Busted and Broken - Pt. 2
Most of us would agree that we don’t need any help when it comes to being a sinner. That comes naturally. But what about being a good “repenter?” In this challenging message from Pastor Jeff Schreve called BUSTED AND BROKEN, we walk with King David as he is confronted with the enormity of his sin, but sincerely repented reaping great blessings in return.
Featured Offer
Are you a discerning Christian? Are you able to biblically and accurately discern between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and error? Sadly, many Christians are not. As a result, they fall prey to the deceptions of the enemy. In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve addresses the critical need for believers to do what Jesus commanded and "judge with righteous judgment."
- 12 Real Favorites - Vol 2
- 12 Real Favorites - Volume 1
- 12 Real Favorites - Volume 3
- 12 Timeless Favorites
- 24: Living in the Last Days
- A Decade of Favorites: The Top Ten
- A New Lease On Life
- A New Normal
- All I Want for Christmas
- And They Lived Happily Ever After
- And You Think You've Got Problems
- Arise and Build: Vol 1
- Arise and Build: Vol 2
- Attitude for Altitude
- Back on Track: Getting in on God's Purpose for Your Life
- Beauty for Ashes: The Story of Ruth
- Believe and See
- Believing God - Expecting Miracles
- Beyond Amazing: Understanding the Grace of God
- Beyond Ourselves
- Beyond the Glory
- Bold as a Lion
- Braveheart: Becoming a Warrior for Christ
- Breaking the Chains of Religion: Experiencing the Joy and Power of Authentic Christianity
- Built to Last
- Defending the Faith
- Desperate Households
- Discernment in a Day of Deception
- Divine Encounters: What Happens When People Meet the Master?
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- Do You Want to be Blessed?
- Do You Want to be Free
- Do You Want to Experience His Glory?: In the Awe of God's Presence
- Dreams and Detours
- Face-Off: Fighting for the Faith
- Facing the Giants
- Faithful and True: Introducing the One and Only God
- Fake News
- Family Matters
- Famous Last Words
- Fear No Evil
- Footsteps
- For Such a Time as This
- Forever and Ever: The Reality of Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell
- Foundations
- Fourth Quarter: How to Finish Strong for Jesus Christ
- Future Shock
- Get Real!: Authentic Christian Life in the Last Days
- God's Answer for your Fears
- God's Answer to Your Fears
- God's Last Word to a Lost Generation
- God's Message in Your Emotions
- God's Perfect Gift
- Got Trouble? What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do
- Growing Strong
- I Shouldn't Be Alive
- Impact Christmas
- It's A Wonderful Life
- It's All About Jesus
- It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
- It's Not Easy Being Me
- Land of the Giants
- Let Us Adore Him
- Life Goes On: How to Face a New Normal
- Life is Hard...But God is Good
- Life Under the Sun
- Life's Big Questions
- Living on Purpose
- Location, Location, Location
- Making a Difference
- Making the Grade: Passing Life's Greatest Tests
- Man Up: God's Guide to Real Manhood
- Miracles! Then & Now
- Missing in Action
- Modern Family
- Money Matters
- More Than Conquerors
- No Wonder They Call it Amazing
- Nothing But the Truth
- Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts...
- Now That's a Tough One
- Ready to Rumble
- Real Online Favorites
- Return to Me
- Revelation - the Triumph of the Lamb
- Right on the Money
- Rising to the Challenge: A Study of the Book of Joshua
- Rock Your World
- Roller Coaster: Facing the Ups and Downs of Life
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Seasons
- Setting the House in Order: A Study from the book of Titus
- Shine
- Sin and Salvation
- Soldiers of the Cross
- Soul on Fire: God's Plan for Revival
- Standing in the Gap
- Sticking Points: Overcoming Obstacles to Faith
- Storms: What to Do in Troubled Times
- Strong Faith for Tough Times
- The Blessings of Christmas
- The Church in the Last Days
- The Days of Noah
- The Dividing Line: A Baby Changes Everything
- The Divine Design: God's Plan for Marriage and Family
- The God of Second Chances: Getting Your Life Back on Track
- The Greatest of These is Love
- The Heart of Worship
- The Joy of Christmas
- The Mysteries of the Kingdom
- The Next Step?
- The Power of Giving
- The Questions of Christmas
- The Recovery Room
- The School of Prayer
- The Things You Need to Know: A Study of 1 John
- The Three Gifts of Christmas
- The Thrill of Hope
- The Truth About...
- The Truth In Love
- The Unknown God
- The Walk
- There's No Place Like Heaven
- Turning Trials to Triumphs: 2 Corinthians

Featured Offer
Are you a discerning Christian? Are you able to biblically and accurately discern between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and error? Sadly, many Christians are not. As a result, they fall prey to the deceptions of the enemy. In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve addresses the critical need for believers to do what Jesus commanded and "judge with righteous judgment."
About From His Heart
From His Heart Ministries is the TV, Radio and Internet broadcast outreach of Dr. Jeff Schreve who believes that no matter how badly you have messed up in life, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. We’re on mission to help a new generation discover their creator through the preaching of the compassionate, relevant, yet uncompromised truth of the Gospel. Pastor Jeff speaks the truth in love with clear biblical content combined with engaging, personal stories. His messages are filled with life-giving principles for everyday living and eternal assurance.
On Television: From His Heart is seen each week on Lightsource and also around the world on The Hillsong Channel, NRBTV, The Walk TV, and hundreds of TV stations across America and around the world. Go to Click Here to find the station near you.
On Radio:Click Here to listen to the daily radio broadcast available on OnePlace.com as well as 720+ outlets across America.
About Dr. Jeff Schreve
Growing up in a church-going home, Jeff learned a lot about God, but he did not know God. He believed in Jesus in the same way he believed in George Washington: he knew Jesus was real, but had not personally met Him. All this changed one night after a Young Life meeting when he was alone in his bedroom. There Jeff saw his need for Christ and His forgiveness and surrendered his life to Jesus.
As a student at the University of Texas, Jeff grew in his Christian life. He graduated with a degree in business and moved back home to Houston, Texas to start a career in business. There he met his future wife, Debbie, at a single's group meeting at Champion Forest Baptist Church. They were married in 1986 and have been blessed with a wonderful relationship and three awesome daughters and two beautiful grandchildren.
A New Direction
After spending 13 years as a chemical salesman, God called Dr. Schreve to preach. He left his secure position and moved his family to North Carolina to attend Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. It was a scary and difficult move to make ... but it was one of the best decisions they have ever made. One year later, God called them to serve on staff at Champion Forest Baptist Church. In 2000, he completed his Master of Divinity degree graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2014 from Southeastern Seminary.
Jeff Schreve has been the senior Pastor of First Baptist Texarkana in 2003, a growing and exciting church with 4500+ members.
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