The Future of America

Nena Arias

Jesus Was Not Always Nice to People Part 4

January 21, 2016
The church needs to understand the value of using strong, firm and emphatic language. It is not going to be nice or feel nice, but whom do we want to please man or God? Evil must be exposed for what it is and not to be called anything different; God’s people are not called to be politically correct but Scripturally correct. Preachers are not called to be nice where strong Scriptural words are needed. Reality is that America’s condition is so far removed from her original foundation and for the first time in her history a sitting president tells the world “America is not a Christian nation.” Christian America’s did not respond with strong outrage or push back. Jesus was not always nice and neither should we be when it is imperative to defend God’s truth.

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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?


The examples we are analyzing of Jesus' treatment of the religious leaders who say they represent God, don’t get a pass from being exposed as to the quality of the fruit they produce; neither do those who are in civil authority. Honor and respect are due only when they imitate God’s character and abide by His moral law. Otherwise, they must be exposed for who they really are; neither God nor Jesus is with the politically correct crowd. Get it, once and for all, America!
January 20, 2016
Jesus was “not nice” to the religious leaders who were regularly offended by His insults when He would call them names such as "hypocrites," "blind guides,” “serpents,” "brood of vipers," "white washed tombs" and "fools". Remember that He called them all those names in front of the crowds and blasted their authority. But Jesus had a good reason for doing it.
January 19, 2016
What does the expression “be nice,” mean nowadays? A lot of things are expected from others. But, when it comes to Christians they are expected to be “nice” at all times regardless of the circumstances that come against them. They are expected to be nice especially if it means to go against God’s moral absolutes, because if they don’t accept others’ standards they are singled out for not being loving and tolerant like Jesus, or so they say. Are we called to be nice as we represent God’s values?
January 18, 2016
In an interview that actor Sean Penn had with Rolling Stone magazine in relation to drug trafficking, he said the following: “We are the consumers, and as such, we are complicit in every murder, and in every corruption of an institution's ability to protect the quality of life for citizens of Mexico and the United States that comes as a result of our insatiable appetite for illicit narcotics." No sane person can argue with Penn's premise, so, if we are the problem, what can we do about it?
January 15, 2016
Illegal drugs have a high demand and despite tough anti-drug laws, a new survey shows the U.S. has the highest level of illegal drug use in the world. Drug consumption devastates consumers, causing many to even lose their lives. There is also collateral damage because the consumers are not the only ones affected, also their families, communities, and society in general. It opens the door for crime, murder and gang related wars. It is a multi-billion dollar industry, which is a very enticing lure to many; on top of that, and consumption is growing worldwide, creating an ever-increasing demand. Regardless of how severe laws are, the consumption of illegal drugs in the United States continues to rise. What is the real cause of this devastating problem?
January 14, 2016
Jesus forewarned the disciples: don’t play the chosen people of God card and than lack the acceptable quality of bearing good fruit. If you don’t produce what is expected, you will be discarded and burned (John 15). This is a severe warning for those who had been with Him for more than three as chosen disciples; the same massage goes for each one of us.
January 12, 2016
It really is about the fruit we produce, good or bad; it determines the outcome of society. It is foolish to think we can have a great society built upon bad seed.  Biblical Christians are the only ones that can turn a falling nation around for good, that is, if we produce the acceptable kind of fruit before the heavenly Father, just like Jesus did and requested that all of His disciples do the same.
January 11, 2016
We do wrong when we ignore history that clearly shows us what works and what doesn't. We can evaluate the fruit of past civilizations which is extremely valuable information to learn from the mistakes of others. In this series we are using the comparisons Bill Federer presents in his American Minute between the factors that brought down the Roman Empire and the chilling similarities in the United States at present.
January 8, 2016
Have you ever considered the fall of the Roman Empire and how many studies compare the similarities with the actual condition of the United States? Join us in this series as we make this comparison and learn from history to work to avoid the collapse of our beloved country.
January 7, 2016
Are you aware that there is no person or nation that lacks the desire to produce a meaningful life? Since the dawn of human history, people strive to make things work out for the better. It is ingrained in the human soul to want to make things succeed. The problem is, for the most part, they fall flat on their faces and instead of making things better they turn out to be really bad. Is there a way that this outcome be changed?
January 6, 2016
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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?

About The Future of America

We want to help restore America's original foundation in biblical Christian principles which made it the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world in a relatively short time but America has not reached it full potential. Ideas have consequences and they are passed on from generation to generation. To eradicate error, the moral and ethical principles of the Bible must be firmly established in the hearts and minds of each individual. If America is going to survive, its citizens must become re-acquainted with its history, heritage and biblical immovable principles and apply them once again to all areas of life. We hope this program will inspire and challenge you so together we can fulfill our responsibility before God and country to make the difference for our generation many generations to come.

About Nena Arias

Nena Arias

Is one of thirteen siblings; born, raised and educated in California. She was brought up in a Christian home, however her personal commitment to Christ happened at the age of seventeen which also included a simultaneous call to missionary work which she embraced with her whole heart. She answered this call and up until the present is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband, Ramon. Nena is an accomplished singer/minister and conference speaker. Her ministry for the last 40 years has taken her to several continents and nations such as, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Canada and all across the continental United States and Hawaii.

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