In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley

Our Helper

August 25, 2017

How many times in your Christian life have you told the Lord that you really need His help? It may have been when you had a decision that was difficult to make or when you had a task to complete, but felt you were incapable. In Our Helper, Dr. Stanley explains that every one of us has an intimate, personal, omnipotent, available, sufficient helper and He is the Holy Spirit.

Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.


There are many people with impressive education, talent, skills, families, and opportunities who fail to fulfill God’s will for their lives. Why? They lacked confidence and their self-doubt proved detrimental to them. In Confidence that Conquers, Dr. Stanley teaches us that a person’s confidence level is one of the most reliable predictors of whether or not that individual will succeed in life, because they know their identity in Christ.
August 24, 2017
There are many people with impressive education, talent, skills, families, and opportunities who fail to fulfill God’s will for their lives. Why? They lacked confidence and their self-doubt proved detrimental to them. In Confidence that Conquers, Dr. Stanley teaches us that a person’s confidence level is one of the most reliable predictors of whether or not that individual will succeed in life, because they know their identity in Christ.
August 23, 2017
Have you ever felt your life sort of growing cold toward the things of God? Maybe the Bible doesn't mean as much as it used to and you don't get up early in the morning anymore and spend time praying and talking to the Father. In When Your Fire Goes Out, Dr. Stanley explains how easy it is for our passion for God to be quenched by the things of this world and how to guard against this happening.
August 22, 2017
Have you ever felt your life sort of growing cold toward the things of God? Maybe the Bible doesn't mean as much as it used to and you don't get up early in the morning anymore and spend time praying and talking to the Father. In When Your Fire Goes Out, Dr. Stanley explains how easy it is for our passion for God to be quenched by the things of this world and how to guard against this happening.
August 21, 2017
Some people are naturally outgoing and social. Others are more quiet and introverted. There are all kinds of personality types in the world, but the question is, what kind of people does God intend us to be? Yes, God is our great Encourager, but He calls upon us to be encouragers as well. In this message, “Encouraging One Another,” Dr. Stanley identifies numerous biblical commands given to help us become more fervent motivators of other people. He goes on to show us how encouragement is a major theme in Scripture, pointing to the examples of godly encouragers in the New Testament. He then concludes his message by listing many practical ways we can encourage others.
August 19, 2017
Do you find it easy to talk about Christ, or do you have to work at it? Many Christians love to go to Bible studies and listen to sermons, but struggle to share their faith on a regular basis. In this message, Dr. Stanley inspires us to remember the joy of our salvation and share Christ with the world. He explains how people often forget that salvation is a divine miracle, a gift from God, available to all. Dr. Stanley goes on to share many other reasons why our conversation ought to be filled with the good news. It isn’t enough to know about God. Our joy ought to be so great that we can’t help but tell the world about the hope available in Christ Jesus. Discover the key to maintaining a passion for the gospel in your life.
August 18, 2017
Do you find it easy to talk about Christ, or do you have to work at it? Many Christians love to go to Bible studies and listen to sermons, but struggle to share their faith on a regular basis. In this message, Dr. Stanley inspires us to remember the joy of our salvation and share Christ with the world. He explains how people often forget that salvation is a divine miracle, a gift from God, available to all. Dr. Stanley goes on to share many other reasons why our conversation ought to be filled with the good news. It isn’t enough to know about God. Our joy ought to be so great that we can’t help but tell the world about the hope available in Christ Jesus. Discover the key to maintaining a passion for the gospel in your life.
August 17, 2017
Even though Jesus is God, he did not come to earth expecting to be waited on like a king. Instead, He said, “I have not come to be served but to serve and to give my life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:29). However, those who do choose to serve Him will be honored by the Father (John 12:26). In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what motivates a person to serve God, including: - A gratitude for salvation - A conviction of being called and commanded to serve - A vision for God’s great purpose - A desire to invest his life in things that have eternal value Dr. Stanley then concludes his message with four requirements for someone to have a passion to serve God. Learn to follow Jesus’ example of perfect service to the Father and experience the blessings of glorifying the King of Kings.
August 16, 2017
Even though Jesus is God, he did not come to earth expecting to be waited on like a king. Instead, He said, “I have not come to be served but to serve and to give my life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:29). However, those who do choose to serve Him will be honored by the Father (John 12:26). In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what motivates a person to serve God, including: - A gratitude for salvation - A conviction of being called and commanded to serve - A vision for God’s great purpose - A desire to invest his life in things that have eternal value Dr. Stanley then concludes his message with four requirements for someone to have a passion to serve God. Learn to follow Jesus’ example of perfect service to the Father and experience the blessings of glorifying the King of Kings.
August 15, 2017
Many Christians think they will miss out on the joys of life if they follow God’s Word. However, God’s plan for us is never second best. When we obey Him, we will be living a successful, fulfilling life. Get your pen and paper ready, because in this message, Dr. Stanley gives you three lists to help you evaluate your passion to serve God. The first one includes ten ways we can develop a greater desire to obey the Lord. The second list describes ten ways we can know if we are committed to the Lord, and the last list provides ten results of following God’s direction. This message will not leave you empty-handed. Discover the joy that comes with obeying the Lord and walking in His will for your life.
August 14, 2017
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Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.

About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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