The Future of America

Nena Arias

The Real Reason Lawlessness Has Been Unleashed in America Part 2

June 5, 2020

Many strange behaviors are on the loose in our country today. Like in all matters, to gain real understanding we must go to the pages of Scripture and see ourselves through that mirror. The real reason for lawlessness is when God's Word is lost from sight and lacks enforcement. Much like what happens when laws are lax and not enforced. Let us hold fast to the time-tested principles that bring lasting peace and prosperity to all who abide by them.

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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?


What is the real reason that this chaos has been set in motion in America? The Constitution give its citizens the right to “peaceably assemble” even if it is to protest against the government and the civic authorities but it must be done peaceably and in order. Committing injustice to protest injustice serves absolutely no good purpose. That behavior will never bring peace and will only promote the escalation of violence and dire long-lasting consequences.
June 3, 2020
When it comes to the design and purpose of men and women, God and biology are very clear. Men are men and can never be women and visa versa. Women will always be women. Surgery and hormones can never change that. The guidelines for sex established by God is something that angers a lot of people. They seem to think, “my body, my choice.” God will respect that choice because he gave it in the first place, but he is not responsible for the consequences of those choices.
June 1, 2020
In today's world, when we stand up for God's truth it makes Bible-believing Christians become the target of those who oppose God. These tactics are transforming America into something unrecognizable. This, however, should not stop us from embracing a biblical worldview or living our lives by its principles. The darkness cannot overcome the light, but we must be willing to be the light.
May 29, 2020
Is biblical faith really at odds with science? Atheists and agnostics think they have us by the neck when they propagate the idea that faith and science don’t mix and use that to say we are ignorant people. As creator, God has no reason to be at oods with science since he designed it in the first place. There are many scientists today that are devout Christians and will attest to the fact that there is harmony in the complementary truths of science and faith.
May 27, 2020
"Why has the wicked man renounced God? He says to himself, 'You will never call me to account.'" (Psalm 10:13). Clearly the fool only uses himself as reference for his conclusions. In the end, if he doesn’t humble himself before God, he will see a bitter end. The new atheists draw no lines between religions. This myopic view sees only what they want to see to make their point and justify their positions. But they don’t take in all the facts.
May 25, 2020
If our biblical values are trashed, what is left? Getting God out of the picture will only leave us with the failed, flawed, myopic, greedy, power-hungry, murderous, thieving ideas of self-aggrandized people who will than set themselves on the throne and declare themselves as little gods. That is because they truly don’t know anything about the only true God. They judge him by their own standards. Let us continue analyzing this topic further.
May 22, 2020
Religion and politics have always been among the most disputed topics at any given level. Most serious meetings of any real significance will end up with discussions in one of these two camps or both. Rightfully so because they are inseparable! Religion and politics are two of the most challenging subjects to talk about, yet they are inescapable because they are the foundation of what we value and how we chose to live.
May 20, 2020
In this topic we have established that no one is exempt from adversity. We must be forged into good character traits that will cause us to mature and know more of God’s principles and wisdom as we implement them. We must make choices. Are we going to give in to denial, pain, anger, and self-pity, or are we going to jump the hurdles as we run this race of life?
May 18, 2020
Just like God lets us face the consequences of our behavior, parents also need to let their children face themselves the consequences of wrong behavior. To every cause there is an effect, which is why although God forgives we must go through the process of healing and restoration. What is forgiveness? How do we go about giving it? Is there anything that is unforgivable?
May 15, 2020
Adversity comes to us all, it is a part of life during all of our earthly journey; from the cradle to the grave. No one is exempt from it. The sooner you learn how to handle it the better off you will be. It is how you handle adversity that will determine if it will edify and enrich you or make you poor and bitter and ultimately destroy you. Join us as we explore this topic, and share it.
May 13, 2020
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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?

About The Future of America

We want to help restore America's original foundation in biblical Christian principles which made it the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world in a relatively short time but America has not reached it full potential. Ideas have consequences and they are passed on from generation to generation. To eradicate error, the moral and ethical principles of the Bible must be firmly established in the hearts and minds of each individual. If America is going to survive, its citizens must become re-acquainted with its history, heritage and biblical immovable principles and apply them once again to all areas of life. We hope this program will inspire and challenge you so together we can fulfill our responsibility before God and country to make the difference for our generation many generations to come.

About Nena Arias

Nena Arias

Is one of thirteen siblings; born, raised and educated in California. She was brought up in a Christian home, however her personal commitment to Christ happened at the age of seventeen which also included a simultaneous call to missionary work which she embraced with her whole heart. She answered this call and up until the present is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband, Ramon. Nena is an accomplished singer/minister and conference speaker. Her ministry for the last 40 years has taken her to several continents and nations such as, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Canada and all across the continental United States and Hawaii.

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Cultural Legacy
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