The Future of America

Nena Arias

How Political Correctness Will Destroy Us, If We Allow It Part 3

January 7, 2019

What happens when God’s truth is honored and when we call evil what God calls evil and good what he calls good? In our previous program we mentioned that the political correctness mindset’s main aim is against God and his truth and values system. We briefly mentioned the example of King Josiah, the good king, and the contrast of his reign in comparison to the reign of king Manasseh, the evil king. We will continue to evaluate the actions of this good king.

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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?


The politically correct mindset has talked so much about rights we have lost sight of what is actually right. The truth is that we either choose darkness or light. Those are the choices. History leaves a trail, history leaves its mark either for good or ill. We must build our lives on things that are eternal but that begins to manifest while we are still here on earth. If we do not hold on to time tested principles we will believe anything.
January 4, 2019
There can be no doubt that America has developed a very aggressive cancer in its culture called “Political Correctness.” It has become a weapon of mass destruction because even just one person can destroy or override the rights and opinion of the majority if we let it. It is stronger than ever thanks to social media. When we take out God’s truth and perspective on things, whose opinion is better than others? What is the deciding factor? Who gets to decide?
January 3, 2019
Those of you who know about gardening know that a successful gardener must battle against weeds to enjoy the sweet fruit they desire, likewise, as believers in Christ we must constantly work to rid our lives of the “weeds” of our old sinful nature that want to choke out the work of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us the power we need to reject those old sinful desires as we exercise our will to not give into them. As we give the Spirit more control of our lives, he begins to do in and through us what only He can do - to shape us to look like Jesus.
January 2, 2019
The flipping of a calendar page makes no difference to God and the plan he is allowing to unfold on earth. God is not deterred by human events when it comes to his master plan for earth and humanity. I you believe in the God of the Bible, you understand the past and the present and who controls history. Using that as an indication, you have nothing to fear or be pessimistic about for this coming new year.
December 31, 2018
We cannot acquire salvation through good works. We do good works because we are saved in Christ Jesus and seek to imitate him in holy living as he exemplified. This holiness of God is the fire of God’s Word. Evil is only eradicated by holiness. Holiness introduces into society a seed that heals and transforms. Holiness is a way of life that involves commitment and action.
December 28, 2018
All of creation is guided by laws. The entire universe has laws that are fixed, otherwise it would be going haywire in every direction. The same is true of social living. We must have law and order to survive. Otherwise, we would live in anarchy, where everyone does what is right or convenient in their own eyes.
December 27, 2018
Probably the biggest blessing humans have been given by God is the free will. With it we can choose the best things that can happen to us to give us a true life of happiness and victory over everything here on earth and for eternity, or we can also choose the most destructive things that will lead to our death. Jesus came to give his life as a sacrifice for sins. Jesus's mission here on earth was revolutionary. Will you accept it?
December 26, 2018
Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here on earth? Where are we going? The true Christmas story reveals to humanity how God took the form of a mortal man to destroy the works of Satan and his fallen angels. And how through his earthly life manifesting wonders, and through his death exactly as had been prophesied in Isaiah 53, and in his resurrection he destroyed the power of sin and death.
December 24, 2018
Ladies and gentlemen, this downward spiritual spiral in America does not need to continue and there many already fighting to turn the tide before it is too late for our beloved country. Won’t you stand up and be counted among the ranks of those who are making a difference for the kingdom of God? I pray that you are a willing and obedient soldier in God’s army. He is counting on each of us to do the right thing. It is time to act!
December 21, 2018
At this point in this topic we are sharing how some people are resisting and fighting back against this downward spiritual spiral. Let us pray and do all we can to fight for truth and justice and leave the rest to our heavenly Father to make the calls. At the very least, we can go before his presence and he will know that we fulfilled our responsibility to his kingdom in our generation. Remember, good seeds never die.
December 20, 2018
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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?

About The Future of America

We want to help restore America's original foundation in biblical Christian principles which made it the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world in a relatively short time but America has not reached it full potential. Ideas have consequences and they are passed on from generation to generation. To eradicate error, the moral and ethical principles of the Bible must be firmly established in the hearts and minds of each individual. If America is going to survive, its citizens must become re-acquainted with its history, heritage and biblical immovable principles and apply them once again to all areas of life. We hope this program will inspire and challenge you so together we can fulfill our responsibility before God and country to make the difference for our generation many generations to come.

About Nena Arias

Nena Arias

Is one of thirteen siblings; born, raised and educated in California. She was brought up in a Christian home, however her personal commitment to Christ happened at the age of seventeen which also included a simultaneous call to missionary work which she embraced with her whole heart. She answered this call and up until the present is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband, Ramon. Nena is an accomplished singer/minister and conference speaker. Her ministry for the last 40 years has taken her to several continents and nations such as, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Canada and all across the continental United States and Hawaii.

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