The Future of America

Nena Arias

America's Culture of Envy is a Heavy Price to Pay Part 2

May 30, 2012

Do you think envy secures the rights and privileges of free people? Of course not, it enslaves people robbing them of any rights and privileges and makes them slaves to the State. The following is a quote from Noah Webster that also reflects the mindset of the Founding Fathers: "The Bible is the Chief moral cause of all that is good, and the best corrector of all that is evil, in human society; the best book for regulating the temporal concerns of men, and the only book that can serve as an infallible guide.

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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?


Most people do not pay attention to the power of envy.  A closer look at human behavior will shed plenty of light on the role envy has played to keep  nations in a precarious and decadent condition. A great percentage of Americans who go abroad are so glad for this country when they get back. For a moment they are grateful for the nation they inherited from the Pilgrims, Puritans and the Founding Fathers whether they understand it or not, they are very grateful because America is different, or, is it?
May 29, 2012
We want to express our appreciation for all soldiers who have laid down their lives to fight for our freedom. As believers there may be some unanswered questions in regard to war.  Such as, why do we need a Military?  Are wars biblical?  Do Christians have to obey their orders to kill their nation's enemies?  Is it biblical to be a conscientious objector and refuse to serve in the armed forces or bear arms on moral or religious grounds?  Did God break His own commandment "Thou shall not kill" when He ordered Israel to go to war? These are valid questions and believers in Christ should have biblical answers to each of them.
May 25, 2012
In the process of this cultural battle for the soul of our nation do not forget that Christ came to save the lost. Do not be hateful and abusive to homosexuals; that behavior sends the wrong message and will not win them to Jesus Christ. Remember your own salvation while you were a sinner Jesus’ love for you brought you to repentance.
May 24, 2012
If you are in a homosexual relationship and you want out, there is a way out. God is far greater than all your homosexual sins and He has made provision for your freedom. No one can heal you and deliver you from sin other than Jesus Christ. You can have a meaningful life free from your present  lifestyle. You can be set free from all guilt and emotional pain you have been carrying.
May 23, 2012
No document offers a better hope than the Bible. The Bible is the blue print for right living; the principles delineated are to be applied in all areas of life for success. God offers answers to all sinners and this includes homosexual men or women, it shows how they can find the way out if they so desire.  The solution is by placing faith in Jesus Christ who died on the cross to make humans free from the bondage of sexual sin that enslaves any person including the heterosexual.
May 22, 2012
From God’s Word we learn that God hates all forms of sexual immorality, absolutely all of it. So when evil behavior is signaled out, the one doing the signaling is only reiterating God's values; thus we are discipling the nations. The apostle Paul wrote his letters with instructions to the new Christians of his time in accordance with the great commission to disciple the nations; keep in mind that nations are made up of people. When people change from the inside out culture will change.
May 21, 2012
Homosexual men lusting after other men or homosexual women lusting after other women cannot be called natural affections; it is not the way God created human beings. Does God look kindly to homosexual activity? No, He hates homosexual activity; those actions are sinful and against His perfect will for humans who are created in His image and likeness. Does God only hate homosexual behavior? No, He hates all forms of sexual immorality, absolutely all of it.
May 18, 2012
We must address this issue regardless of how popular or negative the homosexual agenda may be. The only wise way to asses this behavior is not in accordance to who accepts it or rejects it,  we must go to the only source of Truth, The Word of God. It is not what you, others or I think say about people’s sexual preference it is what the Creator or designer of the human body and race has to say. It is God who must tell us what He thinks about the homosexual life style. To assume any thing less is an attempt to play at being god.
May 17, 2012
Is the world going insane? Yes it is because it has rejected the Creator and His order of things.  But God will not be mocked.  In due season He always has the last word. In regard to homosexuality, we must reject all form of irrational hatred toward homosexuals; though we empathize with those drawn to that lifestyle it is not given to us to change God's order clearly established. A disagreement of a critical behavior does not mean having a fear or hatred of it.
May 16, 2012
Marriage is an institution. Therefore, any proposition that could harm the institution of marriage must be dealt with the same standard of objective analysis that we give to any public policy question. Contrary to popular opinion, marriage is not just what a man and a woman decide to do in a private emotional decision. What they decide, and their success or failure has considerable impact on all of society. Rational analysis produces solid, objective reasons for rejecting same sex marriage.
May 15, 2012
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Cultural Legacy’s mission is to inform, motivate, and equip Christians and the American public to be pro-active in defending and implementing the biblical worldview on which our country was founded. Will you join us in this journey by remembering Cultural Legacy as part of your regular giving?

About The Future of America

We want to help restore America's original foundation in biblical Christian principles which made it the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world in a relatively short time but America has not reached it full potential. Ideas have consequences and they are passed on from generation to generation. To eradicate error, the moral and ethical principles of the Bible must be firmly established in the hearts and minds of each individual. If America is going to survive, its citizens must become re-acquainted with its history, heritage and biblical immovable principles and apply them once again to all areas of life. We hope this program will inspire and challenge you so together we can fulfill our responsibility before God and country to make the difference for our generation many generations to come.

About Nena Arias

Nena Arias

Is one of thirteen siblings; born, raised and educated in California. She was brought up in a Christian home, however her personal commitment to Christ happened at the age of seventeen which also included a simultaneous call to missionary work which she embraced with her whole heart. She answered this call and up until the present is actively involved in ministry alongside her husband, Ramon. Nena is an accomplished singer/minister and conference speaker. Her ministry for the last 40 years has taken her to several continents and nations such as, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Canada and all across the continental United States and Hawaii.

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