In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley

The Grace of God & Our Finances

April 21, 2021

It’s one thing to be wealthy and trust God—it’s something else to have your wealth be your god. In this messages, Dr. Stanley describes eight dangers for those who have a driving desire in life to get rich. When out wealth is out of sync with God’s word and His way, then there’s going to be problems. Does your money own you? Learn to steward your finances with wisdom.

Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.


Grace is free, but it’s not cheap. It cost God His Son, and yet He gives it to us freely. In this message, Dr. Stanley describes how Jesus humbled Himself so that we might inherit the riches of God. All we have to do is simply believe that He died to make that possible for us. Discover just how much our heavenly Father loves us even though we don’t deserve it.
April 20, 2021
Do you find God unapproachable? Knowing that God is our Judge and King can be intimidating. But because of the grace given to us through His Son Jesus Christ, we can boldly approach His throne with the confidence that He hears us. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how, if we truly understood who God is, we would come to Him in prayer more often. What keeps you from taking your concerns to God? Learn how you can have an audience with the all-powerful, loving King.
April 19, 2021
In this message, Dr. Stanley discusses the omniscience of God, and what having a heavenly Father who knows all things perfectly and completely means to our relationship with Him. Learn how to pray with perfect trust in the One who created you and knows you best. Fully release your fears and concerns to the One who sees every history, possibility, and outcome. And find great joy in serving the One who understands every degree of your giftings and will maximize every opportunity to minister and witness.
April 17, 2021
Do you find God unapproachable? Knowing that God is our Judge and King can be intimidating. But because of the grace given to us through His Son Jesus Christ, we can boldly approach His throne with the confidence that He hears us. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how, if we truly understood who God is, we would come to Him in prayer more often. What keeps you from taking your concerns to God? Learn how you can have an audience with the all-powerful, loving King.
April 16, 2021
We encounter many influential forces in our lives—our heredity, environment, education, and the decisions we make. But the most powerful influence in the life of the believer is the transforming grace of God. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how we can experience a changed life—and it’s not through good works. Find hope today in the knowledge that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. 
April 15, 2021
We encounter many influential forces in our lives—our heredity, environment, education, and the decisions we make. But the most powerful influence in the life of the believer is the transforming grace of God. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how we can experience a changed life—and it’s not through good works. Find hope today in the knowledge that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. 
April 14, 2021
There are many ways we can respond to trials and tribulations in our life. But the best way is with a joyful understanding of God's purpose in allowing that affliction or pain. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares the Apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every situation—including the most troublesome ones. We all are going to experience hardships sometimes. Learn how the grace of God can sustain you in the midst of them.
April 13, 2021
There are many ways we can respond to trials and tribulations in our life. But the best way is with a joyful understanding of God's purpose in allowing that affliction or pain. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares the Apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every situation—including the most troublesome ones. We all are going to experience hardships sometimes. Learn how the grace of God can sustain you in the midst of them.
April 12, 2021
In this message, Dr. Stanley discusses the omniscience of God, and what having a heavenly Father who knows all things perfectly and completely means to our relationship with Him. Learn how to pray with perfect trust in the One who created you and knows you best. Fully release your fears and concerns to the One who sees every history, possibility, and outcome. And find great joy in serving the One who understands every degree of your giftings and will maximize every opportunity to minister and witness.
April 10, 2021
Is your life all that you thought it would be? Are you living the abundant life God promises you in Scripture? Do you know what it means to live life at its very best? Learn how to experience life the way God intended it for you. You were created to live an extraordinary life, so don't miss it.
April 9, 2021
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Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.

About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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