The Future of America

Nena Arias

Jesus' Perspective of Income Equality, Part 4

February 7, 2014
A free market is a market economy in which the forces of supply and demand are not controlled by a government or other authority, which would make it a monopoly. The other side of the coin is a materialistic economy which is best represented in our times.

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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?


Equality in these United States has been taken out of context and has been used to put people against employers and employees against employees. Not only in the area of wages but everything else. Equality was initially a social idea, which poses that each member of a given group has equal value or equal authority in certain things. Liberals have distorted the meaning of equality to include forced equal outcomes regardless of skill, experience and effort, as in racial quotas.
February 6, 2014
A country must adopt laws and institutions that make it possible for the division of labor to grow and flourish, as the United States did in the late eighteenth century. Or it can adopt laws and institutions that prevent the division of labor from growing and flourishing, as is the case in most of the world today, and as was the case everywhere for most of history.
February 5, 2014
We have been hearing much about the inequality of income. It would be funny if it wasn’t so destructively pathetic coming from those who are the loudest hypocritical proponents of this well-orchestrated political and economical manipulation by the elites, who are using the evil bankrupt social scam of class warfare in order to control and manipulate an ignorant society to empower and enrich their particular elite group. What knowledge does Jesus offer to help protect us from these predators?
February 4, 2014
America should never believe the big lie of "Separation of Church and State." There is nothing in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights that confirms such a monstrous lie. All the writings of the founding fathers confirm the opposite. To think that what Thomas Jefferson wrote in a private letter, which included the now famous “wall of separation” is being used to destroy Christianity by removing its influence from the public square.  It's a fairytale that is sadly effectively being used by humanists, atheists and socialist/Marxists. Sadly, most Christians believe it to be true also.
January 31, 2014
In light of Mayor Cuomo's anti Christian declaration that they are not welcomed in the State of New York, do you think the Jesus of the Bible would be received with open arms in light of that statement? Remember Cuomo claims to be Catholic and is supposed to be on the side of Jesus, or, is he?
January 30, 2014
Mayor Andrew Cuomo said pro-life, anti-gay and pro second amendment people are not welcome in New York State because their values are not who New Yorkers are.  What is God’s plan for His people? Does He want them to blend in with the ungodly cultural environment or to disciple it by means of transformation, reformation and rebuilding it with all of His Counsel as revealed in the instructions given in His Word?
January 29, 2014
"People confuse the effective selection of rulers  with the idea of democracy as a system of civil government. A government of individuals who represent the people (Moses before God) are the ones who retain the reins of government under God." --Winston Churchill.
January 28, 2014
Should Christians care about what Andrew Cuomo, Gov. of N.Y. State, declared when he said  “you do not belong in New York,” ? This is an honest statement against a considerable segment of the population that is not Democrat/ Leftist or Liberal progressives? The message Cuomo delivered to “extreme” conservatives is very clear when he stated: “Who are they? Right to life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that’s who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”
January 27, 2014
Seven “intellectuals” with twisted minds legalized the killing of babies in the mother’s womb and the infanticide in this nation alone is shocking!  The number of murdered children since 1973 is 57,029,654 and counting. Every day the number of babies who are deprived of their right to life are 1,766 and increasing every second. “You shall not kill,” is God’s moral law and no person, or nation has ever escaped the full impact of God’s judicial negative sanctions in history when innocent life is destroyed. America, your acceptance of this murderous law of January 22,1973 forever lives in nauseating disgrace!
January 24, 2014
Jesus was condemned by men to die unjustly; he rejected man’s centralized power and declared them usurpers of God’s sole authority. The early disciples once they understood the Sovereignty of God over all institutions they rejected the divinity of the state. The Cesar’s of Rome hated the Christians and they persecuted and executed them.  We must not be afraid or shy away from repercussions when we stand for God's truth.
January 23, 2014
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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?

About The Future of America

We want to help restore America's original foundation in biblical Christian principles which made it the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world in a relatively short time but America has not reached it full potential. Ideas have consequences and they are passed on from generation to generation. To eradicate error, the moral and ethical principles of the Bible must be firmly established in the hearts and minds of each individual. If America is going to survive, its citizens must become re-acquainted with its history, heritage and biblical immovable principles and apply them once again to all areas of life. We hope this program will inspire and challenge you so together we can fulfill our responsibility before God and country to make the difference for our generation many generations to come.

About Nena Arias

Nena Arias

Is one of thirteen siblings; born, raised and educated in California. She was brought up in a Christian home, however her personal commitment to Christ happened at the age of seventeen which also included a simultaneous call to missionary work which she embraced with her whole heart. She answered this call and up until the present is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband, Ramon. Nena is an accomplished singer/minister and conference speaker. Her ministry for the last 40 years has taken her to several continents and nations such as, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Canada and all across the continental United States and Hawaii.

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