Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

Glass House — Shattering the Myth of Evolution - A Worn-Out Hypothesis

August 26, 2020

How is it that 99% of the universities teach macro-evolutionary theories, but still 38% of Americans still believe in biblical creation? Yet, the disappointments concerning “evidence” in the fossil layers, the impossibility of abiogenesis, the complete lack of any possible mechanism for evolution. . . all these things continue to dog the heals of scientists. The hypothesis is tired and worn out, but still clung to by the pseudo-scientists of the day. We do a little meta-epistemology and meta-science here first, and then take a rational look at the shreds of evidence for evolution in our day.

Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


In this edition of the Generations Radio program, Kevin Swanson and Bill Jack address the dysfunctionality of America's families. Children are being educated by media. Fathers have been replaced by the state. Families are being torn apart. If a country is ruled by the laws of God, how would this change?
August 25, 2020
Here is one last-ditch attempt on the part of a few Christian groups to salvage freedom of speech in a day of social media mobs, corporate hate speech policies, blacklisting, cancel culture, and campus speech policing. The Philadelphia Statement is hoping for a return to civility, intelligent debate, thoughtful exchanges, and the First Amendment. We’ll see. . . . Kevin Swanson provides a bit more on the history of freedom. It turns out that Christians paved the way for freedom in the West — the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, etc. It is always non-Christians and anti-Christian apostates who broke down freedom in the Western world.
August 24, 2020
Pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church continue resolute with in-person church meetings, despite the Governor’s orders and local fines of $20,000 thus far. Some Christians question the wisdom of the stance, and others just plain think the pastor is in sin. Is this a matter of agreeing with your adversary quickly while you are in the way with him, or is the church and worship of higher importance and worth the risk of breaking the law and spreading a virus?
August 21, 2020
The Wilshire 5000/GDP greed ratio is the highest in American history, over twice the national average. Stocks are way, way, way overpriced, as the propped-up fake economy is booming, touted by the Republicans going into the most contested election in history. When the economies fail, what are the four core reasons for the failure, biblically speaking? These are critical times. Make sure you have the right answers — mostly found in the Book of Proverbs.
August 20, 2020
Can Christians still be salt, yeast, and light where they are? Do we have to separate ourselves entirely from the community, or can we be a Joseph or a Daniel where we are? Actually, the local community is more important than Washington DC, right now, more than ever.
August 19, 2020
What is the American religion? Most Americans are pluralistic, relativistic, humanistic . . . and they believe man can save himself. That applies to 46% of pentecostals, 41% of evangelicals, and 70% of Roman Catholics. There doesn’t seem to be much difference anymore between evangelicals and Catholics. There used to be a 100% gap, now its 29%. For most Americans, truth doesn’t matter anymore, because Americans are PCR.
August 18, 2020
Finally, we have a tremendous opportunity to bring God back into education, by the decentralization of powerful control over education. Will 10 million Americans take advantage of the opportunity, and part ways with the secular, government-controlled monopoly? While the public schools have been undermining the American heritage, and creating a revolution to destroy the principles on which the nation was founded, what should Christian parents do? This is time to teach our children to grateful for what is good about the American heritage.
August 17, 2020
Evangelical young people are not getting married. About half of the 20-39 year old crowd haven’t married — and the problem is getting worse by the year. But, what percentage are ready to deny themselves, take up a cross daily, and follow Jesus in whatever way is available to them? The priority is not to get married. The priority is to deny self and take up the cross in the face of the zeitgeist of self, self, and self.
August 14, 2020
Recent Pew Research and Gallup polls demonstrate the wide disparity between Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans are committed to addressing the abortion issue with an energy of about 28%, while the Democrats are ratcheted up to 70%+ for their issues. They want to repent. . . in the wrong direction. But what should Christians be committed to do on Election Day?
August 13, 2020
When it comes to history, Christians have a duty to judge righteous judgments, and clearly identify the sins of both sides in conflicts. What were the sins of the North and the sins of the South in the Civil War? In American history, we find Abraham Lincoln failing to acknowledge Christ as his Savior, and refusing to be part of the church. Why the seances in the White House? Why did the Emancipation Proclamation fail to free the slaves? Why the massive increase in government under the Red Republicans and the Republican President? Could America have freed the slaves as many other countries did without entering into war? We discuss “The Problem with Lincoln” with Dr. Thomas Dilorenzo, author of the new book on the subject. The tyranny and the godlessness we are experiencing today has a great deal to do with tyranny and godlessness seeded in the 19th century.
August 12, 2020
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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