In Touch Ministries

Dr. Charles Stanley

Our Great Encourager, Part 1

August 5, 2017

When we experience discouragement, where should we turn? Though it may not feel like it at times, discouragement is a choice. We can either allow circumstances to drag us down into depression and despair or we can look to our encouraging God. In this message, “Our Great Encourager,” Dr. Stanley begins by listing 10 qualities that make God our Great Encourager and then explains how He uses those attributes to motivate us. He is always faithful, encouraging us even when we’ve done nothing to deserve it.

Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.


When we are upset or wronged, one of the most dangerous things we can do is stuff down our resentment, anger, and hostility. This causes unforgiveness to grow and fester in our hearts. Also, it is an act of rebellion to willfully refuse to give up one’s resentment and right to get even. Unforgiveness doesn’t fit in the life of a Christian. Therefore, we must make a decision to let go of resentment and unforgiveness. When we deal with our unforgiveness, we will begin to see people through God’s eyes. Our attitudes will change, and we will be able to accept people as they are. Then, not only will we have strong, healthy bonds with others, but also a growing, loving relationship with our heavenly Father.
August 4, 2017
Anger is the most dangerous of all emotions. It’s like a boomerang—you throw it out at someone, and it comes right back at you. We always pay the price for our anger and can even burden our children with it because anger can be passed down generationally. You cannot be angry toward others and have a right relationship with the Lord. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how we can determine if our anger is righteous or sinful and how to deal with it. He also describes inappropriate ways of handling this volatile emotion. Discover the peace that comes with taking every concern and frustration to God.
August 3, 2017
Anger is the most dangerous of all emotions. It’s like a boomerang—you throw it out at someone, and it comes right back at you. We always pay the price for our anger and can even burden our children with it because anger can be passed down generationally. You cannot be angry toward others and have a right relationship with the Lord. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how we can determine if our anger is righteous or sinful and how to deal with it. He also describes inappropriate ways of handling this volatile emotion. Discover the peace that comes with taking every concern and frustration to God.
August 2, 2017
Many people live in bondage to feelings of rejection and don't even realize it.  It causes us to believe lies about ourselves and project hurtful emotions on others. It also undermines our relationships with God. In today's message, Dr. Stanley describes the nature of rejection and shares a number of characteristics of a person who feels rejected. Perhaps we have a physical defect, emotional hurts, or hurtful childhood experiences. But thankfully, as believers, God gives us a sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence. Learn to believe in the truth about God's love and rest in the peace of His acceptance.
August 1, 2017
Many people live in bondage to feelings of rejection and don't even realize it. It causes us to believe lies about ourselves and project hurtful emotions on others. It also undermines our relationships with God. Thankfully, as believers, God gives us a sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence. Learn to believe in the truth about God's love and rest in the peace of His acceptance.
July 31, 2017
As a follower of Jesus Christ, your most powerful asset and greatest privilege is prayer. Yet, what does your intercession really achieve? Do you doubt that your trips to God's throne are making any difference? Learn how important your prayer life is and why God wants you to have confidence and assurance whenever you go to Him.
July 29, 2017
In a world of anxious circumstances, it's no wonder that many of us find ourselves dealing with fear. However, God's people are called to live courageously. How can we live with peace and confidence in the midst of a frightening world? The only way is to remember that the Lord has promised to strengthen, help, and uphold us, and He always keeps His Word. When you're in almighty God's hands, you can face anything in life and experience the joy of His peace.
July 28, 2017
Everyone experiences guilt now and then, but for some people, it's a constant companion. Many times, they can't even identify a specific reason for feeling blameworthy, but a sense of condemnation robs them of joy, assurance, and confidence. No matter what the source of your guilt might be, release is possible. It all begins when you fully understand the substitutionary death of Jesus. He paid the penalty for your sins, and the moment you accept His offer, your offenses are forgiven.
July 27, 2017
Anxiety is the most prominent emotion that people are experiencing today. While feeling anxious is not a sin, the Lord doesn't want us to live in a continual state of dread because of life's uncertainties. Remember, no one has to live in anxiety; it's a choice. Freedom and peace await those who are willing to give their worries to God and leave them in His hands.
July 26, 2017
Can you recall a decision or a choice you made in the past that you truly regret? Why do you think you made that choice? What motivated you? There are two paths in life, a broad path that leads to destruction and a narrow path that leads to life. Learn to choose the right path.
July 25, 2017
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Featured Offer

Freedom Morning & Evening Prayer Bookmarks
Keep one. Give one. We invite you to join us in spreading God’s love. This set of bookmarks includes one for you, and one for a friend. We don’t always know what to pray. Let these bookmarks help you and your loved one seek Him more intentionally. It’s our hope you’ll both discover more of your freedom in Christ, and enjoy a fruitful prayer life.

About In Touch Ministries

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.

About Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley

September 25, 1932 – April 18, 2023

Dr. Charles F. Stanley was the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta for more than fifty years. He was also the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author, who wrote more than seventy books encouraging people to seek Jesus as their Savior and know Him as their wise and loving Lord. 

Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.”

Contact In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley

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In Touch Ministries
PO Box 7900
Atlanta, GA 30357

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