has the responsibility of editing Pastor James’s regular pulpit sermons and producing 26-minute programs for radio stations across the nation. Since our radio program is available through our church app and through our Light on the Hill website (, this is truly a ministry that reaches souls worldwide.

About James Kaddis

Pastor James Kaddis is the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal Hill in Signal Hill, CA. By the grace of God, Pastor James has been serving in the ministry for over 27 years. Since 1996, he has also served as a police chaplain. Pastor James has a background in the area of theology, network engineering, computer forensics, and law. He previously served as an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey and the Dean of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, Downey Extension. He is also considered an expert in the field of Computer Networking and Security, and has extensive experience working in that field with both law enforcement and other types of professional organizations.

Pastor James represents the first generation in his family to be born in the United States to parents that were both born and raised in Egypt, and was raised with Arabic as a second language in his home. This background has been used by the LORD to give James a love for biblical languages. In April of 2016, Pastor James married his beautiful wife Nicole, and is overwhelmed by the privilege to serve the LORD by her side! Pastor James’ teaching ministry spans across the nation through the “Light on the Hill” radio ministry.

Contact Light on the Hill with James Kaddis

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1200 E. 29th St.
Signal Hill, CA 90755


(562) 804-5509