The Population Bomb -- Malthus' Miscalculation
Australian university professors suggesting a $900 per year carbon tax for any family who has more than 2 children. An English woman recommends sterilization to "save the planet."
Kevin Swanson reviews the roots of these ideas in the teachings of one Rev. Thomas Malthus - another monster in the list of intellectuals that ruined the west. Here was a man who introduced the idea of the scarcity of resources.
Kevin argues that what we are up against is not a scarcity of resources. God is far more generous than these humanist pessimists think He is. Rather, we face a scarcity of faith, love, and character. Get ready to redefine economics, by means of a worldview paradigm shift!
Featured Offer
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.
Featured Offer
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.
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