Generations Radio

Kevin Swanson

Cleaning Up the Trash - A Modern Art Exhibit - Deconstructing Education and Art

November 3, 2015
Detroit schools have perfectly met the vision of John Dewey. They have failed in academics. Most of the families are utterly destroyed, and the state welfare systems are clogged. Excellent socialists! Then, we take a look at a modern art exhibit in Italy, where the cleaning crew mistook it for a bunch of trash and threw it all away. Excellent picture of modern culture, over the line of despair.

This program includes:
1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Billy Graham: Prepare for Persecution in America, Obama’s Christmas Present, Mass Shooter in Colorado Springs Identified)
2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.


The National Association of Evangelicals is backing away from the death penalty. But the real concern is that evangelicals are increasingly compromising one very important facet of the Gospel (as clearly described in 1 Cor. 15). Kevin Swanson also addresses the Oprah's "Belief" and the American Religion, summarized in three words. . ."I am beautiful."This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Christian Coach Suspended for Praying, Street Preachers Win Court Case, Senate Approves Budget Deal)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
November 2, 2015
The Washington Post reports on the rise of vampirism. . . real vampires in American cities. These people are chemically dependent on human blood, so they say. This leads to discussion on cannibalism, tattoos, and the consumption of the placenta - some of which are growing attractions with Christians. Kevin Swanson compares the pseudo-sacraments of paganism with the true sacraments of Christianity.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Persecution in Uganda on the Rise, Ted Cruz Rises in Polls, Best Corporations for Religious Liberties, China Ends One Child Policy)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 30, 2015
A left-wing, rabidly pro-abortion Roman Catholic wins the Prime Minister position in Canada. Meanwhile, a pro-life evangelical takes the presidency of Guatemala. Does religion make a difference when it comes to leading countries? Kevin Swanson takes a look at the leading Republican candidates especially in regards to the Neronic agenda (homosexual marriage and civil unions).This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (The Third Republican Debate, Cruz Goes After Mainstream Media, Boehner’s Last Hurrah, United Church of Christ in the Drag)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 29, 2015
A Fort Collins, Colorado high school is doing the pledge of allegiance using the phrase “One Nation Under Allah.” Why the love affair with Islam? Kevin Swanson takes a good hard look at sharia law, based on the Koran. Homosexuals and Feminists are not going to like it, but they usually endorse pluralism which must allow for an acceptance of sharia law. There are however 16 conservative states that are moving to ban sharia law.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Pro Life President for Guatemala, REI will be Closed Black Friday, Autism Over-diagnosed)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 28, 2015
Now the President of the United States has appointed a terror czar to oversee the list of ministries on Right Wing Watch and the Southern Poverty Law Center bunch. Tyranny ensues when the highest offices in the land become reckless and lawless. Anarchy usually follows as individuals follow suit and become reckless and lawless. What should the lower magistrates do now, to restore order in the land. Easy. Submit to the Constitution and the laws of God, and ignore the tyrants and their lawless chatter. Sixty legal scholars from America's most prestigious universities are telling state and local officials to just ignore the Supreme Court's recent ruling.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Baker Jack Phillips Appeals to the Supreme Court, Canada's Liberal Party Takes Over, Texas Investigates Planned Parenthood)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 27, 2015
Dystopian films now dominate the box office - 100 in the 2000s, 23 in the 1970s, and 8 in the 1960s. Kevin Swanson points out that modern man is more self-conscious of his self-destructive ideologies, social theories, and political states. We also take a few minutes to review the situational or autonomous ethics developed in the Maze Runner - Scorch Trials, and other dystopian films.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (California Churches Oppose Mandatory Abortion Funding, Record-Breaking Hurricane, John Boehner establishes Planned Parenthood Investigation Committee)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 26, 2015
American Girl Magazine is promoting the “homosexual family” for 8-9 year old little girls in the November-December edition. We take a look at the increasingly dysfunctional millennial family known for its lack of marital commitment, its immaturity, its permissiveness, and its dysfunctionality. Kevin Swanson encourages millennials to make the decision not to be millennials. Get back to the Word of God as the standard for life!This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Hillary Clinton Investigated on Benghazi, Sexual Abuse Lawsuit for IBLP, Finding Noah Documentary Releases)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 23, 2015
Kevin Swanson visits a National Park and finds the information presented from a purely pagan worldview perspective. So what is the official religion of the United States of America? We know it isn't Christianity, but is it humanism, statism, or polytheistic paganism? We conclude that it must be humanism morphing into paganism. But still, 77% of Americans still believe in a Creator. We discuss the inconsistencies found in the American mind, and how Christians may witness to others given the self-contradictory nature of the modern.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Joe Biden Backs Out of Race, More Indonesian Churches Burned to the Ground, Absolutely No Alcohol for Pregnant Women)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 22, 2015
The media has become more of a fourth arm of government. Every newspaper and every newscast has a bias. Given that all facts are already interpreted for us (by people who maintain their own worldview perspective), then what is the best reflection of the truth? Kevin Swanson interviews World Magazine’s Warren Cole Smith on reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.This program includes:1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Immigrants Migrating Back to Syria, States Defunding Planned Parenthood, Position Opened to Go After Christians)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 21, 2015
The millennial generation regular church attendance rate is 18%, down from 55% with the Silent Generation. We caught up with Josh McDowell, the youth guru, and we're asking him the million dollar questions. What will salvage the millennial generation? What's the message? How to compete with the electronic revolution? If you've heard about the debate on presuppositional and evidential apologetics, you need to hear about your life apologetic.This program includes:1. The Worldview in Five Minutes with Adam McManus (Washington Football Coach Leads Teams in Prayer, The UK Revokes All Passports of Those Under 18, Detroit Pastor Shoots Attacker)2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
October 20, 2015
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Featured Offer

Taking the World for Jesus
This is the retelling of the most exciting story in all of human history. Something truly remarkable occurred when Jesus Christ rose from the dead and gave His disciples a great commission. The world would never be the same again. Kevin Swanson takes the reader through the 2,000 year worldwide saga of this epochal mission to the world. From Judea to Rome, Ireland, Denmark, China, Japan, Uganda, New Zealand, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, the light of Christ shines into the darkness, transforming every nation throughout the centuries.

About Generations Radio

Heard in all 50 states and over 60 countries around the world, Generations Radio brings a fast and fresh perspective to issues touching Christian families. From cultural commentary and movie reviews to education and homeschooling, Generations Radio has it every day - all from a distinctively biblical worldview

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson is the host of Generations Radio and a homeschool father of five children. Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 1970's, Kevin went on to run for US Senate and has since traveled around the US and world speaking on the family, education, and biblical worldview. As the Director of Generations with Vision, Kevin has a passion for faith, family, and freedom in the 21st Century.

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