Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

The Undercover Revolution - How Humanism Captured the Literary World

May 26, 2011
Homosexual columnists are now admitting that their goal is to indoctrinate our children in the public schools. . . because that's the only way they can preserve their kind. As it turns out, it was the literary world that gradually brought homosexuality into common acceptance with the masses. Kevin Swanson reviews the history of homosexuality, and reviews Iain Murray's new book, "The Undercover Revolution." Robert Louis Stevenson, Herman Melville, Lord Byron, Thomas Hardy, Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, Virginia Woolfe. These are just a few examples of dangerous humanist thinkers that destroyed the faith in the west.

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Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


The tornadoes hitting Missouri are no where near as powerful as what is going on in the heads of teens absorbed in the pop culture. Trace Embry from Shepherd's Hill Farm works with teens who check in to his program for help - most from Christian families. There is no more powerful influence on kids today. But its not just perversion. It's deconstruction of meaning and beauty. It is art that mocks at the viewers, and the viewers will pay to be mocked at. But the most painful part of it, is what it does to the younger generation. Some of these stories will curl the hair on your legs.
May 25, 2011
Occasionally, we take a walk through "The Zoo," on this program - just to highlight the decadence, the dysfunctionality, and the decay of the western world. For the 6-7 Christian families in the country who still have the children in public schools. Kevin Swanson produces an interesting solution to the problem for families who want to preserve family and faith in the next generation. There's hope here for the future.
May 24, 2011
"We're so proud of you! Live your dreams! You are the future!" You've heard the cliche's that ramble off the podium at the graduation commencements. Kevin Swanson analyzes these, often empty aphorisms in light of biblical language and metaphysics. Almost half of college graduates from 2009 have yet to find a position in their career. We interact with these studies, as well as a video produced by the National Inflation Association relating to the quickly-collapsing college bubble.
May 23, 2011
Extensive surveys of Christian colleges indicate a fair amount of "religious" compromise, and a "house divided against itself." Incredibly, 78% of the Religion Department heads take the Old Earth Perspective, while only 35% of the Science Department heads take that position. What gives? Do these "Religion" guys know more about science than the "Science" guys? Here is an eye-opening program concerning the state of the faith in America, as Kevin Swanson interviews Ken Ham on the state of Christian colleges and universities in the United States.
May 20, 2011
Newsweek reports on a prominent evangelical family in America. Three of the children are divorced; there’s drug addiction, teenage pregnancy, eating disorders, spousal abuse, and alcohol abuse. Is this normative, or is there a different biblical model for family life? The weakness of the faith is obvious in the breakdown of the family in this country, but how do we build it back? Kevin Swanson interviews Voddie Baucham on his book, “Family-Driven Faith” on this edition of Generations.
May 19, 2011
Parental rights are fast disappearing in western countries. "The Child" is a documentary that explores the current state of parent rights in America. An unseen battle is developing between the rights of parents and the authority of the government to direct the upbringing of children. The stakes are high; the outcome of this struggle with affect countless future generations. Kevin Swanson interviews Grace Tate, the director of this documentary. Will we have what it takes to turn the tide on the tsunami that is rolling over parental rights in this country?
May 18, 2011
What if man is responding to the wrong disaster? What if the problem is not so much man's industrial endeavors, as his materialistic, existentialistic, family-destroying ways? What if the Global Warming scare is just a detraction from the real issues? What if the godless schools and the character-less youth will destroy our nations sooner than our S.U.V.'s will? As scientists turn into alchemists, the statists find the pseudo-science produced helpful for the socialist agenda. Kevin Swanson interviews E. Calvin Beisner from the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance, on a prudent, biblical response to the rising eco-fascism of the day.
May 17, 2011
If the average child spends 5,000 hours with their peers over six years, is there any wonder that their hearts are primarily connected to the peer group? Children have different teachers each year, and as the years progress they spend less time with their families. So who really disciples the hearts of our children? Kevin Swanson and Mike Cheney discuss the power of peer discipleship on this segment of Generations.
May 16, 2011
Once death penalty crimes in this country, now it’s just no big deal! The mainline Presbyterians finally caved in to endorsing homosexual clergy. This is the most egregious collapse of the faith since Elijah’s time, when the clergy was endorsing stuff like child sacrifice. One strong indicator that the family has already disintegrated is a mainstream acceptance of this kind of criminal activity (adultery and homosexuality). A couple of homeschooling dads, Kevin Swanson (a Presbyterian) and Mike Cheney (a Baptist) link arms to fight for the life of the faith and family in the 21st century.
May 13, 2011
One study indicates that 75% of college students return home after graduation. They're not getting work. Should your children leave home at 18? Should your daughters stay with the family until they get married? Since emancipation is normative at 18 today, how do families that feel more integrated handle this?
May 12, 2011
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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