Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

The Mother of All Financial Crises - Why This is Worse than 1929

April 7, 2020

A Harvard economist refers to this one as potentially ‘the mother of all financial crises,” and “the deepest dive on record for the global economy for over 100 years.” This one is tough. The worldwide implications are very extensive. There are five factors that make the present conditions far worse than the Great Depression of 1929. Are you ready for a very big humbling of the nations, beginning with the United States of America. Here’s the strategy to prepare: Get Serious.

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Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


Could Christian apostasy be part of the wakeup call going on with the COVID-19 disruption? The last twenty years may be the worst in American history. Barna reports that the Christian worldview adherents dropped from 12% to 6%, and only 2% of 18-29 year olds hold to some semblance of a Christian worldview now. The fault lies with the churches. Where are the pastors that disciple in the most basic fundamentals of a biblical worldview? Where is the concrete in the foundations of the church?
April 6, 2020
Two pastors have been arrested for “unlawful assembly” during the present virus spread, and at least one of the pastors will be defended by the Liberty Counsel. Some Americans are still sort of sensitive over the religious liberty question, after those Pilgrims had a run-in with the magistrate 400 years ago. The argument is over “essential services” and the church jurisdiction. The question is legitimate and needs to be considered by rational, thoughtful churchgoers in every country around the world. Has the civil magistrate have given control over the church when it comes to these matters of assembly? Was it the priest or the judge who sequestered the lepers in Leviticus? Kevin Swanson outlines some of the key governing biblical principles that tie into the question, and challenges every pastor and elder board to make a judgment call on whether to assemble or not.
April 3, 2020
The $2.2 trillion Stimulus Bill offers quite a few opportunities for compensation. Tax credits for companies withholding social security, forgivable loans for ministries and small businesses, and the tax rebates. When the chips are down, shall we take the government handouts? Do our churches or ministries grab for the government subsidies? Kevin Swanson goes over a list of 8 biblical principles tying in to the question of whether to take the handouts.
April 2, 2020
This time of national shutdown, increased incidence of infection, and virus mania will be a time of testing for us. How will we react in such times as these? Will we be more susceptible to fixation on conspiracy theories? What about hording, snitching, or dependence on the state - turning to government to bail us out? Will we realize this to be an opportunity? Will we respond in love, power, and a sound mind?
April 1, 2020
The problem was bad enough, but the fix was worse. Unemployment filings this week are highest in history. Things are heading towards a worse economic conditions than that faced during the Great Depression. The added debts produce another 14% on the Debt to GDP, putting America with Venezuela, Sudan, Greece, Eritrea, and Mozambique — among the ten most economically endebted and unstable nations in the world. This is a society that has killed 80 million babies, imploded its birth rate and spent their grandkids into $120 trillion of debts and unfunded liabilities. Somehow, something needs to put the brakes on the stealing, the dishonesty, and the greed that constitute this house of cards. At this point, the only advice for Christians is Matthew 16:25-26.
March 31, 2020
After the proudest year, arguably in world history, comes. . .what is this? Proverbs 16:18 has as sure as the law of gravity. There’s no use arguing against it, even if you take a flying leap off of the Empire State Building. A leading pastor/dean of Dordt college insists Jesus would be marching in the front of a pride march. And, we conclude that such perspectives are as far away from the Christian faith as atheism. If there is anything American religious people need, it is James 4:6-10.
March 30, 2020
The states are shutting down all non-essential businesses, including the church. Is this appropriate? What are the biblical requirements for quarantine upon any indication of symptoms? Get a flavor for what churches are doing around the nation during the pandemic, with this discussion with Scott Brown, Director of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches.
March 27, 2020
After society has abandoned common sense and the fear of God, can we count on our leaders to make wise judgments? Such an economic shake up might just do it. How will life be different on the other side of this? The college bubble is bursting, now. Nationalism. Home schooling. Conference will be pretty much over, but what about church events? Will God’s people come back together with a newfound faith? What will the restart of an economy look like after facing 30% unemployment?
March 26, 2020
In the latter part of the 19th century, a deep-seated racism wormed its way into the consciousness of Western man in America, England, Australia, and New Zealand, thanks to the evolutionary writings of Charles Darwin. Kevin Swanson interviews Dr. Charles Ware, co-author of the book "One Blood, One Race," on the topic of racism. Why do churches in America have a hard integrating various skin colors and cultures; why can't they find their unity in Christ and His forgiveness of a wide variety of sins and sinners? As the church becomes more international in scope, it is time to open our doors and our hearts to every tribe, tongue, and nation!
March 25, 2020
Will God bless America, if America doesn’t bless God? The official call for prayer on the part of our leaders looks nothing like the call for a Day of Repentance and Humiliation in 1780 and 1863. These are two different religions. Kevin Swanson compares the present crisis to previous crises and their responses in American history.
March 24, 2020
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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