Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

Living Among Lions - How to Thrive like Daniel in Today's Babylon - Interview: Benham Brothers

July 20, 2016
How do Christians influence our world today filled with terrorism, rising persecution for Christians, gross immorality, and unprincipled leadership at the top? Kevin Swanson talks with David and Jason Benham about the presidential race, avoiding the fear of man, and maintaining strong convictions and compassion at the same time.

This program includes:

1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee, Nigeria Abandoned by the West, Chicago YMCA Open Locker Rooms to Transgenders)

2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


A Christian who sat on the board of the largest high school district in California is leaving. He’s not going to put up with the virulent pro-homosexual agenda anymore. At what point do Christians just walk away from the public schools, the public universities, and the businesses that enforce politically correct standards? Should they stay in place and just break the law? Should they go along with the agenda? Or should they leave and take their salt with them? These are highly relevant, and highly important questions for every Christian living in the world.This program includes:1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (The Pope is Providentially Bumped from Together 2016, Is it a War on Cops?, Some California Hospitals Refuse to Aid Suicides)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 19, 2016
College campuses are fast becoming bogged down in political correctness, angry millennial mobs carrying whiffle bats, and petty tyrant/nanny-run administrations. The possibility of rational, thoughtful discussions and academic freedom of any sort is disappearing. We clear away some of the debris, and define the problems with the millennials in biblical terms on this edition of the program.This program includes:1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Report from Republican National Convention, Planned Parenthood Stonewalls Congress, Ten More States Sue Obama Administration On Transgender Mandate)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 18, 2016
What is with this long list of 40-45 year old mega-church pastors who have resigned from their positions over the last two years? Is there a problem with the young, the restless, and the reformed? The mixture of post-modernism, long-standing adolescence, empty informalism, and antinomianism makes for a fairly toxic cocktail. These scandals and resignations cannot be healthy for the mega-churches with which they are connected. What then constitutes a healthy church? This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Trump Campaign Hints at Gov. Mike Pence, Over 80 Killed by Terrorist in France, Russia’s First Crisis Pregnancy Center) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 15, 2016
This is the year that Protestantism in Canada and the UK turns to the Neronic agenda. The two largest Protestant denominations in Canada have turned, and that makes up 53% of the Protestants in Canada. Then, the United Reformed Church of the UK does the same thing. We trace this church to the Puritans who were deposed by the state church in 1662. The very best of England turned into the very worst by 2016. What’s the lesson for Christians in the Western world? Be not high-minded, but fear. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Republican Party Platform to Defund Planned Parenthood, Britain’s New Prime Minister is Pro-Homosexual Christian, Target Stock Still Falling) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 14, 2016
What constitutes a mature friendship? How do we avoid sins of the tongue? What about modesty? How does a woman learn contentment, if she is single? Kevin Swanson runs these questions by Dr. Pat Ennis, who teaches homemaking to young women attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pat is the author of many helpful books for Christian women. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Canadian Anglicans Approve Homosexual Marriage, Russia Outlaws Christian Evangelism, War Heats Up in South Sudan) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 13, 2016
The Supreme Court seems to be the means by which society has been most perverted, but why? Education, abortion, homosexuality, and persecution of Christians — the perversion comes by the courts. The real source of it is to be found in the universities and the law schools.This program includes:1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Names of Five Police Officers Killed in Texas, Another Mega-Church Scandal, Bill Nye the Science Guy Visits the Ark)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 12, 2016
The pope suggests a weak apology to “gays,” a political move no doubt. But, how do weak apologies and weaker preaching help anybody? Here, we provide a historical perspective on the church’s view of sexual sin. Do we really want to apologize for Augustine, Chrysostom, Eusebius, Basil, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, etc.? Then, we provide Jesus Christ’s view on sexual sin. “Neither do I condemn you. . . Go and sin no more.”This program includes:1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Mega-Corporations Attack North Carolina’s Transgender Law, Hundreds Arrested in Racial Protests, Ted Cruz to Speak at Convention)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 11, 2016
The number of terrorist events worldwide are not subsiding. The problem is worsening by the month, with June representing a 7-fold increase year over year. Ramadan was the bloodiest month for terrorist events this year, and many nations felt the sting. While there have always been anarchy, wars, and rumors of wars, we’re looking at a 10,000-fold increase since 1950. Are we in the end times? That’s the nagging question that comes up with many Christians. Kevin Swanson walks through three different scenarios. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Iowa Church Resists Enforcement of Transgendered Bathrooms, Christian Woman Poised to Take PM Position in UK, Ark Encounter Open in Kentucky) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 8, 2016
The FBI and the Justice Department have decided that they will not indict Hillary Clinton for lapses in protocol while she acted as Secretary of State for the country. Americans agree that she has an integrity issue, but they’re still voting for her. IF you were the average prosecutor, would you indict her? We analyze the seriousness of the problem in light of the principal issues that face the nation. What happens when the top leaders in the nation are above the law? This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Trinity Western University Appeals to Supreme Court on Religious Liberty Case, Juno Reaches God’s Awesome Planet Jupiter, Another Controversial Police Shooting in Louisiana) 2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 7, 2016
Can you imagine the slaughter of millions, even billions at the hands of the state? The rising forces of totalitarianism, especially in America, are growing faster than ever now. In most of the nations around the world, Karl Marx's agenda and Mohammed's ideas are on the upswing. The ideas of Patrick Henry and John Winthrop. . .well. . .pretty well dissipating. Why are the nations turning totalitarian? Dependency almost always leads to dictatorship, and America has crossed the 50% dependency threshold. Over half the nation is dependent on government checks now. Kevin Swanson interviews Curtis Bowers, the director and producer of the award-winning documentary Agenda, and now, Agenda 2. Over a million people have seen this expose film.This program includes:1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Hillary Clinton Cleared of Any Criminal Misconduct, Violence on the Rise in Rio de Janeiro, Ramadan Ends With Three Suicide Attacks)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
July 6, 2016
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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